Dum-Dums Stage 2 HDi Estate Project

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Dum-Dums Stage 2 HDi Estate Project
Youll have to bear with me as this is copied and pasted from elsewhere.

January 2011

I got my HDi Estate over Christmas 2010 (I buy myself the best Christmas presents) Its in the cheap tax band, Meridian SE so has all the extras, full Peugeot service history and the best bit was its sub 24k mileage. Cost me £2825.

Heres how she was when I got her (with the cleanest 306 engine bay Ive ever seen)
[Image: MyEstate008.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate009.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate010.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate013.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate011.jpg]

Took some more pics after driving the lushness for a few days
[Image: MyEstate020.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate019.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate021.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate023.jpg]

So started with a few mods; de-badged the boot and doors, removed the pug stickers and added my own, also got some 307 washer jets, fitted a tow bar (so I can tow the Dutton about) and fitted HIDs.
[Image: MyEstate024.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate026.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate027.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate028.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate029.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate032.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate033.jpg]
[Image: ZetecDutton027.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate035.jpg]

My Plans Were to keep it OEM+, I wanted to lower it a little with adjustable dampers on some nice pug 16" or 17" wheels, fit OEM head unit ipod integration, get tracking, top engine mount and cam belt sorted then remap and de-cat possibly with a k+N filter and straight through back box.
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March 2011

Right well heres a few updates. After not getting the Challengers I wanted I settled on a set of airanes from stevieg for a bargain price.

So Ive went over to speed shack today and paid £ra*e for 4x15mm ally hubcentric spacers. A stud conversion and 16 toyota size wheel nuts with a peugeot thread.

Long story but 2 pairs of spacers at £35 a pair, 16 x 60mm M12x1.25 wheel studs at £1 each and 16 x toyota wheel nuts (cos theyer an amazing fit in the airanes) that are being specially made in M12x1.25 insted of M12x1.5 with a 21mm nut at £1.95 each and suddenly thats the best part of £130 however theres no chance of my wheels coming off.

Im just about to go and spary the last coat of black on the wheels but for whats going on top of that youll have to wait and see the pictures tomorrow evening.


The wheels are on and are going well apart from the fact that one of my front tyres got a massive screw diagonally through it and the other front got a sidewall bulge. I wasnâ??t happy with the 195/45R16s so I upgraded to 205/50R15 and the car feels so much more planted. Just waiting to find some cheap 205-50R16s for the rear and Ill be running them all round.

Wheel pictures;
[Image: MyEstate039.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate040.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate040.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate041.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate039.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate042.jpg]

The wheels were fitted on a 60mm stud conversion that makes it a lot easier to get the wheels and spacers on and off. Fitted with 15mm hub-centric spacers all round and Toyota style wheel nuts with a pug thread up the middle as these nuts were a much better fit in the wheels than the pug wheel nuts and had a 21mm hex meaning that theyâ??re less likely to get rounded.

Bare rear assembly
[Image: WheelFitting01.jpg]

The all important thread lock
[Image: WheelFitting02.jpg]

Studs thread locked in
[Image: WheelFitting03.jpg]

Spacer On and one of the spacer writing
[Image: WheelFitting05.jpg]
[Image: WheelFitting04.jpg]

Wheel bolted on
[Image: WheelFitting06.jpg]

Centre cap plugged in
[Image: WheelFitting07.jpg]
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April 2011

Next up was tackling the estates suspension. It always sat with the nose up slightly and I wanted to bring it down so I bought a set of GTi6 springs off Scott, making the assumption that theyâ??d lower the car. I also bought a set of Bilstien dampers as my old ones were shot (after just 27k). Well after nearly loosing my hand to a spring compressor coming loose and finally getting the new parts fitted up I found that the car was sitting half an inch higher and I was not a happy bunny. Id not realised quite how heavy GTi6s were but Iâ??m now looking at getting a set of coilovers and some new top mounts as Iâ??m ****ing sick of spring compressors cos even used properly theyâ??re ****ing dangerous.

[Image: EstateBilstein01.jpg]
[Image: EstateBilstein02.jpg]
[Image: EstateBilstein03.jpg]

And the other thing Id found on the 306 was the ****ed was the brakes. The front discs had ridges worn so deep into the disc that if felt like running your finger down a ribbed condom. Anyway I upgraded to Brembo discs and the controversial EBC Green Stuff pads all round and while I had it all apart I took the chance to give the callipers a couple of coats of blue Hammerite.
[Image: EstateBrakes01.jpg]
[Image: EstateBrakes02.jpg]
[Image: EstateBrakes03.jpg]
[Image: EstateBrakes04.jpg]
[Image: EstateBrakes05.jpg]
[Image: EstateBrakes06.jpg]
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April 2011

I got myself a pressed plate for the rear so hereâ??s a before and after shot. Iâ??ve cut down the front plate (but not as much as on the other HDi) although thereâ??s no picture of this. Iâ??m now amassing quite a collection of number plates.

[Image: MyEstate044.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate045.jpg]
[Image: MyEstate046.jpg]

My job for today has been to de-cat the exhaust. I unbolted it and tried the smashing the innards out of it method but the ceramic bits are about twice as thick as they were on my last HDi and this is all I got out of it (not a lot).

[Image: EstateDe-Cat01.jpg]

So I decided this wasnâ??t good enough and so I cut a flap out of the top of it and pulled the rest of the rubbish out. I filled a carrier bag with bits of cat and Iâ??m gonna take it to be welded tomorrow.

[Image: EstateDe-Cat02.jpg]
[Image: EstateDe-Cat03.jpg]
[Image: EstateDe-Cat04.jpg]

Oh and finally Iâ??ve started on a cleaning mission for the HDI. So far Iâ??m up to 4 hours work and sheâ??s had a wash, wheels scrubbed, been dried, whole car clayed (except bumpers and skirts), whole car waxed and windows polished. Hereâ??s a picture of how she stands.

[Image: MyEstate050.jpg]

My next tasks are to sit down with the tar remover and remove all the tar spots off the bumpers and skirts then clay them. Iâ??m gonna polish the car and then give her as many coats of wax as possible. I need to touch up some scratches and Rain X the windows and then I have the joy of cleaning the interior.
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May 2011

Just adding my FCS spec sheet. Ill get some better pics of it now its lowered nearer to FCS

[Image: pugspecsheetmk3jpeg.jpg]

So were now less than a week from FCS and the cleaning has started. Cleaned all the shit out the interior, hoovered it, cleaned the seats and gassed the plastics.
[Image: Cleanedinterior30-5-1102.jpg]
[Image: Cleanedinterior30-5-1101.jpg]

Its now 5 Weeks!! since I last washed the car and its pretty grubby but the water still beads beautifully on it. Megs Gold Class FTMFW!!
[Image: EstateBeading28-5-1101.jpg]
[Image: EstateBeading28-5-1102.jpg]

Ive given the car a good wash today in preparation for FCS, need to wax it when it cools down. I even cleaned the door shuts and under the bonnet.
[Image: MyHDiestate052.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate053.jpg]

My Scanguage 2 fuel computer has turned up and Im loving it, hopefully itll save me a good few quid in fuel and im loving the performance monitor on it. should make it easy to see what difference power mods make.
[Image: ScanguageII02.jpg]
[Image: ScanguageII03.jpg]
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June 2011

Well not really done a huge amount to the car but I thought id give you all the update.

Got the rear windows tinted, the back 3 are Limo black and the back doors are a dark smoke. Some brazillian guy came out from Oxford to do them and did a very good job of them all for £120, thats 7 pieces of glass. (BIM locally id been quoted £150 for the back 3). As he had a bit of time before his next job he did my mums car for £100.

[Image: EstateTints01.jpg]

And Ive been busy collecting bits for the ultimate stage 2 FMIC install and clutch conversion. After starting getting second hand bits out the scrappers (yes Ive got a set and a half of 406 pipes going spare) I decided i was going to do it with all brand new parts cos my HDi deserves it.

Clutch is getting done first, just need clutch, fly wheel bolts, flywheel skimmed and clutch cable and that can be done with a service and the EGR blank.

I also need some bits welded and a few little bits and bobs before I can get fitting.

[Image: FMICParts05-07-11.jpg]

August 2011

[Image: 22082011107.jpg]
[Image: 22082011109.jpg]

Car is serviced, just 300 miles over its interval but it feels so much smoother and faster now. It even appears to be doing about 5% better MPG. While it was being serviced we fitted a K&N replacement element as theyer quite reasonably priced on ebay.

[Image: EstateKNFilter.jpg]
[Image: EstateKNbox.jpg]

Fitted a GTi6/Meridian splitter that my car should of had but never came with

[Image: GTi6Splitter.jpg]

Picked up my new wheels, Pug 308 sport 17" x 7.5" 5 spoke alloys. They were ready fitted with 205/40R17 tyres that give a fair bit of stretch which i like but i really think im gonna end up swapping them for 205/45R17s

[Image: Estate17Wheels01.jpg]
[Image: Estate17Wheels02.jpg]

And heres some of the wheels fitted

[Image: MyHDiestate054.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate055.jpg]
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September 2011

I forget who suggested it (may well of been warlord) but the top of the estate lights dosent do anything and now the back windows are tinted it ruins the lines around the 3 back windows so ive made it black. Just done it with gaffa tape for now but from a distance the difference is rather striking. Photos before and after stylee.

[Image: Rearlightbeforeblack.jpg]
[Image: Rearlightafterblack.jpg]

Ive also removed all the green stickers from the windows to try and add to the stealth look. Just got a couple of other stickers to go (the pugnets and pedo bear are staying) but my finger nails couldnt cope with any more. Again pics are before and after.

[Image: Stickerremovalbefore.jpg]
[Image: Stickerremovalafter.jpg]

Went out to get some photos of my car and it definately needs lowered. Some of them are a little yellow cos i was playing with the settings on the camera phone and they dont do what they say.

[Image: MyHDiestate058.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate063.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate062.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate060.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate059.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate056.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate057.jpg]
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October 2011

Its funny how when you get a quote from the welders you always end up thinking its a bit steep and then when the parts are done and you see the quality of the workmanship its always beautiful and suddenly the money dosent matter and its a shame to be hiding the parts buried in the engine bay.

Anyway £120 got me these.
[Image: FMICWelding01.jpg]
[Image: FMICWelding02.jpg]
[Image: FMICWelding03.jpg]
[Image: FMICWelding04.jpg]

And Ive been having a play with my pipe beader that they made me and its doing a great job, glad i went for 10" long handles as its hard work.
[Image: FMICBeading01.jpg]
[Image: FMICBeading02.jpg]

And Ive made a take off for a boost gauge out of a brake nipple, Ive got a few more of these if people want them and will sell them on for £2 each or £3 if i modify them (inside bored out to 3.5mm, pointy end removed and whole thing shortened then given a rubber washer and ptfe tape so theres no leaks). The pic is before and after.
[Image: FMICBoostGaugeTakeoff01.jpg]
[Image: FMICBoostGaugeTakeoff02.jpg]

Big thanks to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.krisb.co.uk">www.krisb.co.uk</a><!-- w --> french car specalist who helped me with fitting my clutch for a very reasonable price. Heres the pics of our day.

[Image: FMICpart201.jpg]
[Image: FMICpart202.jpg]
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[Image: FMICpart205.jpg]
[Image: FMICpart206.jpg]
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[Image: FMICpart208.jpg]
[Image: FMICpart209.jpg]
[Image: FMICpart210.jpg]
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October 2011 (still)

Ive been out playing with the performance monitor on the scan guage. Only managed to equal my current best 0-60 at 6.6s. 30-70 in 3rd is also 6.6s

1/4 mile (1324ft) was 15.2s @ 91mph BUT I fluffed the start and first gear change meaning my 0-60 was shown as 7 seconds so you can take 0.4s off the time and then take some more for being on a road and not a sticky drag strip so it might be close to equalling my personal best with the old HDi.
That run went on to 19.8s for 0-100mph.

The timings do seem to be showing that it could definately do with the next map that has more top end power as past 85mph/3000rpm it starts to die off quickly. Hopefully theres more to come.


Woop Woop
She Passed her MOT!!

Straight out the box, only 2 advisorys (both of which i knew i was going to get) £54.85 thank you very much. Might have to have a few celebratory beers tonight.

She got 0.89 on the smoke test but it says on the sheet the limit is 1.5, I always thought the limit was 3. Have they tested it as a non turbo or something or am I being silly.

And Ive now also been able to pay for my years road tax, another £130. It really has been an expensive month. Im off to Kris' now to get the latest map uploaded.


Last night i got my BHP on the scanguage up to 143bhp in 3rd gear, today Ive made myself a mid box back box and got up to 151bhp and the clutch slip is back. I think I must be right at the limit of what the Valeo can hold.

[Image: Midbackbox02.jpg]
[Image: Midbackbox03.jpg]
[Image: Midbackbox01.jpg]

Basically just another HDi midsection, shortened at the back with the angle grinder and drilled for some threaded bar to make the hangers.

The soot that came out of it when I first put my foot down was pretty epic, rear side exit FTW.


Been on the dyno this morning and seen that the car is only making 17.5psi, not the 20psi my guage is showing so its possibly a little down on power. The figures are 134bhp ATW and calculated back
[COLOR="red"][SIZE="7"]163.5BHP and 277lb/ft[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[Image: Dyno16-10-11Power.jpg]
[Image: Dyno16-10-11Boost.jpg]


Got some photos from the other day Ive been meaning to upload, and a few from the dyno (ill put a video up on youtube later) and some photos from the drive home as I let my best mate give it a good 15 mile test drive.

[Image: MyHDiestate068.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate069.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate070.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate071.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate072.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate074.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate075.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate076.jpg]
[Image: MyHDiestate077.jpg]
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November 2011

Fitted my under car LED kit. still needs the final touches of wiring to make them work.

[Image: Neons01.jpg]
[Image: Neons02.jpg]
[Image: Neons03.jpg][Image: Neons04.jpg]
[Image: Neons05.jpg]
[Image: Neons06.jpg]

I think they could do with being a little lighter but TBH for £20 theyer very good.

The really light photos are done using a massive aperture and exposure but youll see from the later pictures it really was pitch black down there.

Im still learning how to get the best photos out of this camera so theyer not all amazing.

[Image: NeonsatNight001.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight002.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight003.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight004.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight005.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight006.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight007.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight008.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight009.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight010.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight011.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight012.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight013.jpg]
[Image: NeonsatNight014.jpg]
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I have recently fitted 330mm Brembos but dont have any pictures of these as yet. Im not going to be doing too much with this car as Im planning on selling it in the new year to fund getting myself another cabriolet
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You massive picture whore! But bloody hell you have done alot to this car. Never really read your project thread much. But maaannn your gunna have to take me for a spin.
I really want a grandad wagon, errrr I mean estate :p
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Also your sig, fastest estate on the forum? It's the only estate on the forum haha
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Matt_pug Wrote:You massive picture whore! But bloody hell you have done alot to this car. Never really read your project thread much. But maaannn your gunna have to take me for a spin.
I really want a grandad wagon, errrr I mean estate :p
You can buy mine in january. If you give me a good price ill throw in all the bits for the hybrid turbo (and 200bhp)

Matt_pug Wrote:Also your sig, fastest estate on the forum? It's the only estate on the forum haha
Dosent make it any less true though
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Really nice car this, always liked the shape of the 306 estate. Not sure if I could go HDi purely for the costs involved to do anything past stage 1.

But great project!

Edit 320mm brakes - they must be a pretty tight fit even under 17's!

Edit 2 - Cracking neons!!!!!!! Rofl
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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You can buy this if you want. Looking for about £3k if it includes the wheels and brakes and about £2500 without.

Really need to post for sale threads
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