05-02-2013, 11:22 PM
Long time since I've updated this!
I've not made a hell of a lot of progress with the car in all honesty, I've not really been feeling the love
I've got a small list of things to do and an ever-growing pile of parts to fit, but just don't have the enthusiasm. I've been happy to help other people with their cars lately but just really don't seem to want to sit down and work on this!
That said, I'm trying to kick myself into gear and actually start getting shit done now, so I'm going to list the bits I have to do and aim to get tick them all off in the next 2 months:
- MeyleHD wishbones with swampy pinch bolts to fit
- Unscratched astor front bumper
- Quickshift
- Solid rear beam mounts
- Phase 1 GTi seats
- Refit exhaust
- Black masks
Beam mounts are a priority I think as they're creaking really badly, but they're one of the larger jobs on the list so think I'll need to get the bacon in and enlist the help of some of the London lot
I'm also considering selling the Turinis, as while I do absolutely love them, I'm quite enjoying having the C5 'steels' on at the moment and think I'd be able to make better use of the money from them elsewhere.
Sorry about the lack of photos, this is the only one I've taken recently which shows how neglected its been
I've not made a hell of a lot of progress with the car in all honesty, I've not really been feeling the love

That said, I'm trying to kick myself into gear and actually start getting shit done now, so I'm going to list the bits I have to do and aim to get tick them all off in the next 2 months:
- MeyleHD wishbones with swampy pinch bolts to fit
- Unscratched astor front bumper
- Quickshift
- Solid rear beam mounts
- Phase 1 GTi seats
- Refit exhaust
- Black masks
Beam mounts are a priority I think as they're creaking really badly, but they're one of the larger jobs on the list so think I'll need to get the bacon in and enlist the help of some of the London lot

I'm also considering selling the Turinis, as while I do absolutely love them, I'm quite enjoying having the C5 'steels' on at the moment and think I'd be able to make better use of the money from them elsewhere.
Sorry about the lack of photos, this is the only one I've taken recently which shows how neglected its been