The "stock" S16 project

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The "stock" S16 project

Well, close enough Tongue

I've always fancied something fun straight out of the box, so when Frosty wanted the race estate, this beauty found it's way onto my drive..


Shortly afterwards, I accidentally set fire to my rear beam mounts so figured I may as well weld them up solid, pics to follow of those once I've fitted them Big Grin
While that was happening, I ordered a set of "stock" shocks and springs to replace the worn out originals.


And of course, the most important mod of all, the straw hat police deterrent!


That's all for now folks, the rear will be lowered to match the front and there'll be a nice rebuilt engine going in, but I just went to the Nurburgring (again) and apart from using a tiny bit of oil, she's been faultless Big Grin


Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Love it makes me miss my ph1 6 Sad
Bye Bye D-Turbo
Phase 1 GTi-6 now has a new owner
Rolling in the: Phase 3 HDI Wagon

The current estate project:
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The straw hat actually work lol x
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Well he drives like a maniac and has yet to be pulled with the straw hat, so i can only assume so. Wink
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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(12-10-2014, 11:56 PM)Lil8407 Wrote: The straw hat actually work lol x

(13-10-2014, 05:28 AM)Poodle Wrote: Well he drives like a maniac and has yet to be pulled with the straw hat, so i can only assume so. Wink

It's a tried and tested technique, repels car thieves too Big Grin
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Think i better invest in a straw hat lol

Damn you and your functioning S16 Sad i need a kick up the arse to do something with mine!
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Good to see a project thread up for this mate. Glad to see it has gone to a good home and hope your enjoying it!
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Think I'll have to get one then Wink
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Update time!!

I've made a start on stripping the spare engine. The intention is to rebuild it and make shiny what currently is not, I'll be building an electrolysis bath and attacking everything I can with it! 

There's then 2 options.. Because of my head injury, it's quite likely that I'll be stopped from driving for 6 months. If that's the case, then I'll be looking to make a bit more power, so I've been looking into a few ways of achieving that. Big Grin If I'm allowed to continue driving, then this will be more of a stock rebuild, just to leave me with a very clean engine to drop in.

Today's progress!

Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Lets see your bath then!
Wishes for more power...
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I haven't made it yet, hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow.
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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I nearly got my hands on one of these 10 years ago for 200 quid, needed a lamba sensor, and a proper front bumper.
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Good to see your cracking on with the engine mate. I will be keeping an eye on this Smile
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Looks great buddy

How many laps did you do at the ring?
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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(12-01-2015, 07:17 PM)Piggy Wrote: Nice
Lets see your bath then!

Here you go, started fizzing as soon as I plugged it in Big Grin

(12-01-2015, 08:13 PM)7057sam Wrote: Looks great buddy

How many laps did you do at the ring?

Not enough Sad Only got a couple in due to rubbish weather and the track being closed a lot. Then when the weather was good everyone decided to run out of talent and closed the track due to driver failure lol
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Today I've built up my electrolysis bath, spent a lot of time tidying and cleaning my man cave in preparation for the engine to be in pieces, and stripped the engine mostly, just need to get the crank pulley bolt undone to get the crank out.

What I got to this morning, a proper mess Sad 


So I had a good tidy before taking anything else apart.


There's a load of sludge and very dirty oil deposits, looks like this engine has been stood for a while!


I'm also not sure whether to reuse the big end bearings, as they have light scoring on them, but it's even across all 4 and they have no damage that I can feel. Even if I go for the power build, I'll be staying near (hopefully close to, and preferably just over Tongue ) the 200BHP mark.. What do people think, to reuse or not?

Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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For the sake of cost, just replace the big end bearings. Im assuming your doing the thrust and main bearings as well?
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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The bores look nice and clean, with no lip on the top Big Grin


And here's the electrolysis bath, set up in the secondary man shed. I started it at 11am, so I'll leave it as late as I can this evening and then give it a rinse, I'm hoping for good results!


(13-01-2015, 05:26 PM)Niall Wrote: For the sake of cost, just replace the big end bearings. Im assuming your doing the thrust and main bearings as well?

That's the thing, I was going to see what the condition is like when I've got the crank out. As long as it's all good and the thrust is within tolerance I'm thinking of just sticking it all back together after a good clean.

But you're right, in the ideal world I would replace them.. Just wanted people's opinions on the matter.
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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If i remember rightly, it cost me about £55 for my big ends, mains and thrust bearings but that was a fairly good cash price. I think a set of J4RS big ends is about £40 on their own! Im sure you've got some decent contacts through work to get decent prices
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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That engine wouldn't off been used for a while, I think the guy i bought the s16 that the engine come out of had been sat for at least a couple of years and i only drove it about 10 miles. Then took the engine out and it sat in the garage for over a year
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What's your plans to reach the 200bhp mark Jonny? Lovely car by the way
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(13-01-2015, 05:59 PM)Niall Wrote: If i remember rightly, it cost me about £55 for my big ends, mains and thrust bearings but that was a fairly good cash price. I think a set of J4RS big ends is about £40 on their own! Im sure you've got some decent contacts through work to get decent prices

That's not bad at all, I'll have a further look.

(13-01-2015, 06:01 PM)Frosty Wrote: That engine wouldn't off been used for a while, I think the guy i bought the s16 that the engine come out of had been sat for at least a couple of years and i only drove it about 10 miles. Then took the engine out and it sat in the garage for over a year

Explains the chronic mess in the sump and staining on the internals lol

(13-01-2015, 06:02 PM)MY95 Wrote: What's your plans to reach the 200bhp mark Jonny? Lovely car by the way

The easy way would be to fit a GTi6 inlet mani, and with some work I'm fairly sure I can make the exhaust mani fit as well. Then a lightened and balanced bottom end, possibly flywheel.. That together with a remapped GTi6 ecu and a bit more fuel should clear the 180 mark with apparent ease from what I can find. That's as far as my research has got me!
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Who are you going to get to do the remap?
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Not a clue yet lol
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Lol furry muff. Issue with the gti ecu is you can't live map it. have to take the chip out and flash it every time you want to alter the map. Depending on your budget, may be wise keeping an eye out for some aftermarket management!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Oh I wasn't aware of that.. Sad I'll have a look at my options then!
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Unfortunately so Sad Otherwise a lot of people wouldn't bother going for things like Omex with the 306 engines as the 1AP they used on the RS engine is actually very advanced for its time!
Also, theres only a handful of people over the country who can reprogram them. At least with aftermarket you can dick about with it your self
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Looking good! Gonna take the wire brush to it tomorrow Big Grin

Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Nice one! You thought about cams? might just reach you the magic 200 with the extra fuel and rest of the above that you said
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Can't believe how easily that engine came apart after it had been stood for a while, makes a change from the HDis!

That electrolysis bath is the dogs danglies though, need to find something we can fit a block in...
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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