Cheers but this is near finished
only just got round to making a project thread.
Anyways also bought an omp strut brace for the old girl
Next I made a start on the interior. Always hated the stock wheels so the first thing I did was got my hands on a momo boss and my mate donated me a mazda mx5 eunos momo which looks the tits with the meridian stock half leathers
Also bought a hks turbo timer, as I was doing away with the radio stalk I thought the sensible thing to do was to route the wiring inside of a length of conduit into the empty stalk hole. As for the gauges I had them left over from my first 306 which never really got done. Decided to stay along the conduit theme and bolted them coldly to the dash routing the conduit through the vents (also painted the dash piece s and fitted blue lights in the clock but this seems common now anyway)
the wires were a nightmare but soon went in, took a live feed directly from the cd player and ran the lights of the cigarette lighter light.
got the gti6 headrest in aswell and the ph1 glove box (ignore the gay stickers)

Anyways also bought an omp strut brace for the old girl

Next I made a start on the interior. Always hated the stock wheels so the first thing I did was got my hands on a momo boss and my mate donated me a mazda mx5 eunos momo which looks the tits with the meridian stock half leathers

the wires were a nightmare but soon went in, took a live feed directly from the cd player and ran the lights of the cigarette lighter light.
got the gti6 headrest in aswell and the ph1 glove box (ignore the gay stickers)
