Dr_Jekyll & Mr_Hyde Estate Project

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Dr_Jekyll & Mr_Hyde Estate Project
Yup they are Smile havnt had the time to look up patterns, angles etc. Yet but hoping they'll be promising
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Been keeping myself busy today Smile decided to clean up the wishbones I was given by aggy a clean up. There just standard wishbones with meyle hd p bushes, powerflex front bushes and new ball joints . Hopefully these will last abit longer than my stock ones.

Just need to get these on now
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Well wishbones are on and all the loud knocks are gone though i think theres a top mount on the way out so that will be a set of rose jointed top mounts soon Tongue
Just got my black cab sun visors through and fitted em. Really cant wait to get the material to retrim the roof lining!
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Like the roof handles! I thought about getting cabby visors but in the end just got mine flocked.
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Glad they were use to you mate they had been sitting in the shed for over a year lol
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the FMIC work is very nice, maybe i will do the same and change my ic
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Cheers tried to keep it all tidy and the cab visors are nice but dont quiet fit the roof lining properly Smile
Still got a knocking aggy but seems calliper sliders are excesivley worn as i can wriggle the caliper on the disk :$
Could be that or top mounts are shot.
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Just a little update and some photos as i havnt posted for a while again. Basically ive finally gotten around to buying some 20mm spacers so fitment is looking sweet at long last Smile
After fitting the spacers i ended up having to roll the arches which ended up in total paint cracking carnage :/
after this i was just fed up of the overall condition of the car, had just had a new window screen and the tape had pulled a large piece of laqueer off. Various panels where many shades of red, stuff needed smoothing, so in the end i went a little mad and bought some montanna graffati paint.
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Best diablo estate I've ever seen buddy!
||AVO Race GTX Coilovers||Signature Blue Steels||P1 VTS Rack||Hybrid ARB||21mm Torsion Bar||rich_w Flywheel||
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Shame she's matte now Sad

Once the boot badge, roof bolts and aerial had been filled and smoothed i began spraying. Now this was never gonna be a picaso piece lmao, but the intention was to get the finish good enough so that if i ever got the money to send it to the shop it could still be done.
so after spraying it i realised i could actually polish the finish which brings me to a dilema.... flat gloss red (basically diable without the metallic flake) or leave her matte?
Just bought some suede for the roof lining so that should be taking place soon and got some plans for bumper canards and wheel bolts before i get back in the bay to squeeze more power out Wink
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Polish it up Wink
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Keep thinking it
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Im with Matt, get it polished up. Wink
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Got to admit i am loving the matte ratty look though with mint bay, interior and wheels (really need to sort the rear stretch out and new gold wheel bolts)
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looks good when you get bored polish it maybe?
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Maybe, wanna save for a new spray job anyway but will have to see what route the car takes in the mean time Smile
For £35 though i cant complain how the cars come out as its flat enough to pass for vinyl wrap. Just gave it a little tidy up as i was sick of spotting paintwork issues
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Finally made a start on the suede roof lining tonight. Can see it being an arse to get bag in as never realised just how much was involved with taking it out.
Managed to get the material perfect, even round the sunvisors but sods law i ran out of glue when it came to sticking down the edges.
Cant wait to see this back in the car with the black plastic pillars, black cab sunvisors, quicksilver black handles and colour coded light plastics Tongue
P.s any one know the best glue to stick the lining back to the roof? Will the same carpet glue work fine?
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Roof linings complete and in now, looks awesome
Just want two black bucket seats and red sabelt harness's and i think the interiors 100% where i want it then
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Well paid day turned into a little treat for the pug Smile finally ordered the new cambelt kit shes been screaming out for. And a full service kit as I may have neglected her.
And of course i had to get some more tarty parts to bring the wheels back up to scratch Tongue
So got myself a stud conversion and these bolts and dust caps on the way to match the gold compomotive center caps
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Wooo tyres arrived this morning so got them straight on Tongue
Got the 20mm spacers on so stance wise im happy again. Just waiting for my gold bolts to arrive but heres a couple of pics from tonight Smile
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Well my stud conversion and bolts finally arrived the other day Smile these were a bit of a pain to put in but found the easiest way was to lock to bolts onto each other on the thread and then use these to wind the stud into the hub (of course using loctite!).
After I had bought my wheel nuts i started hearing alot of horror stories about running aluminuim nuts, and to top it all of turns out the nuts of ordered are well known to strip the threads if your not carefull. Luckerly when I ordered the studs I ordered them longer knowing I wanted to use every last thread in the lug nut for security. Once on I got my matching dust caps on (as you have to) and took a couple of pics in the fading light.

**will add at this point do not touch d1 spec wheel bolts from ebay, as i've found there made of cheese and mark very easily. You pay for what you get unfortunatley**
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How have I never seen this before? Love the wheel set up!

Surprised i've not seen you around, I'm in Fakenham most sundays Smile
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Looks great! Just need to polish those lips up! Be careful about different metals welding together :/ May be very difficult to get the nuts off after a while D:
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JJ, you the lad with the blaze 306?
Cheers fella, there a bitch to clean up though Sad and there still free Smile
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(24-10-2014, 10:54 AM)dr_jekyll Wrote: JJ, you the lad with the blaze 306?
Cheers fella, there a bitch to clean up though Sad and there still free Smile

No, a purple/dark red E90 3 series lol.

I had a blaze 306 a couple of years ago for a little while, but don't think it ever went to Fakenham! I did sell it to a chap out between fakenham/wells way though.

There was a lad from fakenham on here a while ago that i've seen around alot, he had a china blue 3dr, think it had a bonnet scoop.
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That would be my mate chippy and your old car went to a lad in walsingham as remember seeing it about
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(24-10-2014, 11:07 AM)dr_jekyll Wrote: That would be my mate chippy and your old car went to a lad in walsingham as remember seeing it about

thats the one.

[Image: 181.jpg]

My most recent was this
[Image: 3596B775-3B15-415F-96B4-B4728E00430F-930...1E1E2E.jpg]

and now have this.. give me a wave if you see me about Smile

[Image: DSC_0721_zpsdfaa4b56.jpg]
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Will do bud Smile chances are you see me first, prob going lower too haha
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Last month or so ive had a chronic knock and finally discovered it, i'll just casually leave an old v.s new photo of my top mount and see what you guys reckon.
Also, at what point do you consider your car too low? Still want to drop another 15mm ?
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Its one thing after another atm lmao. Driving along last night and give it a foot full to hear a loud bang and tge car try and violently ditch itself. Any way had a little look tonight and was greeted by this wonderful engine mount. Only upside is it has not worn the famous hole in the chassis.
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