SRowells Diablo 1.8 - Jenvey 45s & OMEX600

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SRowells Diablo 1.8 - Jenvey 45s & OMEX600
Previous owner kerbed them :/ I got some paint today to redo them! D:
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Tbf to Sam, they look a hell of a lot worse in pics than in reality! :o lol
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yep they look a lot worse in the pictures. That can of sea grey i got that came without the nozzle i took back and swapped for a can of graphite grey so hopefully that is the same paint as the wheels so i can refurb them! Big Grin

Was early for sailing in felixstowe so decided to have a little photoshoot! Big Grin

[Image: IMG_20120523_171141.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120523_171212.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120523_171154.jpg]

no front badge as i took it apart to respray i and ended up breaking it. Dec said he could give me one of his spares which is good of him so i should see that in about a years time! lol

oh and the 1.4 got collected today. 730kg = £73.

RIP Little pug!
[Image: IMG_20120524_090601.jpg]
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Nice debadge there Sam..... Tongue

And 73 quid? I hope you took the cat, motors and wiring off to scrap separately, as that's just the dirty iron price tbh.
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£73...not bad mate....better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick! lol

And how did you manage to break the badge? I just sprayed mine as a whole!
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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yeh i decided i wanted to do the outer trim a different colour and then ended up bending and snapping it despite using a heatgun and being really careful :/

Tbh im just glad its gone and that they didnt charge delivery. The interior was completely scraped. Cba getting all the wires out and i couldnt get the cat off but i got the centre pipe off which ill be taking to the welders so they can make a straight through pipe Smile
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Where did you get your number plate surrounds? They look even all the way round, most the ones I've found have a massive chunk at the bottom, looks weird
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£73 is poor, we got £75 for a shell, no engine/axle/interior
got £175 for a whole car
[Image: sig-1.jpg]

106 Xud9 Conversion GtiD (2nd Engine Rebuild)

Dan! Wrote:Want me to blow this one up for you aswel?
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vlj Wrote:Where did you get your number plate surrounds? They look even all the way round, most the ones I've found have a massive chunk at the bottom, looks weird

They do have that massive chunk at the bottom. I used to not like that chunk but tbh it does serve a purpose for getting the plate in and out. I think they were pretty much the cheapest ones i could find on ebay with no branding on them.

Diggers Wrote:£73 is poor, we got £75 for a shell, no engine/axle/interior
got £175 for a whole car

meh. Local scrappers, they collected it for free, i didnt want what was left, i did want the space on the drive and just wanted it gone. Tbh i now have the space to work on the speedboat etc. Really couldnt care less. It was just easy haha
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SRowell Wrote:
vlj Wrote:Where did you get your number plate surrounds? They look even all the way round, most the ones I've found have a massive chunk at the bottom, looks weird

They do have that massive chunk at the bottom. I used to not like that chunk but tbh it does serve a purpose for getting the plate in and out. I think they were pretty much the cheapest ones i could find on ebay with no branding on them.

Ah yeah, went back a few pages and realised. Cheers though!
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Finally got round to putting these on!

[Image: IMG_20120524_155009.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120524_155433.jpg]

did a little towing trip with the speedboat to get wood! Big Grin

[Image: IMG_20120528_131509.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120528_131524.jpg]
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Just ordered some 60mm springs and will be ordering new topmounts and drop links on monday. Hopefully it will all arrive and can get it fitted on friday ready for FCS! Big Grin

Rear calipers to paint
60mm Springs to fit
Spray Inlet manifold

Respray interior dash
Spray cam covers and coil pack
Spray Strut Brace
Wheels to refurb
New Induction Kit
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Well... painted my rear passenger side caliper and whilst they were drying decided to redo my fuel line as it was leaking... new jubilee clips on and it started pissing everywhere so i took it off and poured petrol all over my hands and into my cuts that i managed to make whilst removing the brakes. Then it started to rain... so i was in the rain and found that the old jubilee clips had cut through the pipe and i didnt have any spare pipe! D: So cut the cut ends off the old pipe and thank god it fitted and i found a decent jubilee clip that did up just right. Came in soaked Sad

and to make things even better mum has asked me to wake up at 7.30 to go to a friends house to try and fix 'dodgey windscreen wipers' on an aging renault horsebox. Its going to be such a waste of time... and i still dont have the rear brakes back together!
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Turned out the bolts for the wipers of the horsebox werent done up tight and hadnt been for years resulting in the little grooves being screwed. Done the bolts up super tight and sprayed everything in wd40 so they seem to be working.

Top Mounts reserved at ECP so ill be picking them up tomorrow however it remains to be seen whether i have actually bought one or two of them!

So thats drop links, top mounts, springs, yellow fog tint, and a few tools ordered. lets hope they come before friday ready for the big session getting ready for FCS! Big Grin

Oh and my new front badge arrived so that will be sanded down and sprayed gloss black Big Grin
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60mm springs and droplinks arrived in the post today and i picked up my new top mounts from ECP which turned out to be a pair for £42! Bargain!

Ive got tomorrow morning off work so ill spray up the front badge and try to tidy things up around the car. Will stop in at tesco and buy a shit loads of cleaning products! Friday will be a long day of spraying up various items and lowering the front more! Cant wait!
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top mounts skf ones?

also, you use too many exclamation marks. stop. ta.
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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samass Wrote:top mounts skf ones?

also, you use too many exclamation marks. stop. ta.

yes i know! They are SKF ones! I use too many exclamation marks! Is the full stop key working? . Yes it is!!!
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Few pics i took at work yesterday.
[Image: IMG_20120612_171154.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120612_171202.jpg]

and then after work Me and Ned set about making a straight through pipe...
[Image: IMG_20120612_175844.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120612_181342.jpg]

and a pic of all my stuff that has arrived...

[Image: IMG_20120612_211354.jpg]

epic parking blocking ned in!
[Image: IMG_20120611_181254.jpg]

and we were joined by the po!
[Image: IMG_20120611_131106.jpg]
[Image: IMG_20120611_131050.jpg]

so today... i woke up and fitted the straight through pipe. Basically to make it we just cut out the centre box and welded in a straight section i got for £3.60. However it was a lot thicker than the original pipe and it was a but to but weld. Went alright but burned some holes so it blows a bit around the flange welds. Fire cement and exhaust bandages at the read though. Fitted it today and boy does it sound good. It has a proper almost rally car sound at 3.5-4.5k and then when you change gear near the limiter at 6k you can hear the revs dropping off.

Changing down gears when stopping makes some really awesome pops and bangs which is awesome. Not sure if there is flames but i wouldnt be surprised. Turned a lot of heads today! Basically you can still drive it quietly but when you want to put your foot down it sounds epic! Big Grin
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should dound well on the RR sam if you put it on :-P
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tim 306td Wrote:should dound well on the RR sam if you put it on :-P

oh yes itll be going on! Hopefully! Got a RR print off from when it was standard so will be good to see what difference straight through and gti6 inlet manifold has made!
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ok had a listen and the exhaust is blowing on both joins as the centre pipe is a bit too short! Will give it a go tomorrow and doing it a bit better and maybe get some fire cement from halfords to try and seal it. Also tomorrow things are being painted and the 60mm springs are going on! Big Grin

Pumped up tyres and also found locks and a chain for my stanceboard so I can leave that on show at FCS. Im sure any left over paint will make its way onto the stanceboard too! Just hoping for good weather for tomorrow and french car show now! D:
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[Image: IMG_20120612_171202.jpg]
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ok i started at 10am this morning and finished at 1am now! Just sprayed up the front badge and did primer, paint and lacquer in 20 minutes with a heat gun. Can already see one lacquer drip but oh well! Serves me right for leaving it too late!

THis afternoon BearBen and his brother Tom turned up and we got the wheels off and then a Toms306 arrived. Was good to have us all together for once.

[Image: IMG_20120615_141649.jpg]

I drilled and rerouted my amp power cable down the passenger side of the car isntead of the drivers side (accelerator hole) as it had been causing the accelerator to stick. Also stripped the interior and rerouted the remote down the passenger side and the RCA down the centre.

[Image: IMG_20120615_125154.jpg]

Always a good thing when your car looks like this 24 hours before you hve to leave for a show!

[Image: IMG_20120615_125417.jpg]

and my yellow magnetic dish which i now love! Big Grin saves me losing al the screws and screwdriver bits i usually put on my lap and then lose when i get up!

[Image: IMG_20120615_203125.jpg]

And Tom thought I should rep the club a bit.
[Image: IMG_20120615_194240.jpg]

Also tried to get my fogs out of the bumper but couldnt reach the third bolt. Didnt get round to fixing the blowing exhaust but oh well! Ill buy a proper straight through pipe when i have the money.

Took 7 hours but we also got the 60mm lowering springs on. No idea what the hell the previous owners had been playing at! One of the shocks was completely rusted through so im going to have to take it easy until after FCS otherwise i may have to use my RAC card for the first time. Also the 'lowering springs' that were on and apparently 40mm werent branded... looked like gti springs that were red... had been painted black... and then been painted black again. Very odd.

[Image: IMG_20120615_185729.jpg]
pretty sure you arent meant to see day light through them!
[Image: IMG_20120615_185718.jpg]

and then I was low...
[Image: IMG_20120615_205250.jpg]

in fact too low to get out and into the drive! Big Grin Should get a bit lower when its settled. Looks great! Big Grin
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Ill update this fully later but for now...

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(17-06-2012, 09:44 PM)SRowell Wrote: Ill update this fully later but for now...


Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Just got back from pugfest. pictures and videos coming soon! Had my first time on track and it was amazing! Loved the hillclimb and managed to get a 1m2s run! Really pleased with it seeing as stripped 6s were getting 58s!

Will definitely have to try and get track time at FCS next year Smile
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out of interest mate whats your exhaust setup like? how many boxes etc?
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(01-07-2012, 11:49 PM)rocker8742 Wrote: out of interest mate whats your exhaust setup like? how many boxes etc?

its a straight through to just a standard gti6 backbox. So 1 box! Its quiet for normal driving but as soon as you take it past 3.5k it roars Big Grin

Right time for a bit of an update.... ive done both FCS and pugfest in the last few weeks. Of the two I can really really recommend pugfest. The camping is great fun and the quality of the cars is amazing. And the chance to do the hillclimb is amazing!

FCS 2012:
Thats me on the dyno at 9.50.

Pugfest 2012:
And thats me at 6.13 Big Grin

Quite a few people have said it sounds like a tractor or a honda 1.4 with a japcan. I quite like the sound as its dead quiet for normal driving and as soon as you take it over 3.5k then it sounds the nuts!

From pugfest onwards ive been running a stripped out rear... which makes for some epically noisy driving. Think ill be buying a roll of cloud 9 to redo all the sound insulation as most of it fell apart as i took it out!

[Image: IMG_20120701_104921.jpg]

And onto dynos...
This was the dyno run i did october time Last year in Leeds and produced 108bhp so thats a loss of 4 over the 112 standard!
[Image: RR.jpg]

and at FCS on the dyno with no fans it managed to make 123. So thats up 15 with the gti manifold and straight through exhaust. With fans on the dyno and fixing the exhaust blowing in multiple places i reckon it would make a few more!
[Image: samuelrowellATHTOMAILCOUK.jpg]

In more recent news i found this pavement outside work yesterday...

[Image: IMG_20120710_131655.jpg]

which resulted in this...

[Image: IMG_20120710_120640.jpg]

so toms306 should be over in the next half an hour to help fix it. Its all fixable but there is a crack in the middle of the bumper which isnt going to be easy to fix so it looks like ill be rocking the cable tied look for a while! D:
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Tom turned up just as i had the car on the stands. It appears to have broken every single possible clip and tab on the passenger side and had a bolt missing on the drivers side. I broke out the soldering iron and replastic welded the tabs and added lots of cable ties and now its as good as new. The number plate surround was broken and he foglight mounts but both went perfectly back together with super glue!

I also yellowed my fog lights...
[Image: IMG_20120711_155500.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120711_161835.jpg]

and i stuck my fingers together with the superglue...

[Image: IMG_20120711_162310.jpg]

done! Big Grin

[Image: IMG_20120711_170547.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20120711_170539.jpg]

ill be ordering a roll of cloud 9 9mm underlay to sound proof the car in the next few days so they back seats will go in at the same time Smile
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I was wondering how you managed to do that to the bumper!! Must have been pretty pissed lol

Interesting with the yellow tinted fogs by the way, looks different! Smile
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