SRowells Diablo 1.8 - Jenvey 45s & OMEX600

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SRowells Diablo 1.8 - Jenvey 45s & OMEX600
(03-06-2015, 10:02 AM)welshpug Wrote: does your xu7 have a twin outlet rear water manifold thingy?  as the alloy block ones dont interchange to the iron block as the bolts are laid out differently.

We have got one bolt in for that at the moment but havent got the second one in yet. We could work out of they were different or not. They look extremely similar. Any suggestions of how to do it if it doesnt bolt up?

So... last night tom came over and we cracked on.... rear disks on...

[Image: IMG_20150603_173225_zpsmwypbgbv.jpg]

thermo stat housing swapped. Few holes in different places but sensors and theromstat swapped over no problems. Be sure not to break the plastic elbow when removing.

[Image: IMG_20150603_181745_zpsbdhw0dbc.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20150603_181752_zpsh58vikik.jpg]

as you can see the xs vs gti6 cooling pipes are completely different. The top xs one has a 180 rubber bend that sits on the gti6 manifold and will melt if driven. So these need to be swapped over...

[Image: IMG_20150603_195004_zpsi0tfw79z.jpg]

The GTI6 thermostat housing is also different and sees to have a second pipe which bypasses the heatermatrix.

[Image: IMG_20150603_195530_zpsqfgvya31.jpg]

didnt have a gasket here but there is one there now...

[Image: IMG_20150603_195534_zpsfcbobahb.jpg]

So lots to do:

Rearrange Subframe
Fit clear cooling pipes
Fit heater matrix pipes
Fit gear linkages
Front Brake Discs
Fit OEM top mounts to coilovers
Polish wheels and get tyres put on including valves and balancing
Fit Exhaust
Fit interior
Wire Speedo
Full Service
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Looks like the gti6 water pipes should fit...
"The car is back on its wheels again now but the there are a few teething issues with the water hose that goes from the back of the water pump to the metal tube that runs behind the block. There is a rubber hose that joins the two which loops out and is in the way of the manifold. I have a Gti6 water outlet and metal tube so I think I'll see if that fits, On servicebox it says they both use a 42mm 'O' ring and are held on with two bolts."
"Matt brings up a good point actually that's very easy to forget. The water pipes on the 1.8 are a different shape to those on a GTi6 and actually touch the manifold. There are a few solutions, you could fit GTi6 water pipes (bit of a PITA), you could cable-tie the heater pipes away from the manifold (surprisingly effective!) Or heat-wrap the heater pipes.

The GTi6 also has a piece of tinfoil (ok, it's a heatshield) protecting the brake lines / bulkhead from the manifold heat."
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Right... So... Cooling system is plumbed back in. Gti6 elbow doesn't fit so we have cut down the 180 Bend on the 1.8 pipes which now clears the manifold by 10mm.

Fitted the matrix pipes. Put the xs thermostat housing jack on. Fitted the front brake discs... Topped up with water and started bleeding the system and then the neighbours complained and had a massive go so that was it for the night.

Really can't be arsed any more... Its jot how I want it to be for front of stand. Doubt it'll make it there. If it does make it then I'll see you all very late in the evening...
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That sucks donkey dick, why are the neighbours complaining?

Hope you can make it while it's still daylight. Worst case scenario there's always the rallye Smile
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Tell them to eat dick! They're just upset they have nothing like this

You can do it though, I believe in you!
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(04-06-2015, 09:12 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: That sucks donkey dick, why are the neighbours complaining?

Hope you can make it while it's still daylight. Worst case scenario there's always the rallye Smile

The rallye doesnt have a working engine and it has no Mot and the rear beam has more camber than the leaning tower of piza. 

Worst case scenario is I have to passenger with bates. Wont bother with the saab as the steering is broken. Its hard and all notchy.

We had been working from 6 till 8.45. We started the car up at 8.15 to bleed the system. Clearly didnt appreciate the noise. I had 9pm as a cut off time for noise in my head. He just keeps coming out like every hour and doing a lap of his drive to see what we are doing then he finally had a go. My dad has already been over and had words but this time he didnt care what me or my dad had to say. Just went full out rage and said he wanted to talk to the property owner... who happens be my 97yo gran... who would obviously tell me to get rid of the cars to avoid any confrontation... 

He just said I dont want you working here. This isnt your drive way....

so.... it is my driveway. we arent making abnormal amounts of noise.... we have promised the estate will be scrapped so are obviously working with him not against him. Maybe he is just sad he is old and dying and has nothing better to do in life. If all I was worried about was my friendly neighbours working on their own cars as a hobby... then life would be sweet.
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Sounds like my next door c*nt I feel for you especially when your so close to finishing
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Sounds a right douche! 

Get up real early and start bleeding it again Wink 

IIn all seriousness though hope you do make it, doesn't sound too far to go now if you're at the stage of putting fluids back in! 
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Have you considered starting keeping a record of his behavior if you are confident you are doing nothing wrong and then maybe speaking to the police. I'm not sure it's enough for harassment but his behavior shouldn't be stopping you enjoying your (your nans) house.

Think you have alot more patience than I do, If that was one of my neighbors they'd of had a very short answer and then been told to leave.
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Tbf it probably was a bit late to be starting a TB'd 1.8 without an exhaust. But he was blatantly just waiting for an excuse to have a go!! Rolleyes Annoying though as there wasn't much noise before that and he cant even see us from his window, so it wouldn't have affected him if he didn't keep coming out to check...

Back on topic though, I'm sure this will get finished in time, it's so close, just finishing off now really! Smile
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I'd personally ignore the guy until he get so pissed off he ll ring the police/get somone with half a brain cell to try and get you to answer at that point you can then explain to them.

You doing nothing wrong obviously just old people being old and "you can't do that" "that didn't happen in my day" stype of person.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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(04-06-2015, 10:20 PM)7057sam Wrote: I'd personally ignore the guy until he get so pissed off he ll ring the police/get somone with half a brain cell to try and get you to answer at that point you can then explain to them.

You doing nothing wrong obviously just old people being old and "you can't do that" "that didn't happen in my day" stype of person.

yeh I know I dont really care. The problem is that they arent really my neighbours to piss off. Otherwise id have a decent arguement with them.

Just had a quote from elephant of £609.50 for the year. Paid the 130 tax. Hopefully I can pay the insurance monthly and cancel after a month.

Got it down even more. Added modifications and it became cheaper and flux direct would insure it for £561.69!
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neighbours are a pain in the bastard arse! i am waiting for complaints about the new exhaust i have just put on!
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So havent updated this since last week so here is how the last three days have been....

Sam Bates came over at 9.30. We refitted the subframe and front calipers, topped up the gearbox oil, refitted the rear cooling pipes and fitted the heater matrix pipes. We came back to mine for lunch and got some insurance. JJ sorted this out and Flux managed it for £480 TPFT and DAC FC for a bit extra. Pizza eaten we returned to the car to fit the exhaust which wouldnt fit as it kept collapsing around the cat. Drove to the exhaust centre without an exhaust and they werent impressed with the noise and smoke pluming from the engine bay as the heat wrap burnt off. Anyway 20 minutes later they had it fitted and only charged £15 and wished us the best of luck getting to FCS. Also got a tyre fitted and balananced.

We went back to grans to park the saab, tidy up and pack the tools we had been using. By this time it was about 5 so we drove back to mine and packed camping gear. Sam got back in his 6 and we convoyed to his so he could pack. We were on the road by 7. Only a few stops on the way to combe and we arrived at 11.30. A drunk pebbles, Niall, Grant and Steve "Helped" to setup the tent. Unfortunately the elastic had snapped in the poles so we had to piece them together. Tent setup and time for bed.

The first night was terrible. Didnt get to sleep until 2am. Some we presume welsh guys in the tent behind us kept snoring. I woke sam up and told him to shut up... only for the snoring to continue. So we both sat awake most of the night. Come 6am it was obviously time to start warming saxos and 106s up on the red line. It was super cold so we jumped out of bed and ran to the shower. Super warm shower.... until it went cold... and then on and off... and then just off.... obviously with a break in proceedings I put shower gel all over me... only for the shower to never come back on. So i had to rub all the gel off with my towel... which only lathered it up... before eventually getting it off. Back at the tent we stripped the car out.

[Image: 11407013_481528765331079_640106782326210...9hijwi.jpg]

Cars on stand. Interior screwed back in. Took the car for sound check which it passed. Hold the revs at 4.5k... man laughed when the rev counter didnt work. Parked over at the side and did a full bolt check of the car. Other interior bits went into Bashs estate for safe keeping. Snuck in the essential pre-track poo too.

Queued up for track. First out was Fooby. Second out was Bash, Third out was Ginge, Fourth out was Tom. Car went super well on track and was eating up some 106s and 205s which made a change from being the slowest thing. Obviously got no confirmation as to whether the gti6 manifold has helped but it sounds amazing and car feels a lot more responsive. Everyone enjoyed their passenger rides as far as Im aware and send pretty much the same thing; terrible back end and tyres but heroic lines. Only had the Rainsport 2s on as there wasnt enough time to get the fondmetals and ps2s ready before leaving. Unfortunately I did get rovertaken by Steve but it wasnt far off. Definitely battling it out and holding its own against Bates, Cully and Piggy. Tyres were let down from 35 to 27. Probably could have gone lower. The back end was stupidly floppy but it was strangely predictable. Brakes were alright but making a strange grinding noise now. Ned to investigate that.

[Image: 11427170_481527765331179_215875929051523...vgwfc4.jpg]

[Image: 11393092_481527958664493_635676768807004...qaqzh4.jpg]

[Image: 1480782_481527968664492_1447732602519803...lsqzjz.jpg]

[Image: 11415448_481527998664489_547819198831373...6bjhh5.jpg]

Back off track I was able to walk around quickly for a bit of gopro footage gathering which should hopefully go into the club video. We also had 306oc dodgems and teacups which was great fun and ive got some great footage. Went to sit up at quarry with bash sam and piggy however it was stupidly windy and track time was over. Didnt see any drifting all day as we were so busy. Came back to the stand and the prizes were dished out. Somehow I won one of the three prizes so thankyou to everyone who voted for the 1.8. Im sure it was more the story and the effort behind it rather than the car itself! No excuse not to clean it now.

[Image: 11334037_1621593968086308_74805313358709...ikursk.jpg]

People headed off or went for the hog roast which left several of us going to a pub a few miles away. It was a good crowd of 12 of us and the food was well needed. Obviously after surviving the 200 mile drive and 2 hours of track time the 1.8 decided to drop its coolant all over the car park. After food we fixed this so thanks to piggy for the water and cully for the jubilee clip... and to everyone else for the not-so-stealth bumming.

Camping for the second night was full of banter and we went on the rock city ride which was good fun. Came off and just queued up again which was great. People went to sleep a lot earlier and got up a lot earlier. It was a lot less rowdy but still bloody freezing.

Second day was standard parking on stand, waiting for food, parade laps. Matt decided to let sians mate drive his megane after once we were coming into the pitlane. I was directly behind and she bunny hopped it 3 times. I started off some beeping which everyone else joined in with. Hella-embarassing for her! Think even the track staff were having a little giggle!

Whilst loaning my jack and stands out to multiple people and then to the scottish gti6, Niall and Grant changed some ECU settings and bled the car up again. We said goodbye, packed up and left for home. Epic road convoy with Niall with a bit of filming along the way. Split with Niall and Grant at the M25 and had some bwarps through the tunnels with bates before stopping at services to swap the tent into my car and give my arse a break from bucket seats. Split with Sam and got home.

All in all I am extremely happy and proud of what we have achieved. A massive thanks to Bash, Tom and Sam who all helped build the car two weeks before FCS. I was worried about making it there so was very happy that I did my track time and got home! Its a great car, rough and rugged that needs to be tidied up but I think its now time to grow up and make the upgrade to the Rallye. Hopefully this will be around for the rest of the year and maybe make another appearance on track.
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Thanks for the passenger ride - you were driving like an absolute hero the whole way round, within the very last few % of the tyres and suspension for sure.

You really know the limits of the car as it is, and deffo get the most out of it.

Those rainsports are comical on track, can just feel the sidewalls folding over, and the back end also feels pretty soggy, but tbf didn't put you off much
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Second that. You successfully made me hit the imaginary brake.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Definitely going to miss this car and you do drive crap out of it lol

I'll always remmber the drift car we passed at action day ,was probably one of the best passes ever Big Grin

Got you a few times on braking and out of quarry and camp but couldn't touch you in the bends and watching you drift the back end out was hilarious lol
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Cheers guys. Bates that will be the 266s! Definitely something wrong with them now.

In other news its still losing water and its out of the bottom passenger side of the rad so looks like ill be buying a new rad for this, putting it on and then be putting it on the rallye in the future.
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I thought this was done with?
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(09-06-2015, 11:26 AM)lolsteve Wrote: I thought this was done with?

its going to be a gti6 rad with a blank for the oil cooler. Will be going on the rallye once its time to make the swap...
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Seems like effort if you're just going to rip it back out. Why not just radseal or some putty stuff to bodge her back together
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(09-06-2015, 11:35 AM)lolsteve Wrote: Seems like effort if you're just going to rip it back out. Why not just radseal or some putty stuff to bodge her back together

Why would I bodge an otherwise perfect car? You must be joking thinking Id bodge something.
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(09-06-2015, 11:35 AM)lolsteve Wrote: Seems like effort if you're just going to rip it back out. Why not just radseal or some putty stuff to bodge her back together

Because its not a rover..
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sounds like you had a good time there srowell, are you still going to run this until the new shell is sorted out? or you just going to dismantle this now?
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Jesus this looks better on Clones.

I have to be honest I've gone right off the 'Metals!
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(10-06-2015, 01:50 PM)procta Wrote: sounds like you had a good time there srowell, are you still going to run this until the new shell is sorted out? or you just going to dismantle this now?

Its got MOT till november and lots to sort on the rallye before I swap over the goodies that render the 1.8 useless.

Needs a bit of lowering Big Grin

[Image: IMG_20150609_174001_zpshbqvbtl6.jpg]
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Beautiful car !!!

Here in Brazil this model is called "PASSION".

It was very good the back cover without the Peugeot symbol.
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Few more photos have appeared on facebook so going to post them below...

[Image: 1908097_1006680832678100_396512508592612...bowzyh.jpg]
[Image: 11407140_1003526999660150_86923828364446...jsafcz.jpg]
[Image: 11407068_1006682482677935_32165854685324...gthotp.jpg]
[Image: 11391436_10205412720809930_3983804432283...uazhcd.jpg]

Looks really good in photos!
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MOT runs out November 8th
Tax runs out December 1st.

Looks like this will be making PFC expo as its last show!
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days are numbered.

onwards and upwards
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