SRowell's Stage 1 Diablo HDi Estate

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SRowell's Stage 1 Diablo HDi Estate
Nice rat look rear arch Sam! lol

Boost guage and amp are looking good though. Big Grin
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(27-12-2012, 12:15 AM)SRowell Wrote: Got bored tonight so I finished up the last of my sticker bomb book! Completely finished the book as I had completely covered the steering wheel coweling. Not to some peoples taste but I already have some stickerbombed bits. Hopefully itll look alright once fitted!

[Image: IMG_20121226_234219.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20121226_234231.jpg]

i would stop spending money on sticker bomb books and get yourself a decent foot stool. Doh
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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It's a piano stool. It normally lives in the other living room but we had to put it in the main living room because we needed more chairs.

Plan for today is to put the seats back in. I was looking at keywords and li 5x7" speakers for the boot and half orcs have the flis in stock for the cheapest I found online. I'll go pick them up. Probably not as good as the keywords but they are cheaper, I can get them now and my fli comp6s I had in the front weren't bad! £30 so ill pick those up soon!
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Seats are back in! I did go to swap them but the 1.8 seats dont have side airbags in. All conditioned and vacuumed the floor under the seats. Didnt have time to fit my comp6s or the lower centre console. Im off to Liverpool tomorrow So ill quickly put in the boot floor tomorrow to stop road noise and Ill do the rest of the work next weekend.

Dimming Mirror
FLI Comp6s
FLI 5x7" speakers in the boot.
Fit boot plastics etc

Halfords had FLI 5x7s for £30 so I went as they had some in stock at my local. Got there and there were none on the shelf. Asked the woman to go look in the back. She brought back a 5" set. I said they were the wrong ones. She said we only have one in stock. They must be the display models. I said there were none on display as they had 5" 6.5" and 6x9". She just said 'oh well' and I walked out. Completely useless!

I also put the sticker bombed sun visors from the 1.8 in. Lots of stickerbombing! D: I wont be doing any more! Ill probably remove the steering wheel coweling stickers as they arent great and are quite creased. All though people have commented on it a lot!
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Went to the scrappers today to look at a 406 but apparently it wasnt theirs. I did however find a 306 in the yard. 5 door phase 2.5 provence blue. So today I got:

Silver Dash - some bastard ruined it with a screwdriver but Ill filler it and respray it to go in the 1.8.
Wing mirror Covers - Spares to make more tweeter pods if i cant find my current ones.
Clock and Temp - Came with the dash.
Map Light surround and all lights and sensor etc - The light is mine is wobbly and works intermittantly. This has fixed that and means I have a second to spray.
Ecu cover and fuse box cover - Spares to spray!

£15 for the lot. Not as good a deal as it was before as they have put their prices up for 2013 to stop people selling on the bits on ebay. Not good. I also have an eye on a mint leather interior and a second set of crystals which I will black mask. Problem with my seats is that I have two mint sets available but they arent air bagged and mine are. Id love to have the mint ones but seems sensible to have the air bags :/

Im in Liverpool with the GF now until friday night and Saturday morning I will down the scrappers with Toms306 getting all the other decent bits off it!
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No point in anti rusting it. Needs cutting out and replacing mate.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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(02-01-2013, 09:47 PM)Niall Wrote: No point in anti rusting it. Needs cutting out and replacing mate.

Sad Any Idea how much that Will cost?
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hire a welder, 50 ish quid for a day, get some scrap metal, practice a bit, cut it out, weld in patch, hammerite, job done. DIY for about 60 quid i reckon
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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You have a gf? Since when
[Image: sig-1.jpg]

106 Xud9 Conversion GtiD (2nd Engine Rebuild)

Dan! Wrote:Want me to blow this one up for you aswel?
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(03-01-2013, 07:47 PM)Diggers Wrote: You have a gf? Since when

I thought this, just decided against mentioning it. lol
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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holy shit, i missed that bit!
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Coming up to 10 months now. No idea why this is so surprising lol
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I always thought you'd be down with having your poop deck full of sea men...
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(04-01-2013, 12:13 PM)samass Wrote: I always thought you'd be down with having your poop deck full of sea men...

That wins you another rep point sir! lmao
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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and this thread was going so well!
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All downhill from here lol
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Right. Got the FLI Comp6s out of the 1.8 today and fitted them to the estate. Not sure if they are much better than stock atm as I only have one side fitted. Ill be fitting the other side in about 10 minutes time.

Also I have the lower centre console front section out of the 1.8 which has my ninja switches for footwell neons. People were always snapping the passenger neons so I have LED strips this time. Hopefully ill get those in this afternoon too!
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(02-01-2013, 09:37 PM)SRowell Wrote: Problem with my seats is that I have two mint sets available but they arent air bagged and mine are. Id love to have the mint ones but seems sensible to have the air bags

I think the ones in my car have airbags if you want a swap, I dont have the upper backrests for the rear as I need a set of the earlier type.
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(06-01-2013, 02:22 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote:
(02-01-2013, 09:37 PM)SRowell Wrote: Problem with my seats is that I have two mint sets available but they arent air bagged and mine are. Id love to have the mint ones but seems sensible to have the air bags

I think the ones in my car have airbags if you want a swap, I dont have the upper backrests for the rear as I need a set of the earlier type.

What condition are they in? Only need to swap the fronts.
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Right! I made it to Liverpool despite the radiator light coming on intermittently! Scavenged a few bits and a mint interior from the scrappers.

I now have my FLI Comp6s installed and the sub is working fine. Amp is completely hidden but I never had time to make the sub box. Ill do that at easter now probably! The C5 autodimming mirror is back in the car which is so much better than the original its unreal! No being blinded for 250 mile journeys now! Also I soldered the LED footwell lighting to my old lower centre console section wiring so they work! Just need to get down and rip the sticky tape off them and fit them somewhere!

Also most importantly.... I found my tweeter pods! Again I wont have time until I finish uni to finish them but at least I didnt loose my work D:
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Just uploaded lots of photos to make a few guides! So here is my boost gauge all fitted Smile

[Image: IMG_20121229_142131-1.jpg]

The super OEM amp install thats in the works.
[Image: IMG_20121231_151544-1.jpg]

and where my sub will be. Either a 12" reversed or a 10" in the normal way. I think if i make a 10" hole I will be able to choose between the two!
[Image: IMG_20121223_162439.jpg]

and the cable routing for boost gauge and the amp.
[Image: IMG_20121229_113506-1.jpg]

my original lovely dash!
[Image: IMG_20121219_111509.jpg]

the red dash! And clocks at night!
[Image: IMG_20121222_225928-1.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20121222_225914.jpg]

the LED number plate lights compared to the originals
[Image: IMG_20121223_154951.jpg]

The attempt to get more air into the engine by cutting open the scoop.
[Image: IMG_20121219_125251.jpg]

The flood that I had to go through a few times a day to get out of my house!
[Image: IMG_20121223_132835.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20121223_132823.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20121223_132847.jpg]

And a few shots in the scrap yard! No doubt where it would be if I hadnt have saved it!
[Image: IMG_20130105_151447.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20130105_151440.jpg]

So yes! Lots of things have happened! Hope you enjoy the updates and pictures!
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I think 306's must get worried when we go to the scrappy haha afraid we're going to leave them there lmao
Doesnt even own a 306.
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I always get worried parking at the scrappy incase they think its for scrap! lol looking good though Sam. Big Grin
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(10-01-2013, 08:29 AM)Toms306 Wrote: I always get worried parking at the scrappy incase they think its for scrap! lol looking good though Sam. Big Grin

You wanna try going down in a nova!!!
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Pfft, I done it a 106......honestly some of the scrap cars looked in better condition! lol
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(10-01-2013, 08:29 AM)Toms306 Wrote: I always get worried parking at the scrappy incase they think its for scrap! lol looking good though Sam. Big Grin

the guy joked that i shouldnt leave it there too long!
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Not much has really happened on this apart from a clean but I am accumulating a list of things to do when i finish uni for the year and more sadly my entire degree Sad

Whilst reversing out of the scrap yard i cleaned the rear window and as I did so my feat were absolutely soaked! There is obviously a leak somewhere! I presume that I have screwed through the water tube whilst fitting the boost gauge! D:

To Do:
1. Fix the rear water pipe.
2. Get the NSR arch welded up.
3. Fix airbag light.

Latest Project:
When I had my first ever car which was the 1.4 I built a screen into the lower dash section. It was actually built in really well and all of my wiring was perfect however the ribbon cable broke for the screen and I couldnt get a replacement so it all went in the bin. Last week in the for sale section RadiationBeta was selling a kenwood flip screen which has made me want to have another go. This time with a proper screen that doesnt need any fabrication!

Plan is to move my current headwood unit into the lower centre console which i will have to dremel out to make it fit. Fit the Kenwood flip screen into the top section. Ive bought another 12V adapter for my ps2 slimline which ill wire in to the cigarette lighter wiring. Video will go to the kenwood flip screen and the audio will go to the aux in of the lower headunit. i.e. the top screen has no sound whatsoever and is just used for playing video! It doesnt have a CD or USB on it so it is literally just a motorised screen. Yes I probably could save myself the hassle and get a proper all functions included kenwood flip headunit but they are over £300 and for £135 posted this seemed like a good option!

In RadiationBetas car:
[Image: 549690_10150753286258824_1383538416_n.jpg]

So im thinking PS2 slimline at the moment as thats what I did before however I have spent this evening looking into Raspberry Pis. It would be very easy to put one anywhere behind the dash or in the glove box and the GPIO pins mean i could write programs to turn lights and fans on and off etc. Only problem would be that i would have to control it via a mouse or keyboard which is lame! Another option is that you can get android 2DIN head units now with touch screens which would be the best option however they are chinese made, expensive and only come in double din form!

I also got a phase 2 upper glove box from the scrappers which I could put the PS2 in. Id fit it in a track car but for a daily I best stick with the air bag as I would never be able to live with myself if the passenger died because I had removed their airbag for a ps2! Also im always on the look out for gti6s under a grand. Came close to buy a phase 2 a few weeks back but turned out to be a tapper. So it will either be a gti6 or FMIC and stage 2 come Show time!

Also ive bought a reversing camera which Ill attach to the 3rd brake light. This should sort out my estate parking issues! Power is taken from the reversing light and when activated the screen automatically shows the camera feed Smile

So yes! that is my plan! I have also got to finish off my custom amp enclosure and start building my custom sub enclosure. Should all result in a very tidy install in the end! Big Grin
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okay i only have a month or so left at uni so im coming up with things to do! Most of the things i have already bought and i just need to spend time with the car!

Buy new tyres & shadow chrome cylcones.
Massive clean up inside and out
Fix the rear water pipe.
Get the NSR arch welded up.
Fit NSR arch liner.
Fix airbag light.
Fit the flip screen (maybe buy a new kenwood flip screen unit) and relocate my main head unit.
Swap front bumpers and try to straighten out the front end. Replace and paint slam panel.
Finish Ninja Amp Install
Ninja Sub Install
Fit yellow fog lights.
GTI6 front splitter (or cupra R)
New black masks or morettes
Tint Rear Windows
Stick on the club stickers Big Grin
Pressed Plates
Short shift
Covered roof lining.
Spray Roof Rails, Mirror Bases, Scuttle Panel, Wiper Arms.
Smooth boot plastic & Debadge
New boot carpet & plastics.
FMIC + Stage 2 + Plumb boost gauge.

and remembered some more...
lower strut brace
replace NSR calliper
replace OS driveshaft
swap for mint leathers
fit and wire reversing camera.
tint rear lights.
new bootlid/dent removal.
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Me like this

Mega cheap that screen, beware, the screen mechs are common to go on them sizzor style kenwoods, i had the same, becomes really slow coming out then just stops and gets confused. Mine did that anyway!

Quite a list of things to get through there

S2 HDi >click<
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Screen looks awesome sam.any news with your 1.8?keeping it ? Turning into a track slag?

I got a spare set of clones if you ever need any Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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