24-10-2015, 11:39 AM
After a weeks loyal service, cracks started to show! whatever monkey had changed the clutch had left the gearbox earth strap finger tight so sometimes there was a phantom earthing issue that prevented starting.
Perks of my job though, "Send the truck boys im broke down at tescos"
Earthing issue fixed and all was plain sailing, untill the next day. Where a pensioner reversed into it in the shop car park Not much damage but still annoying!
Felt bad so treated it too a full wash and polish
Perks of my job though, "Send the truck boys im broke down at tescos"
Earthing issue fixed and all was plain sailing, untill the next day. Where a pensioner reversed into it in the shop car park Not much damage but still annoying!
Felt bad so treated it too a full wash and polish