Cully's Bianca 6 R150 YVM

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Cully's Bianca 6 R150 YVM
on it like sonic!
need to slacken the verniers to get them it right too....
at least I don't need the bottom pulley off this time Wink
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Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Assuming that you run the belt on from the crank pulley anti clockwise, i find its always best to slacken the cam pullies, turn them as far clockwise as possible and then fit the belt. That way you don't end up with a tight or slack patch in between the cam pullies which a surprising amount of people manage to do!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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yes i did that when fitting the belt Wink
its a case of now pinning it all clamping the pulleys,
slackening the verniers,
slackening the belt,
re tension to 90 degrees then, 21Nm
re bolting the verniers, 40Nm
un pinning,
rotate 4-6 times,
re pin to re check,

remove pins n tools and Vrmmmm to check
refit covers Wink
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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5min job lol
Wishes for more power...
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clamps and pins being put to good use Wink

[Image: 20150831_175433.jpg]

all done sounds a lot better Smile
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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That's more like it, sounds sweet
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Yeah thats better Smile
Wishes for more power...
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what's the wooden thing for? that stops the pulleys from being able to move as intended, only need the pins.
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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use the wooden block to clamp the pulleys so i can torque up the verniers without stressing the pins
copy of the peugeot tool for the job Wink

tool is not used when setting the belt tension only undoing/doing up the cam pulley centre bolts
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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well done. good to see progress has been made! Big Grin
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Good job on getting it sorted mate Smile
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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been out with the car most of the day 80 miles down
I'm still smiling like a goodun Big Grin

the car is very lively and I'm not using all the revs yet
the lightened flywheel is taking some getting used to but im getting there
the clutch is so light for a 306 its unreal It was a good investment new fork bushes and clutch cable Smile

cant wait to go out in her again
need to look at the exhaust as I think its a little lower than before as I seem to be scraping the centre box every now and then

other than that I'm well Happy

time for a cider Smile
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Ace! Happy days!!

Think you should pull a sicky and come to action day!!
Wishes for more power...
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Love that moment when you realise just why you put chronic hours into loving an inanimate object. Glad to hear the love is flowing strong!
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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well last night i went out and hit a Speed bump Not fast I must add
it was a rubber mat type made up with rubber squares one of the edges was raised
which caught my exhaust which instantly made the car louder........Bugger!

today car has been on the ramp inspected
and ive cracked the exhaust in 3 places Hmmm

[Image: 20150903_115427.jpg]

anyway they have all been welded up with triangle reinforcing slide plates welded on too Wink

[Image: 20150903_122058.jpg]
[Image: 20150903_122113.jpg]
[Image: 20150903_121718.jpg]

have also replaced the centre hanger rubber which has raised the pipework up by about 25mm
so should be good for a while now Smile

i also need to get a new oil modine seal as it seem to be leaking a little against the block but that can wait till i change the oil
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Im enjoying the car again Smile

GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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What a beauty Smile
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250 miles in now and I'm beginning to open up the taps a little
up till now Ive been limiting my self to 4.5k and that is lively enough
but OMG it pulls like a bull above that and gets to high revs real quick

before you used to be able to sit on the motorway and cruse at a set speed easy, now it just wants to creap up and up
you really need to watch the MPH as it soon gets away from the speed limit Wink

another 100 miles and i will flush the engine and put some good oil in it

still happy im driving this to work ATM just to put miles on it **GRINS**
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Happy happy times Smile

You must be chuffed Smile
Wishes for more power...
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(06-09-2015, 04:28 PM)Piggy Wrote: You must be chuffed Smile

understatement of the year!

building an engine from the bottom up, which is not my trade, then you get the nerves of if it will live when you turn the key.
i knew the time would come that id have to fit it, again all done on my drive by myself,
turned the key and it burst into life is an excellent fealing
i know ive had a few teething issues but ive over come those too Smile

350miles in and my smile is still ear to ear

checked all the fluids, topped the oil, water was good, all the temps and pressures are good, so next Thursday or Friday on my days off, im planning on flushing the oil and fitting the oil cooler new filter and good oil

i have had an issue with a electronic oil pressure gauge i fitted the gauge readings would fluctuate with electrical loading ie; switch anything on the gauge would drop,
i tryed a few things to stop this but the one thing that did the most good was upgrading the chassis to gearbox and gearbox to battery earth cables
these were 10 +16mm i believe now they are both 35mm a lot of stuff works better
fuel pump sounds faster engine turns over better and the pressure gauge is a lot better
so it can only be a good thing Smile
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Sounds great pal :-)

Well done! :-)
Wishes for more power...
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Good to hear its still running Smile
Interesting about the earth cables, might look into that
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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still Grinning!

400 miles done
car drives real nice and sounds so sweet !
i need to reset the ECU again as i think changing the earths has given it a strange idle, so i expect it didnt reset correctly and the idle control is confused
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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550 miles clocked today thought it was time for a flush and new oil

so added the flush drove it round and up to temperature, came home and dropped the oil,
I've removed the filter and that is how its left,
  I will let it drain over night, then
tommorow i will fit the new seal under the modine and fit the oil cooler take off plate with a new oil filter
before treating her to some castrol edge

it rained quite heavey last night and on the way home the driving got a little interesting checked the front tyres and they were close to the bars so had to order two new kumo 16" tyres today too Sad
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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fitted the cooler pipework filter and topped with oil
took it for a drive....
cant believe the difference the new oil has made over the cheap shit i had in there

oil pressure is a lot more stable with engine temperature with the fully synthetic oil
im getting good oil pressure all through the rev range at running temp

ive set my early warning oil light to come on when the engine is hot just below tick over which is about 20-25 PSI which should be ample warning of pending disaster stock oil pressure light is 5 PSI

i may adjust this again will see what/how it annoys me Wink
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Good to see your happy with it man. Always a good feeling building stuff yourself.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Well done bud ThumbsUp
Wishes for more power...
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Good to hear its all going well mate. Nice to see another kumo tyres fan is about Smile
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well around 2000 miles on the new engine and it flys!

went to a car meet in Plymouth last night, met up with a group at Exeter services
for a convoy to Plymouth, which ended up as a race along the A38,
was suppose to meet frosty and James on route but ended up flying past them
as i was playing with Nissan skylines Big Grin
after a while thought better of it so slowed and waited in a lay-by till frosty caught up

the car meet was one of the biggest ive been too police were blocking entrances to full carparks and directing people to other parks
GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Good to hear it goes well, a decent gain in power by the sounds of it then?
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