Stanced XUD Estate (IT'S ALIVEEEEahahaha)

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Stanced XUD Estate (IT'S ALIVEEEEahahaha)
will be interesting to see how this looks once it is on the car and sprayed up!
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Oh, forgot to mention, I have a feckload of proper t clamps and a ball and spring boost controller on the way too. More boost soon!
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Looks awesome. Love the bumper and grill :-)
Keep up the good work!
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Looks awesome great idea you had there.

Bumper mouth now looks like modern Peugeots mashoosive Smile
What you planning on filler the mouth with or is it just going to show of the fmic?
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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Just going to show off the fmic. The pipes rub slightly at the edge of the mouth so will allow extra clearance for a start. Also I don't like the fact that nothing major on the car is black, sons big black splitter at the front doesn't really "fit"
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Looks like birk on .net may be breaking his smooth estate. Same colour as yours! You need smooth stuff!
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Naw smooth stuff is too mainstream. Every man and his dog has smoothed a 306 now. Smoothing the bonnet and grille but I'm not into filling a car with filler
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Fair enough. I just love smooth lines Smile
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Looks epic mate, cant wait to see the finished product on the car! Smoothing the hockey sticks into the grill is a good call too.....its the little things like that that really make a difference! ThumbsUp
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I can see alot of copies of your bumper happening soon lol
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Somehow managed to miss the bumper update but i can imagine it looking epic!
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(02-07-2012, 06:11 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: I can see alot of copies of your bumper happening soon lol

That's fine. As long as you remember where you saw it first Wink
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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I have to say, i really really dislike the estate in its standard form. BUT.. you've made it look bootiful! Good eye for detail and that bumper looks great!
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Dturbo GT2259s build thread;

Daily driver; 330d Msport (doesn't blow up!)
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Loving the new bumper mate, Should look awesome when its done, I was trying to think of ways to do something similar to the rear bumper too.

So all is still working fine now then I take it?
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Aye mark I have a small fuel leak and a similarly small boost leak, got new clamps on the way and going to redo the fuel lines, after that should be tickety boo.

Oh forgot to say, booked a courier for your stuff, should be with you thurs
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Good to hear man, at least its working now!

No worries, I shall let you know when they land back with me Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

My flickr photostream -
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Someone's been a busy boy!

First and foremost though, the T-clamps I bought were the wrong size so I need to exchange them. Bit annoying but i'm working 8 of the next 9 days so no massive rush. Didn't fit the boost controller either as I figured with a boost leak there's no point using the controller.

I DID, however, throw in 20L of SVO just to see what would happen. Morrisons have 5L KTC sunflower oil for £5 at the minute so thought it would be rude not to! It has raised a few questions though. I know it's straight veg at the minute and idle is lumpy for the first 5 mins or so, and hesitant under acceleration when cold. Guessing this is just because it's too viscous when cold and straight?

When it's warmed up too the idle jumps up to 1krpm, with straight diesel it idles at 800rpm. Any ideas? Fuel screw is wound quite far and hot idle screw is backed right off. Cold idle cable isn't connected at the mo. Again, any idea why?

Anyway enough of that, cracked on with a couple of projects too. Centre vent boost gauge is completed after a mere 24 hours, just unhappy with the colour i chose as it turns out it's far too dark compared to the dash surround. Meh, will repaint one day.

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Crap pics sorry, didn't have batteries for the decent camera.

Also nearly finished the bumper. Started with a final skim of filler and battered on with the sanding, filler primer, white primer and finally layered on the gloss. Turning out ok for a first attempt and it's a decent finish especially considered it's rattle cans. Not 100% happy with the bumper as you can see where it's joined, especially at the edges at the wheel arches where it doesn't line up quite right. Lesson learned for next time though, never done this before!

Pics up

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Sanded and primered

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Then started applying the gloss

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And final coat for today, ready to polish when I get chance

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Not a bad finish for rattle cans. Saying that, at £14 per 400ml can, they're worth every penny. Halfords can suck my balls.

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Wonder where you got the idea for the vent Tongue you even have the same gauge as me Rofl

Bumper looks awesome, I want to see it on the car Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

My flickr photostream -
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Be interesting to see how that bumper looks once it's on.

Like this perhaps.

[Image: DSCF1982copy2.jpg]

Got really bored...

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[Image: DSCF1982copy5.jpg]
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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Gotta say Im not really much of a bodywork person myself (mainly because I FAIL at anything relating to it!) but I friggin love this thing, and am LOVING (despite the fact its gunna ground everywhere lol!) the front bumper idea..should be friggin win...Come and do mine! Its foooobarred!
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Funnily enough, c.a.r's pretty much spot on. Decent weather after work tonight so fitted the bumper at about 8pm in a rush, as you do lol

Old vs new, new is slightly shorter so should help with ground clearance. Maybe. Wonder how long it'll last?

[Image: IMG_0707.jpg]

BTW the colour doesn't match as you're looking at about 1k miles worth of dirt on the old vs brand spanking new paint. The car really needs polished, never did get round to finishing the paint correction as I got carried away with other things lol

And some shots of it fitted. Needs stick0rz but i'm pretty happy with it. Finish isn't too bad but I can see the odd spot i've not sanded properly. Meh, it'll be trashed in a week anyway lmao

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[Image: IMG_0710.jpg]

Oh and a couple of the new grille which is still to be painted, along with smoothing the bonnet. Not off work til Sunday though, boo Sad

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[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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Looks epic! Rear bumper needs something similar doing.
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Yea I was thinking the same rear looks to high now. But does look good.

Hope it does not get to damaged. I would love to do this but to many speed bumps and crap roads around here.
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How strong is the bumper now then? because i have a horrible imagine of you just scraping a speed bump and then it all falling apart
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Ehh... Not a clue mate. If it all falls apart then meh, you get used to those kinda things haha
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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trouble is now having a big grille like you have now i cant stop thinking that it need somethings big on show to fill it cant really judge how big the cooler is with it being darker or is this in the pipe line if the bumper holds up?
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
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Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse
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It's in the pipeline if I get boost leaks sorted and a gt2056.. Wink
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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hmmm interesting... im not sure if i like it or not! D:
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Maybe today's work will convince you otherwise Sam?

I move far too quickly by the way. I seem to wake up, decide I want to do something and then just do it. It's getting a bit ridiculous now :laugh:

Here's today's work

[Image: IMG_0723.jpg]


...maybe not. That was all thanks to this pleb's crazy idea.

[Image: IMG_0730.jpg]

So yeah, there's one bonnet for, erm, shows or something? Or whenever I fancy making a statement. Or visiting my parents lmao

Might notice something a bit different about it. If not, where have you been over the last 28 pages? Fibreglassed, skimmed and painted the bonnet today, along with the grille smoothed into the hockey sticks.

So yeah.

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Looks good. Not sure about the chrome pipes visible through the bumper, think everything would look better blacked-out.

Shame it's an estate really, would have looked really smart as a 3-door!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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