Eddy's Red Rallye

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Eddy's Red Rallye
Looking good mate

Congratulations on the new job aswell
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Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Thanks mate. Looking forward to starting on monday, couldnt really ask for a better job to be honest Big Grin
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Yeah I know what's your postion??

When start getting to use the trade account,need some goodies Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Just mechanic really. Got 3 clio 172s in for stage 3 turbo conversions, clio williams for a 225 engine, clio 182 for high comp engine and jenveys and a v6 for a full service so plenty work to be done Big Grin
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nice I'd love a job like that.how long till you get another clio Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Not getting another clio haha keeping the rallye for now. I dont mind the 197s the they look decent

Got my oil pressure gauge wire in today, got an oil temp gauge on order too as i cant seem to find the plug or wires for the standard oil tem sensor on the new engine.

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Good work mate, it's the little things that make the difference.
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Thanks mate. Cant wait to get it out on track soon
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Well wasnt too bad a weekend down at combe. Gutted i didnt get out on track. Got around 100mile down on friday and my clutch started slipping pretty bad so didnt want to take a chance on track just incase i did break it and it would have been a long 320mile walk home :lmao
Was good to put a few names to faces too. So plans now are to stick a clutch in it this week and discuss with the boss what we are going to do as i have told him we can just have it as a work track toy and do whatever we decide to do to it, possible go turbo. 300bhp would do nice Smile
Anyway heres a few pics of the car at the minute. Decided to paint the skirts black as they were faded pretty bad then once i done them i thought f**k it, bottom of the front and rear bumper are getting done too.

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Well a little update as not much has been happening since FCS.
First off i decided to loose the EPAS all together as i find it better driving without apart from parking that is. Then last week i bought and fitted a set of DS2500 pads and brembo discs, A load better than the cheap discs and pads that was on.
Waiting on some BakerBM mounts turning up as mine are pretty f**ked, keeps popping out of gear when letting off power!
Decided to remove a lot of the unwanted wiring from the rear of the car then i decided i would have a look at the interior loom and move it so its not running under the seats as there is just no need. Managed to feed the wiring under the dash but there is a good 2 meters of unnecessary wiring what i have had to loop up 3-4 times and tie up behind the glove box. Will look into cutting and shortening that when i get time. Only wiring that now runs inside the car is the wiring for the fuel pump and rear lights.
Ordered a set of aero catches today what should be here ready to fit by the weekend and hopefully next week will be getting an F2000 spoiler to go on B)
Oh and finally i got rid of the pro race 3s as i just didnt really like them on the rallye and now back on cyclones.

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Done my clutch today finally, only been stipping since FCS :lmao Turned out there had been oil on the clutch causing the problem so fitted a new clutch and cleaned up the flywheel. Feels so much better now. Also fitted a BakerBM lower mount i had lying around and just waiting on the top and gearbox mount to arrive so i can get them fitted along with a set of aerocatches and a slimline fan. Also stripped the driver side calliper as it was sticking and picked up some carbon sheet we had lying around at work to make some dash vent blacks and new carbon top top go over the fuel pump as the original one keeps pipping out and i cant seem to get it to go back in!
Just as i got finished i pulled the car out the workshop to give it a quick road test and as i got back the heavens opened! Nice half hour thunderstorm and a power cut what stopped work for a good hour or so.

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(29-03-2015, 10:53 AM)eddy_gti6 Wrote: Thanks mate. Thinking bout selling the wheels and getting soms 16s and fitting my bucket seats

I've a lovely set of 16" Speedline Comp 2's in black with tyres available - would set it off a treat…..
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I really fancy a set of OZ F1s or some Enkei RPF1s

Fitted my aero carches today, slimlime fan shuld be here momday hopefully so will get that on next week. Been on making up a turbo manifold to see how it turns out. if its any good then I will start collecting parts ready for a nice winter turbo build ready for next year Big Grin
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Why did you get rid of the brembo ?? Too much noise lol

Turbo build sounds interesting,with your job now would be able to make kits up if you made a reliable setup??
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Brembos? I never had brembos on the rallye haha.

We would be able to supply and fit turbo conversions for a gti6 only thing is manifolds arent cheap. I have started making my own but to be honest its not the best manifold in the world as looks a bit shit but its for my car and will do me just fine. Could possibly look into having our own manifolds made up but then again thats all down to cast as well, all depends on what people want to spend and what power they would like?

Check out our website to get a rough idea on clio prices but can see 306s being slightly more.


Group N engine mounts have arrived today so going to get on fitting them.

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Well this happened!!!

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Slim line fan fitted today with a switch on the dash for piece of mind. Also just got an Adaptronic ECU for the car today got it pretty cheap as its the same ECU we run on all our clio turbo conversions. Been messing on at work in our spare time mocking up a turbo manifold, Just need to test fit it to see how it fits then maybe get a couple made up later on once we know all fits well B)

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Well its been a little while now and I have not been giving the rallye much attention these past few week so decided I was fed up of the f**ked driverside wheel bearing so fitted 2 new bearings, painted the front brakes yellow, removed the stickers off the side and gave it a good wash and was.
Booked onto croft for a few sessions on the on saturday then the car will probably be coming off the road over the winter for a little TLC and some money spent on it. Hopefully get a decent cage in it, good suspension setup and a little engine work, not sure what yet tho? Only time will tell... if I keep it long enough that is :lol

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Had a good day down at Croft circuit today. 1st session was pretty wet and slippery but after the time attack lads had been up and dried the track up once i got back out the track was day and could give the car everything without it spinning up or twitching into corners.
Pics to follow

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