23-04-2013, 05:41 PM
Meh, if people are interested in meeting other forum members and having a laugh, they'll turn up, wherever it's held. Ok, so there'll be the same old excuses and drop outs, but that's nothing new, meets still happen. 
Stephen, are you offering a venue there matey??
Personally, i reckon a lot of the bad rep on welsh police is down to the valley boys who don't see a problem with redlining their 6"exhausttip-12kHID-50%windscreentint-ed corsa through villages at 3am. I know a group of guys up there who are well into their modifying and they usually only get interested questions from the local fuzz. One reckons he's never been pulled full stop, not bad considering how heavily "adjusted" his car is lol.

Stephen, are you offering a venue there matey??
Personally, i reckon a lot of the bad rep on welsh police is down to the valley boys who don't see a problem with redlining their 6"exhausttip-12kHID-50%windscreentint-ed corsa through villages at 3am. I know a group of guys up there who are well into their modifying and they usually only get interested questions from the local fuzz. One reckons he's never been pulled full stop, not bad considering how heavily "adjusted" his car is lol.