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06-07-2013, 05:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 05:11 PM by cully.)
have been playing with the rear tracking Toe today
using the string method,
I'm quite impressed on how accurate you can read the toe from it
i did have a good heads up as i had the printed sheet from my laser alignment to compare it against
if anything its more accurate than the computer system once set up right
basically you set both fronts, centre Axel or fixed body point to the same distance on the string and the same for the rear.
i set mine at at 50mm all round from the centre of the wheel caps
then once the strings are set both sides
start your measurements
for the fronts
set the steering by taking the measurement for the front rim edge on both sides and turning the steering wheel till the measurement is equal
then measure
front (A) of wheel, rear (B) of same wheel
then some maths
A-B=toe for that wheel if is say 1 its toe in if its -1 its toe out by 1mm
the rears are the same but you cant adjust the steering to centre them this is where the bolts need slackening and the beam bumping to bring the measurements better
but you will find the initial 5mm setting will probably go off a little but not by much but you should get the beam track better if not equal both sides, it wont go parallel as th rear beam is set with a certain toe
but if like mine i got it better but not perfect something is still screwy probably the wheel Axel stub which was my suspicions in the beginning
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07-07-2013, 04:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 06:15 PM by cully.)
had a very aventfull day today
started of by knackering my locking wheelbolt keys
started to hammer a socket over to turn them off
like this
ending up in A&E as i hit my wrist twice with a hammer, xray and a dose of MTFU and home again!
drilled out the stuck bolt managed to remove the rear wheels
so have now sorted the rear brakes from binding all free now
went for a test HOON like you do
then started on the beam mounts again nearly finished welding the rear pair when the welder decided its too hot and shut down
ah well it is only a baby stick welder cant expect too much
will finish the last rear tomorrow
semi finished items
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HHHmm the tracking thing is very interesting, can you do the fronts like this?
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yes you can do the fronts the issue you will have is adjusting stuff without moving the strings
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ahh yeah I suppose you cant take the measurements whilst its in the air :/
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^^^ The thread on the TREs is M14x1.5 so every turn is 1.5mm
Measure up then count the turns
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Just so people know, the suspension must be completely settled for tracking measurements to be correct. This means (unless you've got sliding plates to go under the front wheels) every time you adjust it, you need to let it down, drive back and forth a bit, then take all the measurements again. Also, id recommend starting with your steering wheel in the straight ahead position, fixed there if you can, rather than turning it until the measurements match - too easy to end up with the steering wheel off-centre otherwise.
Liking the homebrew beam mounts, be interested to see what you think of them.
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(08-07-2013, 07:57 AM)Poodle Wrote: Liking the homebrew beam mounts, be interested to see what you think of them.
They work the same as anyone else's
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(08-07-2013, 12:00 PM)Daveyboy Wrote: (08-07-2013, 07:57 AM)Poodle Wrote: Liking the homebrew beam mounts, be interested to see what you think of them.
They work the same as anyone else's 
Only if hes welded them straight.....
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(08-07-2013, 12:47 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Only if hes welded them straight.....
SHhhhhhh you!
hmm well yeh
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Wasn't saying they don't, just interested to see what Cully thinks of solid mounts.
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16-07-2013, 11:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 16-07-2013, 11:44 AM by cully.)
add these here too so i can find them again in the future
Pugfest 2013
video from outside
my Run1 from incar
my Run2 from incar
my Run3 from incar
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I like the picture of the cocked wheel on the hairpin
the smokey old bus that sounds like a tractor...
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16-07-2013, 09:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 16-07-2013, 09:47 PM by cully.)
my Run4 red flagged from incar
also found this one from a members album on facebook
credit go's to dowlerkieran
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As said on the weekend, I love this car! It sounds great too! Really meaty on throttle!
And you friggin nailed that hairpin every time; very very impressive
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18-07-2013, 08:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 18-07-2013, 08:29 AM by cully.)
the rear stub axle is bugging me so have decided to take it out and check it to see if its bent
heres som pictures and a description on how i did it
jack car place on stands using the correct jacking points
remove rear wheel
remove brake pad carrier
remove disk
gently remove hub nut cover dont bend/break it
undo 32mm hub nut remove washers
pull off hub from axle shaft.
set up a hydrolic puller system to push the axle pin through the back of the swing arm,
beat the shit out of it with a hammer!
push all the way thought till shaft is loose
clean up parts inspect for damage bent bits
to check the pin quickly i used the back edge of hacksaw blade
basicly use it as a straight edge along the length of the pin,
rotate the pin and check if you can rock the blade on the pin at one point and at the opposite diameter the blade wont rock but you will see daylight though the gap at the centre of the blade.
i have a bent pin its not bent by much but it dont need to be to through the wheel off. im going to double check the pin with a dti in work
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Looks surprisingly easy to remove/replace
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have checked the pin in work by mounting it in a lath and using a DTI to measure the difflection on the pin once rotated.
the pin is bent by 0.25mm so this is exagerated at the outside radius of the wheel giving me my toe out.
so now i have got to source a new pin which they make several lengths
mine being 110mm from shoulder to thread shoulder
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18-07-2013, 05:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-07-2013, 05:26 PM by cully.)
on the phone
peugeot dont sell stub axles they only sell swing arm complete at £250+Vat.
i have found baker bm do make them but dont sell them, they supply which stock all lengths of pins and they are GrpN spec
ebay price £59.99 but after talking to ab on the phone credit card order for 1 delivered is £55
there are others listed on ebay but not the correct length for half the price will phone them tomorrow
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Have you rung the place you got the axle done? They might be able to help you
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good shout never thought of that
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Looking good cully. Car looked really smart at the weekend. Credit to ya
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thanks im trying my best to get it up together
but i seem to be going from one thing to the next with no break
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Car's looking and sounding really good. Those pictures above are awesome
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have got fed up with the ph2 poor range on the IR remote control, so have upgraded the system to a RF type
with an after market kit
the range is well impresive now maybe to long a distance
info on the upgrade here
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well as the show season is over and the Tax is due
now is the time to sorn my 6
there are a few things i want to do mainly to the front end
i want to take the bumper and wings off so i can treat the front end to a coat of paint, fit some arch liners and a general clean up
and i may even give the underside some sort of protection to top up the 15 yearold original stone chip protection
so que the flying car!
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It's got wings..just like a lady advert
the smokey old bus that sounds like a tractor...
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Hmmmmm not funny just Sorned the Lady 
now to start some preventive maintenance