Red Rallye resto

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Red Rallye resto
Things are getting hot on this forum.
Keep it up pal...desperate to see you complete this!
Wishes for more power...
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Will do...

Will take a while but I'll get there.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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The attention too detail still amazes me! Top work buddy and please keep this upto date with everything you do! Big Grin
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Thanks guys, I'll keep the updates coming. Next job is scuttle panel and wiper motor off so I can access the main multiplug and disconnect the engine bay look and move it into the spare room at home....keeps it dry although undoubtedly will piss off the wife....then drop the column and have the servo out.

Next job after that is going to drop the subframe and suspension and begin stripping the bay and arches. The inner arches have all that horrible underseal stuff on them too. Going to try a different tack this time. Solvents. Petrol is supposed to be very good. Have some Autosmart tar remover that could skin an elephant at 20 paces I reckon....give that a go too. Sometimes I wish the old recipe nitromors still existed! Pretty certain it won't come of with blasting. The blast media will just stick to it.

Once that's done, I need to either find or make a couple of studs that sheared. Should be too hard. Have them welded in and then think about having the bits I couldn't get to blasted.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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If the heater matrix hasn't been changed yet I'd recommend changing it rather than just flushing
[Image: 20120704_212316.jpg]
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Ridiculous amount of work going into this... incredible results though!
Thanks given by: Ben_w
(19-04-2016, 05:11 PM)laurence_13 Wrote: Ridiculous amount of work going into this... incredible results though!

Well, no rush for it to be back on the road....and it's a decent way of spending my spare time!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Cracking on with starting to strip the engine bay today...

Nipping round a mates to borrow his 110v grinder (it's way, way better than mine...) and then get cracking on stripping stuff. Going to try a different approach on the underseal stuff....that's going to get attacked with thinners and petrol see if that brings it off. It's just such an arse to do with a grinder and brush.....just warms up and smears everywhere....

First job will be get the scuttle panel and wiper arms and motor off. Should then give me access to the loom multiplug soni can remove that. Need to have a look at service box too to figure out how to drop the column to get access to the servo bolts.....

All will stop at 16:15 for a rather important football game!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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So, made a start on striping the engine bay. Got the wire wheel on the rusty bits. Wasn't too sure what I'd find...

Seems the surface rust had gone a bit further than the bubbling under the paint but other than some surface pitting, there is nothing serious so far, including the bit on the bulkhead I was worried about, which is a good thing..

[Image: IMG_20160424_131255_zpsup7yg1zz.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160424_131317_zpsmknt3l3t.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160424_131301_zpssaepbs5w.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160424_131301_zpssaepbs5w.jpg]

Had to stop as you can see from.the pics as its raining....will use the wire brush to get as much of the rust off as I can then switch to an abrasive disc. Once the rain stops that is....

Having a brew first tho!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Anyhow, in between rain showers and important football games, I've got a bit more done.

[Image: IMG_20160424_152924_zpsfomehkml.jpg]

Common rust here do with the big pipe clip and coolant hose that runs round to the back of the engine. Suspect it probably rubs etc....need to look at that once painted. Armour film or something I reckon.

[Image: IMG_20160424_152918_zpsxzatjl0o.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160424_152945_zpsvfwnpcai.jpg]

Cleaned these up as I know it's had a front end....pretty clean and not very badly bent etc...
[Image: IMG_20160424_170255_zpskouesvld.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160424_170251_zps7otiolkl.jpg]

Have remembered how much I hated doing the underside!!! Deffo going to get it blasted.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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A very small update....

The yellow caliper and carriers (one caliper got donated to the other Rallye...) are never gonna cut it as 'standard' finish so I've been looking for a pair to clean up and refurb.

£18 delivered later via one of the 306 Facebook groups and I have these....

[Image: IMG_20160427_221307_zpsnr6clcsq.jpg]

Two calipers and carriers, plenty rusty and painted silver over the rust. Pistons allegedly free though so ideal candidates for a stripping and a dunk in the Deox c tank! Might attack them this bank holiday weekend.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Paid more attention to the chassis legs than what I did Rofl good work though mate! I will be attackiing the underside of mine soon. Got a lot of crusty bits under the chassis legs and boot floor, it's gross
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
Thanks given by: Ben_w
Hey Ben, good to see you getting on well with it!
The columns just both top and bottom icowlings off and 4 nuts to drop off and the column is free!
I had to drop one of mine to do a brake light switch, PITA and cut wrists so if you haven't already done it, do the switch while it's apart! Smile
Thanks given by: Ben_w
(27-04-2016, 09:36 PM)Matt Wrote: Paid more attention to the chassis legs than what I did Rofl good work though mate! I will be attacking the underside of mine soon. Got a lot of crusty bits under the chassis legs and boot floor, it's gross

Hmmm, get ready for some fun Matt, especially in the blind open box sections behind the bump stops. They really are so much fun.
Hopefully you won't have the awful underseal stuff to deal with as I did....

(27-04-2016, 09:45 PM)Redordead89 Wrote: Hey Ben, good to see you getting on well with it!
The columns just both top and bottom icowlings off and 4 nuts to drop off and the column is free!
I had to drop one of mine to do a brake light switch, PITA and cut wrists so if you haven't already done it, do the switch while it's apart! Smile
Cheers for that bud, properly useful....I was going to have a look at that this forecast not good though and if it snows like it did today, I'm not doing anything!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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I don't think mine has been under sealed in any of the areas. Only the crappy factory stuff which isn't too hard to get off with the wire wheel Smile
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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You should be OK then.....

Decent goggles/facemask is a deffo....especially if using a grinder with a wire knot brush. As they wear out, they start spitting strands of wire at quite a rate of knots.....
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Yeah I've already had my fare share of wire stands in my face haha, not risking it this time round!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Ben would you be interested in some refurbished rear calipers? They were sold to me by Ash as refurbed and they've clearly been cleaned up as there's no finish on them, so you could clean them/coat them whatever std. finish was! lmao

Can dig them out and get pics if you are.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Send me some pics sweetheart!

Std finish on these was bare Ali I think.
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Okay, well I think they are bare but grubby, also have relatively new flexis, new HB cables etc.
Will get a pic when I get time over the bank holiday weekend.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Today, I had a hangover…… Smile

So today, I lounged about until lunchtime when I felt a bit more hooooman…. Smile

Decided a bit of fresh air (along with the obligatory cup of tea) would be just the ticket so I made some excuse as to why I couldn't paint the bathroom and went outside. Main job for today was get the engine bay loom out completely. To do so meant removal of the scuttle panel and wiper motor to get that the main plug connecting it to the car.

Wiper arms off the spindles first didn't cause many issues. Stuck a little on the splines, a couple of taps with the ratchet loosened them and off they came. Good. Scuttle panel next and, apart from them using those silly torx head screws (did they just have a big bucket of random screws, nuts, bolts etc at the factory and just use whatever they pulled out?!), that all came off fine. Half a dozen bolts and one electrical connector and the wiper motor was out.

[Image: IMG_20160502_135653_zpsck9xdwpb.jpg]

There's supposed to be a drain hole under the wiper motor, like this one on the passenger side…

[Image: IMG_20160502_135710_zpstazehja3.jpg]

Hmmmm, something hadnt been reading the script…

[Image: IMG_20160502_135700_zpsq1urqf2f.jpg]

So a bit grubby under the scuttle, nothing unexpected though.

[Image: IMG_20160502_135706_zpsde7sjpwf.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160502_144555_zpsyyb9zeey.jpg]

Next job was disconnect the engine bay loom. Big connector under the wiper motor. Undo the big torx bolt in the middle and gently prise off. Took me a minute to figure out how to the the plug through the hole in the inner arch until I had a feel and felt a notch..

[Image: IMG_20160502_141618_zpszarvqk68.jpg]

Edge of the plug in the notch and out it came.

[Image: IMG_20160502_141529_zpsnb0o3pmx.jpg]

That's now tucked away in the dry. Then it was onto cleaning that mess...see, I told you there was a drain hole…

[Image: IMG_20160502_141838_zps6przacdc.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160502_142002_zpsopktcmbb.jpg]

Once all that was out, I taped cling film over the connector and at this point it promptly peed it down. Time for a brew. Once the rain had gone, back out to get cleaning the scuttle area.

[Image: IMG_20160502_170810_zpsav34oblc.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20160502_171108_zpsadhcwt0f.jpg]

As I was getting (carefully) busy cleaning, I did this section right up under the driver's side corner of the screen where the bonnet release cable comes through. Paint just flaked off and its got surface rust underneath.

[Image: IMG_20160502_171121_zpsghltxhaa.jpg]

Pulled the tape holding the clingfilm off and more paint comes off, with more rust underneath.

[Image: IMG_20160502_172121_zpsvhhtmmdk.jpg]

Smacks of poor prep at the factory. That will need sorting out. Also found this bit of rust on the bracket that holds a rubber cover over the fan intake and where some of the scuttle panel and support bracket bolts to.

[Image: IMG_20160502_170741_zpsk53cu3ng.jpg]

Build code sticker…

[Image: IMG_20160502_170752_zpsiprk16bn.jpg]

There isn't too much more now to do on the engine bay, other than strip it. I'm looking at hiring a blaster for a day and doing it myself at my mates place as he's got a suitable air supply. Going to look at spraying the Electrox primer and then the mastic too. Apparently doable if both are thinned down 10%. Obligatory thinned mix brushed onto all the seams first though to really get it into them.

Look out Chambers, I'm coming for your Rallye Crown!!! Smile
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Not done too much more on this at the moment.....

Got the calipers and started cleaning them up. They need dunking in Deox C for a while...

[Image: IMG_20160507_132132_zpsgekcxvri.jpg]

At least the pistons popped out easily with just some compressed air. Full rebuild oin the cards for these anyway

[Image: IMG_20160507_132143_zpsvtbiszaq.jpg]
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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The original stickers..curious to know what you will do with them?
Assume need removing for the painting..but what about replacement?
Do love the extent you are going to... This would make my ocd so happy if I had the time
Wishes for more power...
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Rikky over on the GTi6 forum makes reproduction stickers. The ones on the car are a repro set from him. His are so good, even Peugeot use him for stickers now!

I'll look out for Peugeot originals but I doubt I'll find any. The occasional one pops up in eBay but they've been NFP for years
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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(10-05-2016, 05:52 AM)Ben_w Wrote: Rikky over on the GTi6 forum makes reproduction stickers. The ones on the car are a repro set from him. His are so good, even Peugeot use him for stickers now!

I'll look out for Peugeot originals but I doubt I'll find any. The occasional one pops up in eBay but they've been NFP for years

Oh thats very cool
Wishes for more power...
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Ah sorry mate forgot about rear caliper pictures, I'll post them up soon.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Time to update this I guess......

I haven't really done anymore to it. Number of reasons really, main two being having to rip out and decorate the bathroom and then the resulting lack of time and money!

However the bathroom is now done. I have been amassing a lot of NOS parts. I have a delivery coming at the end of this month and it contains amongst other things a pair of brand new headlight protectors, brand new boot wheel arch carpet trims, the uber unobtainable clips for the side skirts, a new passenger side skirt seal and a few other bits. Have a few more found and have to save some cash to pay for those!

I'm going to look at the hiring of blasting kit option and having a local company do it. Only real issue is the sub frame would need to come off to get it all blasted properly underneath but will talk to companies about that. Looking forward to getting back to it
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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As said previously dude, absolutely immense attention to detail going on here! Can't wait to see the finished article, will most likely end up the cleanest Rallye ever, better than they ever came from the factory potentially too!

Nice work fella, keep it up, love seeing the updates on this. Smile
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Thanks bud.....posts like yours keep me motivated to get on with it.

As said, been a few tight months money wise but coming out the other side of that. Really looking forward to getting these new parts. Will have a few extras of a few very hard to find bits which I'll be putting up for sale on here soo .

It's going to take time to get her how I want her but I also hope it will be one of the best Rallye's out there. Carl Chambers 300 mile minter is unlikely to be bettered but I'm gonna see how close I can get!
Cherry Red Rallye - Full on OEM resto.....
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Keep it coming mate, looking good so far.

Mine on the other hand is proudly rat. :p
Night Blue VW Golf 7 GTD : Bianca 306 Rallye : Mini Cooper D (The Mrs')
[Image: wallye-gtd.JPG?raw=1]
HDi Owner for 200k/9 years
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