Project hopeful, no will power

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Project hopeful, no will power
Awesome stuff, didn't hang about!
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Dont like hanging about its my daily at the moment. May be looking at buying another car soon as well as this. That way i dont have to keep doing running repairs but thats another story all together.

So anyway had a leak from the top hat. Replaced with a new one today pump is now running again lovely. Have to try and figure out advance curve now as obviously its not the same as the idi 306 it came off. The pump seems to advance a tad fast so i have a plan for that and will put into action soon. Also have to get some nozzles sorted got a set of vw ones here as well that i need to try cant hit full throttle as the turbos not big enough either. Apart from all those its cool runnings. Drove to work today in it and love it again.

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On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Yay! Big Grin
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So this is where i am so far. If people are interested. No where near finished. As said i have advance issues and nozzles to sort out. Criticism is welcome as im just trying anything to get this to work.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
Thanks given by: Nathan1305
Good work chap,

Respect for getting it running, looks really easy in photos / video etc, but its not as easy as it looks, so fair play for sticking with it and getting it going.

Not sure what your direction with nozzles is / aims for power are, but be a little bit careful as spraying fuel in the wrong places in large amounts can quite easily do a fair bit of damage to these motors if you start pushing pay attention to cone angles / injector plane etc.

Have you removed the lift pump by the way? If not this will be causing a very high IPP / lots of advance when you dont want it... Id advise as a base robbing the IPP reg, and advance piston shims / springs from a stock VAG TDI pump, this will give a pretty good out of the box setup which you can work from... swap out the "out" bolt also Smile

Keep up the good work, forum needs more projects like this Tongue
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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I have a few nozzle plans. Some from vw mainly as they seem to be almost right. Not perfect. Lift pump got ditched before i put the pump on.

My plan was to rob the advance springs from the landy pump for now. Its advancing way to fast atm and a good bit of diesel clatter upon acceleration. Stops when cruising though. Ill see if i can find a vw pump and rob the lot off it.

Also what do you mean by the "out" bolt.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Landrover not an ideal donor pump for those parts as not a hugely revvy engine in comparison. It will work but I think you will find the VAG items the best to start with out the box...but work with what you have tbh...

The fuel outlet bolt...

The main things that control the rate of advance is the IPP, which relies heavily on the regulator and the out bolt (its a restrictor orifice Smile )
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Ah ok i see. I just have a banjo bolt on it atm because thats what i had lying about. I knew the ipp is a massive influence just never though of that. Only have the landy pump atm so its all i can work with untill next month when i get paid. Was tight getting this done to be fair. I know quite a few vw boys though so ill drop a few a message for a cheap pump.

As you can probably see this was lashed together with minimum budget to get the ecu gone. It will only be improved as i go on. Need to get advance done first as im worried itll throw a rod.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Its the bolt itself that has the hole, not the banjo, it should say "OUT" on it, and confirm you also havent used an out bolt as the inlet! This is critical in any part of the system working correctly.. What reg are you using? 306 one? or landy?
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Ill double check but im sure i havnt. The out bolt i had to salvage from somewhere as i didn't have one. For some reason i think it was an ldv\transit pump but cant be sure. The reg is the 306 atm. Assuming thats probably a bad idea now you mention it. Ive messaged some vw friends and someone says he has a few pumps i can take a nose at local to me.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Awesome work, keep it up !
Cherry red 205 XUD VNT - Project thread here
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Minimum budget lashed together cars are what makes this forum tbh Big Grin Cant wait to see this in the flesh!
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Team Cyril
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Well i stuck the ipp reg from the landy in made a bit of a difference. So proceeded to change the advance springs and shims. Still not good enough. Have potentially got a ahu pump now to rob the bits off as per Darren's advice. Should also have my vw nozzles coming this week which is good. Means i can swap the lot this weekend and back the pump down a tooth on the cambelt as i dont think thats helping matter either. Im also currently running the landrover gov and lever assembly we will see how the other bits go then potentially may swap them in for 306 items. So mainly just playing now to get her a bit better. Also the right one was the banjo i had installed. Epic fail.

Also side note. Coals on higher revs and the accelerator doesnt feel positive with the landy gov and levers either

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On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Chap, before you go on a wild goose chase, Im talking out my arse / in daisy land in a previous post! Theres no way I used any TDI pump as a donor for timing parts as they are VP37, so reg is on full pressure for ECU to adjust timing. Had it in my head TDI / thought i used them, but now i sit down and think about it, What i should have said was the TDI pump is a good donor for the camplate / DV's etc, but im pretty sure i actually based my BASE timing components on a Kia Sedona, these give fairly good results straight out the box...think the confusion was because I then modified some TDI DV's in a later pump...but i DIDNT use any other TDI parts, so dont go wasting money on this as I was deffo wrong there!!

Hopefully that is slightly more useful, sorry! Deal with so many of these things I forget what I have / havent used!
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Ah so sedona for advance parts. I think i may have the pump advanced 1 to many teeth as well which probably isnt helping the matter. Put the reg from the landy pump in today and it made it a tad better. Think ill have a fiddle with timing on weekend just to check and make sure its spot on as well.

Full throttle is just a no go though full stop. Far to much fuel bogs down and doesnt feel right so im swapping back to the pug lever assembly and gov should help a fair bit.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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second side note some nozzles ill be using. wanted to use the standard hdi ones as they physically fit but have been advised against it due to pressure involved.

DSLA 150P 357
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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I think this is coming to an end in its current shell. I need something for a daily family life and quite frankly there is a 309 sitting at my friends that is begging for this engine. pretty sure this will just have a midly tuned xud9 in soon and ill be running the M-tdi in something else in the near future.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Mildly tuned xud11 you mean Wink
Wishes for more power...
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Lol. No xud9 for ease and parts. May even sell the whole complete engine etc just to fund a bit for the other project.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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can't believe you're sacking this off now after the xud11, and the hdi

stick with it? can't be far off ...
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Lol, can't have the same engine in there twice, need something different again... Tongue
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Lol yeah, this has gone from partial success to fair fail in a matter of 24 hours!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Theres no fail! Just the realisation that he needs a reliable family bus so xud9 the estate with a mild tune and slam the M-tdi into a 309 shell thats not being relied upon daily Smile
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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(21-10-2015, 09:04 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Lol yeah, this has gone from partial success to fair fail in a matter of 24 hours!

Yeah i know right. Its almost there. It really is. Even put a smile on my face this morning for the first time in a month. I want to finish it and do it justice. But this is all experimental. Ive always wanted a project car and have been using my daily to attempt this. Im sure some of you know thats not a good idea. My friend has a 309 sat up at his work that this may be going in. That way i can do it justice. Im spending every hour under the sun on this working and if im not working on this im researching injector nozzle stuff. Its interfering with my family life and i cant have that. Im a car enthusiast but im also a father and i would like to spend time with my son once in a while. By getting the 309 this can be done as and when rather than in a rush all of a sudden just because i need a car. It will make a reappearance at some point. Even if its bot this engine. Its a shame but its a must.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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So matt has hopefully sourced me an engine to go in thankfully. Cheers for that dude. Cant help but think it needs a cheeky turbo on though. I never change. No huge rod spitting monsters but a little more than a stage 1. Any suggestions.

Also Some of the hdi bits will be up for sale soon. NOT the pump though. That stays. Will let injectors go though as i have a few. So if anyone wants anything drop me a message
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Waved the engine off on a pallet earlier, should do you well Smile Glad to be of service and i expect some good rep once its in and running Tongue
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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(21-10-2015, 09:13 AM)bashbarnard Wrote:
(21-10-2015, 09:04 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Lol yeah, this has gone from partial success to fair fail in a matter of 24 hours!

Yeah i know right. Its almost there. It really is. Even put a smile on my face this morning for the first time in a month. I want to finish it and do it justice. But this is all experimental. Ive always wanted a project car and have been using my daily to attempt this. Im sure some of you know thats not a good idea. My friend has a 309 sat up at his work that this may be going in. That way i can do it justice. Im spending every hour under the sun on this working and if im not working on this im researching injector nozzle stuff. Its interfering with my family life and i cant have that. Im a car enthusiast but im also a father and i would like to spend time with my son once in a while. By getting the 309 this can be done as and when rather than in a rush all of a sudden just because i need a car. It will make a reappearance at some point. Even if its bot this engine. Its a shame but its a must.

ahh right o, sorry thought you were sacking it off in favour of xud9 - ignore me

reliable daily eh? with a turbo ...

im running the estatebus as a family wagon with the gt2052s as a 'reliable' daily setup
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No not in favour just from necessity really. We were thinking about buying a brand new car as a daily and having this as my toy. But seems like a waste. So the plan is to make this a reasonable daily veg runner then do something mad with maybe the 309. Even know this isn't running perfect atm i can really see the potential here though so it will be revisited at some point.

And yes tom a "reliable" daily turbo. Just a small one. Thinking about just bolting a t25 compressor housing to a t2 just to see. I know its not great but im thinking itll do for what this is. Not a balls out power build. Plus i have a friend with 4 of them from his nissan days just sitting there doing nothing.

Defo not bolting an 11mm to it although i have two heads sitting here. It will throw a rod then.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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So as im feeling in a charitable mood im going to have a little competition with you guys. I have one hdi engine to take out and replace with xud. I have the cambelt to do as well and a bosch to put on. I start at 5 what time will i finish tonight. Closest guess gets a rep point!
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Starting dead at 5? i reckon first start will be at 8.15 pm Wink
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Team Cyril
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