Eddy's Red Rallye

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Eddy's Red Rallye
Shouldnt be much longer Smile hopefully getting new engine tonight
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Looking good mate you painting the block aswell ? You using a 106 pas or just relocating it ?
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Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Using the electric pump off my saxo mate. I might paint the block. See how i feel when i pick the engine up tonight.

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DO IT! paint the block and she'll stay clean Big Grin you could get the pledge out from time to time and shine it up Big Grin
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Stage 1 HDi DTurbo Diablo 5dr, "Dee-Dee"
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Got a few bits that still need painted yet. Could really do with some new engine mounts too but they can wait! Just what colour do i donthe block? Hmm black red or grey?
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I painted mine black and now have an oil leak. Do you think i can find it??! would be easy if it was silver or a bright colour lol
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Yeah i was thinking red, always do them black. Nice red and silver engine maybe
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So picked the new engine up yesterday and got working on it today,weather was abit crap so not got as much done as i was hoping to.
Removed all the AUX setup as i am only running an alternator,swapped over the inlet and a few other bits and bobs, degreased the block and painted the head. Tomorrow i need to change the cam belt, remove the box and change the casings as my box has a f**ked 3rd and 4th selector and box i got with the engine has a snapped engine mount point. Hopefully be in and running by monday tho.

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Well today has been fun. Pulled the gearbox off both my engines. 1 had a broken 3rd and 4th selector and other had a snapped mounting point so stropped both boxed down to i could take the middle casing off the box with the borke selector or fit it to the box with the broken mounting point. Never pulled a box apart before so it did take a little while figuring bits and bobs out but i managed. Now i have 1 good box and feels like i can select all gears by hand so fingers crossed its going to be ok once its in the car.

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Thanks given by: dhdcdarchy
Today i finally got round to getting the engine fitted, bought a new AUX belt as i am only running the alternator now. Painted a few bits what were looking a little tired but didnt get as much done as i was hoping as it kept on snowing every now and then. engine is in, all mounts tightened up and everything connected up in the engine bay apart from the catch tank as the pipe i got is too small Sad
Tomorrow i need to fit shafts, exhaust, and brake lines then i can get the car back down on all 4 wheels and make a start on the inside, hopefully the engine is going to be a good one.

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Looking good fella!
I just caught up!
I may have a spare slot on the group buy if you want a FG bonnet?!
Wishes for more power...
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Thanks mate whens the next lot due? Still got a few other bits to buy 1st but i wouldnt mind one to be honest
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Managed to get the car started today. Had a bit of bother at 1st, with the engine standing for a few year i replaced the belt, pulled the plugs out and put a little oil in each of the bores then turned the car over a few times to get the oil round the engine. i then dropped the oil out and left to drain for about half an hour while i went and bought some fresh oil and filter. Fitted the filter and fresh oil, left the plugs out and cranked the engine over again a few times. Fitted the new plugs and went to start the car, fuel pump was priming, everything seemed to be working but was getting no spark? swapped the crank sensor and checked fuses and still nothing! tried the ECU i got with the engine and the car fired straight up, strange how my original ECU off the rallye wouldnt work tho?
when i got the car started it was making one hell of a racket from the top end! gave it a minute and nothing changed, turned it off and tried again still rattling its brains out so left it for half hour went back to start it up, still rattled so gave it a few revs and held at about 2k and a few seconds later it sorted itself out. take it the lifters must have had absolutely no oil in them. so im now happy with the engine, need to pick up a CV boot tomorrow for the long shaft before i can get that fitted.
Moved onto the interior and finished off making my facia and wired in the cut off switch and fitted a on/off switch for when i get the kitcar heater matrix. Painted the back of the new facia satin black so the front comes out nice.

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(29-04-2015, 09:23 AM)eddy_gti6 Wrote: Thanks mate whens the next lot due? Still got a few other bits to buy 1st but i wouldnt mind one to be honest

good news on the engine fella!

the  bonnets are only coming in one go, I aint doing it again!

I have one spare single skin coming, but could upgrade it to double if I know soon enough as they are being made now!
Wishes for more power...
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Single skin is no good. Would want double skin. When would it need paid for?
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No spark sounds like an immobiliser issue perhaps?
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Am sorted now. Swapped my ecu and its fine now and if it was immobiliser the fuel pump wouldnt prime but it did.
Been on removing all sound dead crap from the floor inside the car today and cleaning it up ready for seats. Also removed the bit of metal that runs from the exhaust tunnel to the door
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Aren't those bars an important strengthening brace?
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I would imagine they help quite considerably in a side impact :/
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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What ever they were they arent very strong and to be honest the omp seat mounts will strengthen it back up and are a much more solid unit. Also made fitting the seat mounts alot easyer as it was quite hard getting to the bolts.
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Got my interior fitted today and picked up a long shaft what i will fit tomorrow then thats the car done and ready for road test. Also moved my hazard button and rear screen button.

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Looks epic mate

Really need some of those seats,do you plan on stripping more weight from it?
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Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Not just yet, i just want to get it back on the road and enjoy it for a little while. Went to bleed my brakes today and found my front lines had a hole in so got to make some new lines tomorrow
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Well now the cars back on the road and running well i had a drive out sunday with my mate in his 106 rallye over he pennines and got a few photos.
While i was out i was getting pretty annoyed with my exhaust rattling on the heat shields so decided i would just remove them today, seemed to be the easiest option and less weight Big Grin Hopefully it will warm inside the car a little too as its quite cold on a morning with no heaters.

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I would not be removing those mate rallye exhausts get bloody hot.
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yeah second that! sandy was telling me a horror story where a fuel take melted on the rollers and dumped its fuel!
90' 205 gti6 supercharged
05' Evo 9 IX GT

Team eaton.

Axle rebuilds please contact me for your needs.

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Never had a problem before, i still have the heat shield under the fuel tank, they just run under the car, if i ever find myself with a problem i will just wrap the exhaust. They cant be put back on now anyway as most of the stud and nuts have snap thats why the heat shield was hanging down to start with snd rattling.
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I have a feeling that mine being missing from the back is part of the reason my old sound deadening looked so sticky as the sticky patch followed the line of the exhaust on the boot floor.
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Im all stripped out now so my exhaust can be me new under floor heating as i hove no heaters any more either Wink
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