Got a bit of a stange problem with the 306, it's a x reg 2001 HDI on 160K stage 1 & de cat.
I reversed out the drive the other day and stopped to chat to my neighbour, the car was idling, i then pulled off and the car popped and back fired out the exhaust ( never heard it do that before ) then for the next mile or so it was missing and stuttering as if it was just about to run out of diesel, i went and stuck 20 quid in just in case as my gauge has never been that reliable, and then it was fine and it has been for 100+ miles.
Then this morning i drove out the drive and on the way down my road it popped again just the once and stuttered once or twice and then it has been fine for the rest of the day ( maybe 30 or so miles), i have noticed that it is a little more smokey than normal when booting it, but nothing else really. No fault codes or management light.
Any ideas or suggestons where to start looking please fellas.
Cheers Titch
I reversed out the drive the other day and stopped to chat to my neighbour, the car was idling, i then pulled off and the car popped and back fired out the exhaust ( never heard it do that before ) then for the next mile or so it was missing and stuttering as if it was just about to run out of diesel, i went and stuck 20 quid in just in case as my gauge has never been that reliable, and then it was fine and it has been for 100+ miles.
Then this morning i drove out the drive and on the way down my road it popped again just the once and stuttered once or twice and then it has been fine for the rest of the day ( maybe 30 or so miles), i have noticed that it is a little more smokey than normal when booting it, but nothing else really. No fault codes or management light.
Any ideas or suggestons where to start looking please fellas.
Cheers Titch