2.2 Dimma Hdi

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2.2 Dimma Hdi
Glad to hear this is going properly, you must be chuffed Smile
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Yeah I am, especially as it didn't cost any more money
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Haven't done anything for a while other than drive the car Smile
Coupled of faults have popped, the charge cooler water pump has got noisey, and the clutch sometimes slips when flooring it from low Rpms in fourth and fifth

Here are a couple if videos now it runs better, both are 3rd gear

[Image: th_4F70680ACCEB4B81835344A11D4F00E7_zpsy-1.jpg]

[Image: th_AC6C85F3535A43A9B26FD94019F5754A_zpsy-1.jpg]
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Been a while, but I'm now in the process of getting the mapping issues sorted. 

Had the first file through and it has improved the issue with the boost cutting out. Should be receiving another file tomorrow with some adjustments to the fuelling and boost control.

Shall keep you updated as it goes along 
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Made good progress tonight, there was quite a differnce between the map sensor reading and boost gauge reading, I done a bit of searching and found that the map sensor I was using was only a 2.5 bar sensor and the map was for a 3 bar sensor.

So that 0.5 bar was the cause of the differnce between the 2 readings. So had a new map made for a vw 4 bar sensor as I already had a sensor. That has made a lot of difference.

Just need to get the boost control smoothed out now, and it's also virtaully smoke free now.
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Making good progress, lovely car too! Smile 
Will it be making an appearance at Pugfest? 
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Good stuff, would be interesting to see a 30-70 once it's running 100%
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Good to hear she's running well for you now mate.
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Yeah I shall be at pugfest

I will get some vids up when the mapping is all complete 

And yeah it's finally getting, this time it's getting sorted properly, rather than me messing around so should have no more issues
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Not much progress with the mapping at the minute as I thought it was best to replace the chargecooler pump as the boost pipe after the cooler was getting too hot to touch!! Just finished doing that tonight, and manganed to make the front bumper fit a lot better too.

Also I've put in a blue carpet and sorted out the drivers door check strap, so no more annoying clunk!

The plan Saturday is to replace there thermostat housing, gearcables and heat wrap the exhaust from the turbo along to where the gearcables are.
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what system you using to control the boost bud?

We have been trying some PID code in the arduino and its made a HELL of a difference, faster response and better response too.
Wishes for more power...
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I see you up the gorge quite often... ninja
Supercharged GTi6 Build
S14 Zenki Build
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I still wasn't happy with the chargecooler so I've now replaced it with a fmic

[Image: image_zpsdlys4gbz.jpg]

[Image: image_zpsfsz5a9qi.jpg]

[Image: image_zpsuwr2paj3.jpg]

(02-07-2015, 07:25 AM)Piggy Wrote: what system you using to control the boost bud?

We have been trying some PID code in the arduino and its made a HELL of a difference, faster response and better response too.

It's now back to Ecu controlled boost

(02-07-2015, 08:55 AM)silverzx Wrote: I see you up the gorge quite often... ninja

Yeah we go up most Sundays
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I tell you fella, you haven't half put some graft and time into this!
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What made you decide to sack of the charge cooler completely? Were you able to monitor inlet charge temps via ecu or anything?

Quite a nice twinpass that darkside unit, nice and compact

Have you managed to get a decent map on it yet?
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(02-09-2015, 07:00 AM)zx_volcane Wrote: What made you decide to sack of the charge cooler completely? Were you able to monitor inlet charge temps via ecu or anything?

Quite a nice twinpass that darkside unit, nice and compact

Have you managed to get a decent map on it yet?

No I still haven't got my charge temp gauge hooked up yet. It kept chucking the water back out the header so never had much water in, the before cooler pipe and after cooler pipe felt about the same temperature to touch. I could probably have made it work by re-doing the water piping and getting a better header tank. But I decided  to opt for an intercooler instead as once it's fitted it's pretty much fit and forget, no water system to worry about.

Yeah that's the reason I went for the darkside one, as the bigger ones would have been more hassle to fit and I would have has to cut the bumper or move the rad back to fit the oil cooler in which I didn't want to do.

And it's in the middle of being mapped, tb was on his honeymoon, then I had the car apart for a couple weeks while I sorted out the intercooler, so now it's all back together I'm just waiting to hear back from him to finish it off
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Epic build mate just read threw whole thread!
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Not a lot has happened as been too busy with other things, hopefully can get on with it and get some things sorted now.

Latest problem I have is that is that it now lifts the head after a couple of pulls on full boost, I'm guessing this is probably down to the fact it still has a boost spike to 30+ plus psi. Mapping has stopped as haven't heard anything back for a long time now.

So I have another engine I'm going to build up and want to put arp head studs in for peace of mind. Does anyone know if there are head stud avaliable for a direct fit to a hdi, if so where can I get them?

Then I need to get the mapping sorted
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Ah wow...amazed it hadnt already got them...

Gimme a shout pal... Think I've sorted some Wink
Wishes for more power...
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Finally got around to making a start on building the engine. 

Head has been skimmed, cleaned, lapped valves in, fitted stronger valve springs, painted the head block and inlet manifold. Head is now fitted with arp studs and new head gasket. New water pump fitted and front crank seal.

Now at the stage where I need to remove the engine from the car so I can start swapping bits over.

[Image: 33A998D8-1C67-4F0C-8B0A-A5FBDB86203D_zpsefotqsg7.jpg]

[Image: 9AECC9EB-F19A-408E-B337-E8D8E388C24F_zps29izm35p.jpg]

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[Image: 8E1241C5-C844-4AD5-9D9C-B5ECAF4E5857_zpssj0o5vip.jpg]
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Good work man.
Nice to see it progressing still. Keep us updated.
                                             [Image: 2ljm03k.jpg]

                                                                                      I Don't Have A 306.
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Good work! Looking forward to seeing how this goes when it's all complete!
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Great to see some progress being made on this machine, you sticking with the same turbo?
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Yeah, trying to get everything right this time as never really been happy with it. Just been buying parts over time.

I am looking at different turbos as the gen 3 vnts should be a lot better than the old 2256. Is there any company's that will vacuum convert the electronic vnts? 

Then I can chuck the 2256 on my defender
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(29-01-2017, 08:42 PM)Jimmer021 Wrote: Yeah, trying to get everything right this time as never really been happy with it. Just been buying parts over time.

I am looking at different turbos as the gen 3 vnts should be a lot better than the old 2256. Is there any company's that will vacuum convert the electronic vnts? 

Then I can chuck the 2256 on my defender

yes speak to AvD Turbos, they can supply vac converted turbos, excellent to deal with and can certainly up your game with a gtb...
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