My other red rallye resto......

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My other red rallye resto......
Is you bottom pulley tight?
Wondering if the oil pump sprocket is not being clamped any more.
Later 6 engines had keyed oil pump sprockets, earlier engines are clamped by the bottom pulley being torqued correctly.

I've had this failure before
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If that were the case, wouldn't the oil pressure light have come on?
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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some fantastic progress here but sad to see you have taken a step back.
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(08-11-2015, 07:44 PM)Eeyore Wrote: some fantastic progress here but sad to see you have taken a step back.

Thanks bud. It's not the end of the world. Either new block or head or both, off we go again!

To be honest, I've already sourced a good engine locally and could have it in by the end of the week. However, I go into hospital Wednesday afternoon for some more heart surgery which will put me out for a week - 10 days....

Still, we achieved so much in the last couple of days. Really proud of how much we did and how quickly and how well she went on track today. So, so fast through the corners.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Oh man what a shitter, glad you've the enthusiasm to keep going with it and sort engine.

So frustrating after all the effort to get it mot'd and on track! Least you got a few laps out of it before it got into trouble.

All the best with your op too, take it easy on recovery Smile
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The oil pressure light would go out if you so much as sneezed down the oil filler - they're known to not come on until the engine is well and truly destroyed - they really need an oil pressure gauge in honesty.

Real shitter about that - as said, don't run it any more, you might be able to salvage something from it if it's not too bad!
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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(09-11-2015, 02:07 PM)Ruan Wrote: The oil pressure light would go out if you so much as sneezed down the oil filler -

the std oil pressure light switch is 5psi which is next to no protection at all.
on my new engine, ive fitted a second oil light set to 25 psi which just flicks when very hot at tickover and also an oil pressure gauge,for doubled protection
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Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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So, I confirmed it this afternoon. The bottom end is dead.... Started it up and for few seconds it rattled its tits off until it built some oil pressure. Rattles when revved but not on idle, also appears to have dropped a plug/coil as its missing.

Read the codes,got this lot.

[Image: IMG_20151109_165757718_zpsel6pwhsq.jpg]

Misfire on cylinder 1. It's deffo running on 3
Adaptation mixture control I've no idea
Canister purge vale circuit I've no idea either.

It has a slight misfire/was a little lumpy on idle anyway. Wonder if the coil/plug died completely....either way, the bottom end is dead. Not sure what would have caused it to go, I wonder if it was oil starvation... Odd in that I didn't get an oil pressure light on but perhaps I wouldn't have done.....

Still, could be worse I guess!!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Everything is repairable man. Just crack on. Smile
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Will be doing. Engine sourced already. Would have it done by the end of the week but hospital Wednesday is gonna put me out for a week - 10days....
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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still dont believe its the bottom end
il wait till the engines stripped Wink
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Why not Paul???

Im certain its not top end. No fault codes relating to cam position etc, runs and idles quiet quietly although doesn't like idling much.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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dropped a plug bent a valve maybe.....
low compression due to bent valve will sound like 3 cylinder running
i think it is to much of a coincidence that the belt was changed the day before now it rattles Wink

everyone said bottom end on mine was gone by listening to the video but it plastigauged up spot on to standard spec
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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It ran fine for a good hour on the track....and it got driven hard. I'd have thought if the belt was the issue, it would have shown up long before that...

Mine sounds different to yours. I should have got a video really. Rattles/knocks at start up for a few seconds, then goes quiet. Makes the same noise when revved.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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i do hope you are going to strip this engine to see what is up Smile

track time at FCS was hard on mine but it didnt make a noise on the way home parked it up then started it next day and the noise was there.....i drove it for a few days it got louder then i pulled it before killing it
the cam belt in mine was no more than at a high estimate 14000 it went to the ring and several action days + FCS 4 hour session
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Definitely going to strip it and see if I can see what's wrong.

Getting a new engine in the mean time though. The plan with this kind was to get it sorted and move it on and make a few £££. That's still the plan!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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I don't know how you get everything done so quickly, I seem to be waiting on postage, people or time when I've tried similar projects lol!

Shame about the engine but that doesn't seem to have slowed you down either!
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Having two great mates, one of whom owns a tyre unit with a two post lift and the other who works for the first mate as mechanic helps. Massively. Living half an hour from Carl Grimsley (Mr Mechanical Repairs) also helps as he seems to have this never ending pile of whatever parts you need.....

However, what I have discovered, is that cars are nowhere near as difficult or complex as you think. I've done most of the work on this one myself, other than the cambelt and welding as I don't have either of those skills, yet.. The more you take them apart, the more you see they are relatively simple and not things to be scared of.

Onmly thing that's going to slow me down at the minute is this bloody operation. Not being able to do anything is going to drive me insane, knowing I've a broken Rallye to fix....
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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(09-11-2015, 11:27 PM)Ben_w Wrote: However, what I have discovered, is that cars are nowhere near as difficult or complex as you think. I've done most of the work on this one myself, other than the cambelt and welding as I don't have either of those skills, yet.. The more you take them apart, the more you see they are relatively simple and not things to be scared of.

i agree on this i bought mine needing a lot of work some has gone through a garage of friends, but most of the later stuff i have done myself
i think it helps being a second car as you can take your time and learn along the way without worrying about how your getting to work monday
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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(09-11-2015, 11:27 PM)Ben_w Wrote: Tom,

Having two great mates, one of whom owns a tyre unit with a two post lift and the other who works for the first mate as mechanic helps. Massively. Living half an hour from Carl Grimsley (Mr Mechanical Repairs) also helps as he seems to have this never ending pile of whatever parts you need.....

However, what I have discovered, is that cars are nowhere near as difficult or complex as you think. I've done most of the work on this one myself, other than the cambelt and welding as I don't have either of those skills, yet.. The more you take them apart, the more you see they are relatively simple and not things to be scared of.

Onmly thing that's going to slow me down at the minute is this bloody operation. Not being able to do anything is going to drive me insane, knowing I've a broken Rallye to fix....

Ah yes, it's always who you know!! Smile When I started doing these things I didn't know anyone in the trade well enough to ask favours. And when I did ask a couple of local car people they weren't really interested. It's been useful knowing Bash this year though. Wink

Parts is something I always struggle with, partly because I'm tight and don't like paying ebay prices and daft amounts for fast delivery, but also I seem to find there's not 'XXX' around when I need one but loads shortly after I've overpaid for the first one I saw. lol

I totally agree about cars not being difficult, I was never really into cars as a kid, think I remember my Grandad showing me how to check a dipstick, and my Dad showing me how to zero the odometer lol, I know a lot of people on here have gained their skills and knowledge from their parents but that's not something I had. In fact I never thought I'd be able to drive, I was terrified of taking driving lessons when I'd been bought some for my 17th. Then owning an old 306 and having a couple of bad experiences with garages made me want to fix them myself. With the 306 forum and the college course I did, realised they weren't complicated at all, it's all just nuts and bolts at the end of the day! Then I modified a diesel Golf as part of my college project which interested people as I had the only diesel on the course lol, but that came to a sudden demise, which wasn't a bad thing as I broke it for parts...learnt so much breaking the complete car and stripping it to a bare shell, would recommend it to anyone that has the chance to do that! Even the electrics aren't complicated, get bored of hearing how scary and unreliable modern cars's all just wires and sensors lol, only complicated part is the ECU!

Good luck with the op are easy, humans not so much. Smile
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Absolutely bored silly not being able to get on with this. Wanted it finished by now....

Be about a days work to swap the engine over. Old one out, swap over all the ancillaries and then back in...then nice got to attack the roof and boinnet with the sander ready for paint...and all I can do right now is nothing!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Must seriously suck man! Hope it all went well though!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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They tell me they think they've nailed it this time Matt......I bloody hope so
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Right.....time for an update!

Got fed up with the rallye sitting doing nothing and to be honest I could do with the cash so I need to get it sorted and moved on.

Today, the plan was to get to the engine out. Got to my mates place, did a couple of tyres for him on some cars, then cracked on at about 10:30. As expected, every single bolt I needed to undo on the front was rusty, crusty and a general pain in the arse. Needed up drilling two of the three bolts that hold the finger supports on the bottom of the bumper to the cross member off....eventually by about 12:30, the front end was off.....

[Image: IMG_20151208_121530609_zpsty6fqagc.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20151208_121524265_zps8ms3behn.jpg]

Then took the car into the unit and started on getting the engine out. Driveshafts out, disconnected everything else, hooked up to the crane and then undid the mounts....tilt on end, lift a bit and out it came. Result. Properly pleased. Fisrt engine removal on my own I've done.

[Image: IMG_20151208_153956774_zpsnotwoj6g.jpg]

Engine clearly seen better days...looks to be leaking oil front and back, from around the head area on the back. I'll get some pics up of that in a bit.

Took the old rear beam apart the other day. I say took it apart.... I mean smashed it apart. Only way I could was to well the trailing arms with a sledgehammer. Stub axles were so seized in the beam tube I knocked the arms off the stubs before the stubs even though about coming out of the axle tube!!!


[Image: IMG_20151204_134815572_zps1frsuqqx.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20151204_121833313_zpsu4bchopu.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20151204_122002712_zps1lhstczf.jpg]

Beam tube went in the bin.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Good to see you cracking on again man! Hope youre feeling a bit better now after the hospital. Seen a few beams like that now. Good ones are getting thin on the ground to be fair.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Thanks bud. Yeah, a month on and all is good. The odd Palpitations you get after that kind of op have stopped which is good. Back to the gym and football in the new year. Want to loose a load of weight now the heart is finally fixed!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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OK, probably the last update to this project......its pretty much finished, at least with me.

Took the engine out of my other Rallye yesterday in less than an hour. Then stuffed it back into this one. By5pm last night, the engine and driveshafts were back in, fuel lines connected, electricals connected...

Just a few more to finish this morning and then turned the key...fired straight up. Ran for a second or two then i turned it off. Awesome. Then got onto reconnecting the exhaust, fitting the rad and fans, then filling with coolant, refilling the power steering fluid and gearbox oil. Started up again and let it idle and get warm. Bled the coolant system, got hot air in the cabin, cycled the power steering, then drove her off the ramp.

Clutch felt nice and light, engine smooth and quiet. Actually drives better than before I think.

So now the hard part....time to sell her. Become very attached to this one, not sure why but it was never my plan to keep it.....needs to go though.

So, project done. Done quite a lot in a short time and pleased with how much I've learnt and how far I've come working in the 306. Best get my other one done now then....
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Started the strip down of the 'dead' engine. Coil pack cover off and this is the first thing I find...

[Image: IMG_20151218_155226505_zpshijbnrh3.jpg]

Certainty explains the misfire. Metal clip that holds the two bits together is are the clips on another two connection.

Wondering now if I need to strip it any more.....timing is OK, turns over by hand fine...
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Stick a compression tester on it, then go from there. You could always plug in an ecu and stick a gearbox/starter on it and run it up on the floor..
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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You swapped a motor without even trying to diagnose the fault!? you utter legend! Big Grin
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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