Bit of an update, car has been fine for a while then yesterday there was a bit of a judder and that was that, then i popped up to the shop this morning and the car started to judder/ surge as if it was running out of diesel, i pulled over the idle was lumpy as hell then the car cut out.
It restarted but the revs were all over the place from 500 up to 2000 then it cut out again, i tried to pull off to get it home and it was just poppng and banging, i know diesels don't back fire but this was or it was doing a very good impression of a car back firing ( got some funny looks ) no management light at this point.
Then just went for it was only a mile or so to get home, then the management light came one, so pulled over and read the codes and i had:
P0560 system voltage
P0220 throttle pedal position sensor switch B circuit
P0190 fuel rail pressure sensor A circuit
P0120 throttle pedal position sensor switch A circuit
P0403 Exhaust gas recirculation control circit ( this is because i have unplugged the EGR solanoid)
Any ideas??
It restarted but the revs were all over the place from 500 up to 2000 then it cut out again, i tried to pull off to get it home and it was just poppng and banging, i know diesels don't back fire but this was or it was doing a very good impression of a car back firing ( got some funny looks ) no management light at this point.
Then just went for it was only a mile or so to get home, then the management light came one, so pulled over and read the codes and i had:
P0560 system voltage
P0220 throttle pedal position sensor switch B circuit
P0190 fuel rail pressure sensor A circuit
P0120 throttle pedal position sensor switch A circuit
P0403 Exhaust gas recirculation control circit ( this is because i have unplugged the EGR solanoid)
Any ideas??