Black Phase 2 dturbo. (4waydiablos old car)

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Black Phase 2 dturbo. (4waydiablos old car)
(14-01-2014, 06:13 AM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Looks f*cked lol.

I have a bit of a soft spot for this car but it definitely needs a big turbo back on it.

Has it ever had a big turbo?
Peugeot 206 GTI HDI
Volvo V50 2.0d
Volvo XC90 D5

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Can remember this car spending many hours in my workshop back in the days of its life in cornwall.

Would be nice to see restored back to super tidy, and deffo needs a big blower, the one thing Ed never manned up and did before he got wet for petrol Wink
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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(14-01-2014, 09:12 AM)adamm306 Wrote: @ ozone yea i think they are slightly different shape i read a post from cwspellowe on another forum where they had sent him the wrong one and it didnt fit

Hmm you've got a point actually, I did find that although they looked similar, a few matrix out of my stack of spares didn't seem to connect to the bulkhead fitting properly....

I changed from an a/c blower motor and matrix to non a/c
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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sounds interesting how did you manage that?

and yeah darren thats the plan restore her to former glory it will be a nice tidy car once i sort out the few niggles it has
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Need a bit of advice... problem seems to of developed today (yay lucky me)

car struggles to idle atall even when adjusting the pump even to 1100 will sit at 1100 for 5 seconds or so then drop down to 500 to the point where it going to cut out (sometimes does cut out) then raises back up and does that

or if im poodling about and change down to second to turn a corner itll cut out in mid corner

oh and an occasional missfire when driving lol..

car has been running sweet till now it just started doing it this morning Sad

any ideas
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Any ideas guys? Car won't even idle now it's a pig below 2000rpm once it's over that it's fine soon as I drop clutch to change gear stop light comes on and stalls into life for gear
Changes plenty of hesitation and misfire if just cursing along at 25-30 4th-5th
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Sounds like air getting into the fuel system
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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I thought so. Gonna try changing fuel filter aswell? P.s heater and blower are now working 3 and a half years Phil!!
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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IIRC the fuel filter housing is quite prolific for letting in air, so definitely be worth checking there
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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So how did you fix the heating?
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I changed the relay and it was blowing out hot and I'll have a look at filter housing now thanks

Right I had a little look don't know what I am looking for to be honest if the idle nearly cuts out I can pump grenade to get it to come upto idle again but when I turn the motor off I hear a lot of gurgling and weird noises from the fuel tank and fuel has started leaking out of where you put it in the cap there must be a massive air leak for the fuel to rise so high to come out of the entry point ??
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Can you make it to mine?
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Can't ATM at my dad's taking some bits off the silver one, it's strange as soon as it hits 2k it runs normally
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Well if you get those injectors off you have to come up to mine anyway. Or I can come down and see if we can't relieve the air lock
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Idle screw? I don't even understand. I've just woke up lol
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Yeah awaiting on my mate bringing socket round does it sound like a lock then? To be fair can see quite a few big bubbles in the line
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Could be.
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Not idle atall Matt has 11mm pump with no screws throttle arm position was controlling idle.

Town driving is almost impossible now it'll sit nicely at idle for 10 secs or so then 10 seconds or so of it struggling then it'll shoot back up to normal idle and just repeats that and 9/10 times if you dip clutch as you brake to down gear it'll cut out stop light will come on and raising the clutch bump starts it as you down gear not ideal when are you about mark?
As it's raining ATM Sad
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Now til 4pm
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So the heating was just a relay for the blower motor? Bugger, I'd have bought this if it wasn't for that lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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yeah that was all mate. relief really could of been alot more of a ballache
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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(15-01-2014, 12:34 PM)adamm306 Wrote: yeah that was all mate. relief really could of been alot more of a ballache

Haha I'd played around with pretty much everything else
Just didn't realise this relay existed :-!
3 years of no heat lol
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Definitely sounds like an air leak I would first try to bypass the filter housing see how it runs after that? If it runs good just use an inline fuel filter.
Bye Bye D-Turbo
Phase 1 GTi-6 now has a new owner
Rolling in the: Phase 3 HDI Wagon

The current estate project:
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tried everything yesterday mate

swapped injectors
swapped intank strainer
bypassed fuel housing

its pouring out with blue smoke now and missfires like f*ck

yesterday was driving along then it felt like it dropped a piston and was just bellowing white smoke and running on 3

it seems to run okish now but has bottom end knock and burning blue smoke constantly

sadly wont be persuing this project anymore car will be weighed in to a scrappy in the next couple of weeks and ill be on the look out for a tidy 6 / dt

looks like a long hard struggle of 9-9 shifts of overtime for the next few weeks... Sad
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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No no no do not scrap this car!! New engine and shell be reet! This car cannot die!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Dibs on the bonnet if you break it Wink
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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don't have time to do that mate

and i will be keeping the bonnet/exhaust and all the good parts for my next one
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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Is it on a 9mm pump or still on Lobbs 11mm?
Doesnt even own a 306.
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11mm gov lda grind etc the one darren made
00' 106 Indy - Moonstone - Sold
97' 106 XT 1.6 - Mayerling Green - Swapped
95' 306 P1 DT - Onyx - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Silver - Scrapped
97' 306 P2 DT - Onyx - SORN awaiting scrap
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One thing you could try, go to a garage and get a jerry can of diesel and run it off that. So put the fuel in pipe in your can so it doesnt touch the fuel in the tank. Might be bad fuel or something, even though xud's are the least fussy cars ever when it comes to fuel :/
Doesnt even own a 306.
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