Toms306s Project - Fodge!

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Toms306s Project - Fodge!
mark_airey Wrote:I'm glad you sorted the oil line out...............there was going to be some serious abuse, you posted a picture of the oil line with the union nut loose (as in the nut that holds the oil line in place so it is just sat there in the adaptor) and then ask how to remove it because you can't get to the nut.............. *facepalm* lmao I think this was made funnier by the fact that everyone posting was suggesting different spanners to undo the oil line that isn't even connected.............haha

At least its back together now, I haven't watched the vids because I am on works computer with no sound so its not like its going to help anything if I do watch them!

Good luck with this and I do hope you get it sorted Smile

Tbf though....that line must've been held in by magic or something...considering there was nothing actually holding it, it still took a hard tug to remove it! :? The drain line just fell out of the block after removing the nut lol.....

Anyway, started it up again this morning, sounds much 'quieter' tbh.....I'm wondering if it could be the broken DMF making the noise, but why the hell would it be so loud to start with then quiter after that?? I'm pretty sure the clattering noise after shut off is the broken DMF though.
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Toms306 Wrote:
mark_airey Wrote:I'm glad you sorted the oil line out...............there was going to be some serious abuse, you posted a picture of the oil line with the union nut loose (as in the nut that holds the oil line in place so it is just sat there in the adaptor) and then ask how to remove it because you can't get to the nut.............. *facepalm* lmao I think this was made funnier by the fact that everyone posting was suggesting different spanners to undo the oil line that isn't even connected.............haha

At least its back together now, I haven't watched the vids because I am on works computer with no sound so its not like its going to help anything if I do watch them!

Good luck with this and I do hope you get it sorted Smile

Tbf though....that line must've been held in by magic or something...considering there was nothing actually holding it, it still took a hard tug to remove it! :? The drain line just fell out of the block after removing the nut lol.....

Anyway, started it up again this morning, sounds much 'quieter' tbh.....I'm wondering if it could be the broken DMF making the noise, but why the hell would it be so loud to start with then quiter after that?? I'm pretty sure the clattering noise after shut off is the broken DMF though.

Hope it isn't the DMF! Not cheap...

Good stuff getting it back on the road though!
On the 306 waiting list.
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Toxic-Jake Wrote:
Toms306 Wrote:Tbf though....that line must've been held in by magic or something...considering there was nothing actually holding it, it still took a hard tug to remove it! :? The drain line just fell out of the block after removing the nut lol.....

Anyway, started it up again this morning, sounds much 'quieter' tbh.....I'm wondering if it could be the broken DMF making the noise, but why the hell would it be so loud to start with then quiter after that?? I'm pretty sure the clattering noise after shut off is the broken DMF though.

Hope it isn't the DMF! Not cheap...

Good stuff getting it back on the road though!

Well I know the DMF's f*cked anyway, been like it for a while.......hence selling the car as soon as the turbo is done as I cannot afford to have the DMF done..... :problem: I can't really afford to lose shit loads of money by selling it for spares either though. Stuck between a rock and a hard place really.... Sad

It's not on the road yet though lol.....It's not insured....and I don't even know whether its worth insuring like this or not tbh. :think:
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Toms306 Wrote:Well I know the DMF's f*cked anyway, been like it for a while.......hence selling the car as soon as the turbo is done as I cannot afford to have the DMF done..... :problem: I can't really afford to lose shit loads of money by selling it for spares either though. Stuck between a rock and a hard place really.... Sad

It's not on the road yet though lol.....It's not insured....and I don't even know whether its worth insuring like this or not tbh. :think:

Yeah, shit situation to be in really, going to lose money either way. You know you should have stuck with a 306 Wink
On the 306 waiting list.
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Toxic-Jake Wrote:
Toms306 Wrote:Well I know the DMF's f*cked anyway, been like it for a while.......hence selling the car as soon as the turbo is done as I cannot afford to have the DMF done..... :problem: I can't really afford to lose shit loads of money by selling it for spares either though. Stuck between a rock and a hard place really.... Sad

It's not on the road yet though lol.....It's not insured....and I don't even know whether its worth insuring like this or not tbh. :think:

Yeah, shit situation to be in really, going to lose money either way. You know you should have stuck with a 306 Wink

Well, I thought that too......then I worked out if I'd kept the 1.8 for an extra year (ok so its been 11 months so far but close enough) it would've cost me an extra £1500 in fuel compared to the golf. Confusedhock: And I haven't lost that much on golfs........yet!! :roll:
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Cough.. Xud.. Cough.
On the 306 waiting list.
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Toxic-Jake Wrote:Cough.. Xud.. Cough.

I'm driving a mechanical diesel atm......this WILL be my last! lol
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Toms306 Wrote:
Toxic-Jake Wrote:Cough.. Xud.. Cough.

I'm driving a mechanical diesel atm......this WILL be my last! lol

A mechanical derv with no turbo I might add.
On the 306 waiting list.
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Tom.............will this not fit? ... 2036wt_932
Team Orange Engine Bay

My flickr photostream -
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mark_airey Wrote:Tom.............will this not fit? ... 2036wt_932

No mate, thats too small, its for the 100TDI...the 130 and 150 use a bigger clutch/flywheel. ASZ or ARL are the codes for those. But even if I did buy one of the ebay ones (which are around £400 for the right one last time I looked) I'm pretty sure I couldn't fit it on the drive anyway.
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To be fair, the main reason I went for a 1.8T over a PD is the strength and simplicity of the engine. No DMF/DPF/camshaft/turbo issues. I don't understand why so many PD engines eat their turbos...

That video isn't working for me btw Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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The PD130/150s don't have a dpf....and most don't have turbo issues lol, infact on the dub forum I was told finding a replacement turbo wouldn't be easy as theres not a call for them due to thier reliability. Confusedhock:. The main reason I chose the 130 was because more 150s than 130s have cam issues...and the only other problem from your list is the dmf........which unfortunately has broken on both my golfs lol, but you try finding a modern diesel without a dmf!! :problem:
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Toms306 Wrote:The PD130/150s don't have a dpf....and most don't have turbo issues lol, infact on the dub forum I was told finding a replacement turbo wouldn't be easy as theres not a call for them due to thier reliability. Confusedhock:. The main reason I chose the 130 was because more 150s than 130s have cam issues...and the only other problem from your list is the dmf........which unfortunately has broken on both my golfs lol, but you try finding a modern diesel without a dpf!! :problem:

I've heard of quite a few blowers failing on these engines, and the cam wear affects all PD engines, it's caused by oil starvation to the cam, followers and tappets due to poor head design. As for the DMF, I don't even see the point of it, their no smoother to drive with it and the cost when they break is shocking :o
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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THE_Liam Wrote:
Toms306 Wrote:The PD130/150s don't have a dpf....and most don't have turbo issues lol, infact on the dub forum I was told finding a replacement turbo wouldn't be easy as theres not a call for them due to thier reliability. Confusedhock:. The main reason I chose the 130 was because more 150s than 130s have cam issues...and the only other problem from your list is the dmf........which unfortunately has broken on both my golfs lol, but you try finding a modern diesel without a dpf!! :problem:

I've heard of quite a few blowers failing on these engines, and the cam wear affects all PD engines, it's caused by oil starvation to the cam, followers and tappets due to poor head design. As for the DMF, I don't even see the point of it, their no smoother to drive with it and the cost when they break is shocking :o's a local forum I'm on so maybe they get ragged harder up your way lol. Cam issues do affect all PDs, but as said, seems to be more 150s, and no-one really knows why that is lol.

The DMF does make a massive difference when it's working properly compared to an SMF on a diesel, its for noise rather than feel tbh, my mate has a mk5 TDI and he changed to a non-silent SMF and it's horrible to sit in at idle, noisy and clattery as hell.....he wishes he'd gone for another DMF lol. The price for them is daft though, I can't see why they cost so much...they're effectively just two flywheels, a couple of springs and a few rubber bush things. :?
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I miss old diesels, like the old Transit 2.5 or the Land Rover 2.25, totally indestructible. Even the XUD is complex is comparison lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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THE_Liam Wrote:I miss old diesels, like the old Transit 2.5 or the Land Rover 2.25, totally indestructible. Even the XUD is complex is comparison lol

Lol, slightly off topic.....but I was working on a 1983 Escort CVH engine in college last easy to work on as there's literally nothing on it! And after 30 years its still running (just lol ).....can't imagine many of these modern cars will last that long. Oh and the reason it wouldn't run.....some little shit had put a pen top in the fuel line, so it couldn't get any fuel, once removed it was fine. Big Grin
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Those CVH engines were awful though, the most tappety sounding engine ever! My old man used to love them, he had a few XR3Is and an RS Turbo, constantly broken and all rusty lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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THE_Liam Wrote:Those CVH engines were awful though, the most tappety sounding engine ever! My old man used to love them, he had a few XR3Is and an RS Turbo, constantly broken and all rusty lol

Oh yeah, sounds terrible......and being a 1.3 probably couldn't pull the skin off a grape...........but so easy to work on it doesn't matter if it breaks every week! lol
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Bit of an update.....ran it for a while earlier, the noise has definitly quietened now, but still there. So I'm gonna insure it and drive it for a bit to make sure its alright.....woulda done it today but brent were closed time I phoned them up. Sad So will do it first thing monday............I have RAC anyway, whats the worst that can happen :? lol
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Toms306 Wrote:I have RAC anyway, whats the worst that can happen :? lol

Famous last words Wink I'm so glad I have cover through my bank since my cars been tuned.. lol I'm sure your car will be fine Big Grin
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Jacko Wrote:
Toms306 Wrote:I have RAC anyway, whats the worst that can happen :? lol

Famous last words Wink I'm so glad I have cover through my bank since my cars been tuned.. lol I'm sure your car will be fine Big Grin

I have RAC too , being a tuned 306 driver I believe it's compulsory.
On the 306 waiting list.
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Toxic-Jake Wrote:I have RAC too , being a tuned 306 driver I believe it's compulsory.

Yep, you never know when that 'rod will make a break for the skyline!
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Jacko Wrote:
Toxic-Jake Wrote:I have RAC too , being a tuned 306 driver I believe it's compulsory.

Yep, you never know when that 'rod will make a break for the skyline!

You know it!
In sure it will come of use on the way to French car show... I only have a 50% chance of getting there going by my previous records!
On the 306 waiting list.
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Haha, well.....since I started driving, I've used breakdown recovery in Feb/March each year......except this one, so it must be overdue by now. Confusedhock: But saying that........I would've probably called them to pick it up when the turbo blew....instead of thinking 'f*ck it, its already broken, I'll drive it home' lol
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Toms306 Wrote:
THE_Liam Wrote:I miss old diesels, like the old Transit 2.5 or the Land Rover 2.25, totally indestructible. Even the XUD is complex is comparison lol

Lol, slightly off topic.....but I was working on a 1983 Escort CVH engine in college last easy to work on as there's literally nothing on it! And after 30 years its still running (just lol ).....can't imagine many of these modern cars will last that long. Oh and the reason it wouldn't run.....some little shit had put a pen top in the fuel line, so it couldn't get any fuel, once removed it was fine. Big Grin

thats because the old cars of that time onwards to the late 90s were basic. none of this shitty sensors for sensors for sensors that montor things that dont even f*cking matter!

THE_Liam Wrote:Those CVH engines were awful though, the most tappety sounding engine ever! My old man used to love them, he had a few XR3Is and an RS Turbo, constantly broken and all rusty lol
you could hear them a mile off, couldnt you! but you still got to love the retro!
also yesterday on the road i saw a D reg 3 door sierra RS cosworth in white. sounded so lush on tick over.
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Hard to believe the YB Cosworth engine is just a Pinto with a 16v head and a T3 strapped on lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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THE_Liam Wrote:Hard to believe the YB Cosworth engine is just a Pinto with a 16v head and a T3 strapped on lol

yeah i know! mad isnt it! the old pinto engine is well over 30 years old too!

nice to hear that you got the golf back up and running tom, just bed the car in dont go daft, recheck bolts as they will come slack again.
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procta Wrote:nice to hear that you got the golf back up and running tom, just bed the car in dont go daft, recheck bolts as they will come slack again.

I must have missed something's not on the road lol....and at this rate it won't be going there either! Can't insure it so thats the end of that really. Smile
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Toms306 Wrote:
procta Wrote:nice to hear that you got the golf back up and running tom, just bed the car in dont go daft, recheck bolts as they will come slack again.

I must have missed something's not on the road lol....and at this rate it won't be going there either! Can't insure it so thats the end of that really. Smile

ah sorry tom, i miss read your post before Sad so whats the plan then pal?
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You didn't misread it lol...I just didn't didn't update properly.

I assumed the insurance wouldn't be epically high if I used it as a second car or insured just for a month...........but monthly insurance only applies to people over 21, and the normal insurance was epically high, like 5 times as much as I insured the NAD for. Confusedhock:

So atm I have no idea of the plan. Wish I had just left it standard now....fed up of f*cking up tbh. Meh...
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