The Racetractor. The End.

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The Racetractor. The End.
I actually love this car an epic all rounder Smile

ohhh also theres a old school 2.1 xantia I think defo a Citroën any way with a ally inlet only ever seen the plastic ones may be of use to you ?
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Did the cold intake make any improvements ?
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(17-07-2014, 08:27 AM)ash23 Wrote: I actually love this car an epic all rounder Smile

ohhh also theres a old school 2.1 xantia I think defo a Citroën any way with a ally inlet only ever seen the plastic ones may be of use to you ?


Super tricky to find those....where is it??

(17-07-2014, 09:23 AM)kelvsere Wrote: Did the cold intake make any improvements ?

Undecided duno what you mean pal...its always had a cold intake?!
Wishes for more power...
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As above, i'll fight piggy to get my hands on an ally inlet

They are supposed to be smaller so there might be a chance of getting a strut brace on.
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next time im there ill see if its still there. its up a local small scrap yard tho not a breakers so it may not be there when I go up saturday but being a small pla e he stacks loads of cars to make a good load worth while
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(17-07-2014, 02:03 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: As above, i'll fight piggy to get my hands on an ally inlet

They are supposed to be smaller so there might be a chance of getting a strut brace on.

bugger off...its mine Tongue

we all know you aint guna stick with this car...heck you're trying to buy Jonnys estate let the inlet go to the better car Tongue

oh and thanks darling for the arch roller...gave it a bash on the front wings today...hope that solves the tyres being grated!!
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just for any more reference, that clutch is my old one... I did around 600 miles of bedding it in with stop/start driving which is what CG recommend and i an definitely confirm that its done over 2000 miles. I'll admit , at first the clutch was a bit juddery when setting off but that was it and then when bedded in it was perfect and held nearly 300ft lbs for about 3 months before i sold the car onto a lad i know (not Danny).
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Hi Lewis...done 'over 2000miles' many then chap?
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Surely there is something up with the part itself

If its down to the rivets on one side of the friction plate, but not the other?
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I had the same issue with my paddle clutch from cg. I dunno how many miles i ended up doing on it but would guess about 3000 miles. When i took it out 1 side was down the the rivets and had scored the pressure plate

[Image: 716585F5-37C5-4E64-8F1D-76C28D2E8BC9_zpsptcxpuv3.jpg]

[Image: 96DC2141-444E-463D-BD30-ACC00146DE6B_zpsms8oramm.jpg]
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ahhh thats interesting frosty.....almost identical issue
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*not done over 2000 miles I meant to say , I literally bedded it in then sold the car shortly after. Then about a week later my mate pranged it like a bumhole.
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weird. Maybe this is why CG have changed their materials they are now using.......unfortunately it results in higher pricing, but if its for a good thing then its good I guess.
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with an hour or two surfing and reading, now have all the wiring references needed for the VNT/Arduino loom.

Got conduit etc through post today, so will begin making a loom/ecu box/fitting sensors.

NO IDEA on the Arduino the idea what to do with it!! lol!
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Dude I whatsapped you yesterday, I found somewhere local to make a M16 banjo to M10 banjo braided line. burst pressure of over 6 bar and suitable for engine oil and he reckons about £25. Do you want one made too?
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with a mock loom....very ropey....and a lot more googling and reading, managed to use hyperterminal to connect to the UNO board. Used Arduino system itself to upload the program then hyper to see it live and working/edit values etc.

Got it running and to read TPS/MAP, unsure if its reading the GT101 for obvious reasons.

This would all take Ruan or Tom about 3mins, while half asleep, but its taken me weeks...and I yelped with happiness when I saw on me laptop that it was working!! The little LCD screen is lighting up, can change contrast with the pot' but not getting anything on the LCD at any point, so hoping Ruan will help there, along with changing values to suit sensors.

Next step is to finish the voltage control board to give the Arduino its required 5v/sensors 5v etc. Then get the sensors in place in engine bay, do a loom, and run some tests.

Plan is to have the N75 with a vac can setup, without the GTB, get it running right before actually dropping the GTB in. Hoping this way, I can at least get it running before dropping in the GTB. Then Ruan can come do his magic with fine tuning the mapping. The BOOM! We will find that the 2.1 likes holes in its block! haha!

oh and must get that CG paddle clutch in too!

but progress made Smile

(19-07-2014, 03:09 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Dude I whatsapped you yesterday, I found somewhere local to make a M16 banjo to M10 banjo braided line. burst pressure of over 6 bar and suitable for engine oil and he reckons about £25. Do you want one made too?

hi pal...

no smartphone at the moment, just normal texting!!

6 bar enough? If so, yeah, I'll have one! Smile

good find bud Smile
Wishes for more power...
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Awesome progress dude, proper happy for you. If you think your struggling with it i'd be worse, this is why I went mechanical control.
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I am determined, but every little issue/step which would be nothing to someone like Ruan and take him 2seconds, takes me an hour of reading/getting my head round something to do it!!

Im amazed its even working as it is on my lounge carpet!!!
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Got my "power board" built this evening...back cramps and eye pains and all with concentrating so much...feel so silly when its something so simple!

But I have two identical circuits on the board, 12v reg to a 5v reg. One 5v supply for the arduino board, one 5v supply for the sensors, hoping that having two separate 5v feeds will help reliability.

Next is getting my head round "FEt"s....hmmm...not simple. Then finish the N75 control side of the board.

Got vacuum hose and a t piece on order, couldnt find some anywhere, so went for some blue stuff to start colour coding the bay Smile Smile Smile
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You know that I can help you with the arduino. . . just ask
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Fair play mate getting your head around stuff like that lol It takes me time as well, I feel I normally can have around 1-2 hours concentration then I just feel like I'm reading for the sake of it and nothing is going in lol

Then get overly chuffed when I understand and relate things Big Grin stick at it though Smile
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(19-07-2014, 11:38 PM)Lwilliams Wrote: Fair play mate getting your head around stuff like that lol It takes me time as well, I feel I normally can have around 1-2 hours concentration then I just feel like I'm reading for the sake of it and nothing is going in lol

Then get overly chuffed when I understand and relate things Big Grin stick at it though Smile

This piggy Smile
[Image: siggy1.jpg]

the smokey old bus that sounds like a tractor...
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Good work mate! Love that you're learning so many new skills whilst building this! Envy your determination!
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(19-07-2014, 11:31 PM)akuma406 Wrote: You know that I can help you with the arduino. . . just ask

yeah thanks mate...

a lot gets lost in translation mind...but I do appreciate what you have sent me diagrams wise, been a huge help ThumbsUp
Wishes for more power...
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Its wrong to assume I got mine working in half a day matey - a hell of a load of bench testing, live testing, and god knows how much fail before it even came close to functioning properly.

Go back through my thread, you can see how close I was to sacking it all in.

But you don't learn anything unless you try, so keep at it.

Like I've said before, if you don't know how something works, build a very simple test circuit just for that component and some test code for the arduino. Get used to how it functions on its own. Then build your complete system up bit by bit.

You really need to get to grips with programming the arduino, start with the samples, do an led blink test, or an lcd 'hello world' - work through it and build up your knowledge of the basics.
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Schemes need no translation Smile
If the translation is very bad. I'm trying.
See if zxvolcane helps with arduino, which is our teacher Wink
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thanks guys...

It is the arduino which is really going to be my 'brick wall' in this marathon so to speak.

I know it took you some time Tom, but what takes you a week is likely to take me a year, I'm a thick morron!

Its the coding I simply have never done before....but one way to find out if I can make it work!!! How did you bench test the map sensor...using a pump?! And I cant think how to bench test the GT101 RPm!?
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dude, the arduino is a piece of piss to program, compared to something like c+, ansi c or hex - people wanting to get into micro controllers never had it so easy

what other programming language can you write thing like >

lcd.write"how easy is this thing to program" - and have it come straight up

There is a huge support online for it too, and it was developed specifically to be easy and intuitive to get projects up and running.

Seriously, enough with the its too hard for me nonsense, take a deep breath and start at the beginning. You've got an arduino, some sensors / components, a bread board and a computer of some sort - go forth and build something easy first. You could get a digital boost gauge up and running in minutes for example, would let you get familiar with your map sensor AND your voltage regs.

The worst thing you can do is try and get somebody else program to work without any experience in programming yourself - it'll be a nightmare.

Now off you go, and I don't want to see a post on this thread unless its pics of some fancy lcd boost gauge and a load of wires on breadboard
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ok........ sorry Confused

I do need to do a lot more reading mind....IE, the programming sounds simple, but I wouldnt even know where to type "lcd.write "you're a noob"" to get it to work. Let alone doing my own programming for a digital boost gauge! What you say will take me minutes...will take me hours, seriously! But I will try Smile

I'm not after sympathy...just asking for patience! Tongue Smile
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I thought you were gonna have your new turbo up and running before me. I'm gonna win if your not careful.

Also if you need to go do some reading then what are you doing here? f*ck off and go read!
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