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(18-04-2016, 06:51 PM)Piggy Wrote: How or why I don't know but bash reminded me of something i have always wanted to do coz the bungs always it back and T it into the return.
Like on the 1.9? Will it still get enough fuel to the injectors? If there is something to go back to the return, where does it go now when it is blocked?
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(18-04-2016, 08:52 PM)Iaitoo Wrote: (18-04-2016, 06:51 PM)Piggy Wrote: How or why I don't know but bash reminded me of something i have always wanted to do coz the bungs always it back and T it into the return.
Like on the 1.9? Will it still get enough fuel to the injectors? If there is something to go back to the return, where does it go now when it is blocked?
1.9 same system. That is the leak off, not the supply.
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(18-04-2016, 08:39 PM)welshpug Wrote: not o.e stuff, and its cheap.
anything aftermarket is wank however, mainly due to it all be 1/8th of an inch, where the p.e stuff is 3mm.
(1/8th is 3.2mm f.y.i)
part number? everytime ive asked pug they just tell me its not available, typical ...
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(18-04-2016, 08:59 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: (18-04-2016, 08:39 PM)welshpug Wrote: not o.e stuff, and its cheap.
anything aftermarket is wank however, mainly due to it all be 1/8th of an inch, where the p.e stuff is 3mm.
(1/8th is 3.2mm f.y.i)
part number? everytime ive asked pug they just tell me its not available, typical ...
Yeah I get the same.
And tiz true...its always a bit big and hence ends up dribbling
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I've had genuine pug stuff and it's lovely. Never had an issue with it but then I've never had it on an engine for a hundred thousand miles.
Also when I re-do leak offs I always tee the last one back into the return anyway.
It's p/n 1564 94, it's still available and costs £8.72 inc VAT for a meter from Pug.
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So fixed the fuel issue...tbh duno why I never did this in first place, always thought it be a neater idea.
The t piece is brass with plastic shrowd to give strength.
Quite happy with that...refitted the passenger seat too...been driving like a single seater racer for few weeks now. Also adjusted lexan windows so they slide open...need to redo them tbh.
Just need to wire this in next...
i2c rgb lcd display that will fit in same old slot in center dash but work with the new software...been running a empty hole for ages (!)
Then on the fcs list is:
Sort rear lexan window (shape/screws)
Brake service
Engine service
Radiator cowling
Air intake "box"
Battery box
Oil cooler
Bolt check
If time...wash it
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Almost got all bits for water/meth injection setup too...only small bottle and injector...but be curious to see if helps.
In other news...throttle still not right...almost no engine braking. Very odd
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Bunch of bits in a pile ready to fit... Including some power parts....having the time is another matter...
But did narrow down a squeak...very annoying squeak...
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ive got the o.e pug/citroen stuff on my bmw, they used the same stuff on the m51d25 a very similar injector too, but the fookers wanted £33!!!
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Hi Piggy, sorry been out of touch with your thread a while, can you give us a run down on where its at, at the moment cant read through 116 pages to get upto speed
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(05-05-2016, 06:26 AM)Dave Wrote: Hi Piggy, sorry been out of touch with your thread a while, can you give us a run down on where its at, at the moment cant read through 116 pages to get upto speed 
Not a massive amount changed...well there has in 116pages.
Its sat at 980kg with fuel/liquids but no driver.
Being very reliable, being given all the abuse.
Running new arduino software with PID, massively helped.
It bloody shifts at the moment...11mm pump fuel screw is now maxxed as revs started to hang.
Temps all under control still.
Meth/water injection
Tidy up for fcs
Battery box
Oil cooler
Fit some shrouding around radiator.
Rag it some more
Anything else you wana know bud? Kind of depends where you last read!
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So you are keeping it? If so, good  Sounded like you were planning on selling it, when you hurt your leg.
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(05-05-2016, 06:51 AM)Iaitoo Wrote: So you are keeping it? If so, good Sounded like you were planning on selling it, when you hurt your leg.
May have had to...
Will be kept till new project is ready for the road.
Then sold/most likely broken for parts.
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FCS tidying and prep work begins...
And my lexan slider popped out again the other flipped it to inside.
Negative is it rattles a bit now and will of course let rain in now.
Final bits arrived for injection system and the oil cooler...those oil cooler adapters were ruddy hard to find! Bsp to jic!
Battery box here that should be sorted soon
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draught excluder for the sides?
It goes, it stops (as reqd). 
Hate Housework!
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09-05-2016, 07:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2016, 08:10 PM by Piggy.)
(09-05-2016, 07:54 PM)Magenta Sunset Wrote: draught excluder for the sides?
Need to remove and heat and shape it...same with the boot lexan between fixings, needs heating n moulding a bit
So...battery strap tin replaced with a section of lpg tank banding....
And FINALLY a lid....
Much better. Been on my mind for ages, feels good to have sorted it and makes interior look better... If thats possible!
Just need a fuse now...sorted soon.
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LIKE! More water/meth install pics!
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(10-05-2016, 11:59 AM)205dtub Wrote: LIKE! More water/meth install pics!
I have upgraded, like this, but wana get stuff finished/checked/serviced for fcs before I get on with adding mods.
Brakes this week hopefully.
Then oil cooler and ducting/shrowding
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Did a bit more towards fcs and general jobs that wanted doing.
Replaced o/s/r caliper as it was not really doing anything other than dragging the right rear wheel. So thats guna help things now its not seized.
Then started on "cooling". Basically wanted to move the fmic/rad closer to avoid air stall, add some cowling to improve air flow and reduce losses, add an oil cooler and make a sort of air box for the big air filter.
So front end off and assess and access things...
Some cutting, hammer and general magic later...
Not a bad result, pretty happy, they are as close as is possible now.
Need some shrowding around each side and maybe bottom and then an oil cooler I hope to fit to the side in front of washer bottle
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That offside silicone bend ok? Looks like its screaming from here!
Which temp are you hoping to have the greater result on? Or just an improvement on both, any logging or sensors in there to prove gains? I like the stacking of rads idea, has pros and cons.
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Yeah it's a little squeezed but should be fine...I'm going to squidge it over 10mm to help it a bit.
If I'm honest, I don't see any cons to this. Only pros. The gap reduction is mainly for the coolant radiator, cowling will help both.
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Nice work
silicone kinked ..etc
Have you got your fmic supported at the bottom too? Or is it ok just from the top?
Need to get on all of this myself tbh, especially the air filter enclosure
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Yeah two bolts threaded through lower rad support
Sort the kink out later #pickontheonelittlething
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I wasnt aware hashtags worked on the forum...
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(17-05-2016, 05:28 PM)Piggy Wrote: #rallyesinfailedrestorationareevenslower

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