Brake hose replacement

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Brake hose replacement
Going to be changing my front brake hose tomorrow hopefully is it as simple as undoing the hose, replacing it then bleeding the system?
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Yep its that simple....but its an old Peugeot, it will be rusty and round off when you try undoing the union. Dodgy

I suggest a brake pipe spanner or mole grips (or both) but even they don't always work without rounding.
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(02-09-2014, 03:34 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Yep its that simple....but its an old Peugeot, it will be rusty and round off when you try undoing the union. Dodgy

I suggest a brake pipe spanner or mole grips (or both) but even they don't always work without rounding.

Oh that sucks :/ I need to do it by Thursday so hope it goes reasonably smooth
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Get out there now and soak the unions in penetrating fluid then. Plusgas is best but even WD40 will be better than nothing.
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(02-09-2014, 03:43 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Get out there now and soak the unions in penetrating fluid then. Plusgas is best but even WD40 will be better than nothing.

Yeah I'll have to soak it tonight, would 250ml of fluid be enough to bleed the system? Thinking of using dot 5.1 fluid but don't know if it will be easier to use dot 4 so I'm not mixing fluids (giggity)
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I'm really not an expert on mixing fluids lol.

But I wouldn't say 250ml is enough tbh, I probably spill more than that haha. While you're doing it, you might as well change the fluid completely which is about a litre I think. Its obvious to see when the new stuff comes through as it's much lighter.

On the subject of bleeding, make sure you use penetrating fluid on your nipples when you do the unions, don't want them shearing off!
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(02-09-2014, 03:52 PM)Toms306 Wrote: I'm really not an expert on mixing fluids lol.

But I wouldn't say 250ml is enough tbh, I probably spill more than that haha. While you're doing it, you might as well change the fluid completely which is about a litre I think. Its obvious to see when the new stuff comes through as it's much lighter.

On the subject of bleeding, make sure you use penetrating fluid on your nipples when you do the unions, don't want them shearing off!

So if I replace the hose I will have to bleed the whole system? Or can I just do the one I replaced
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Don't mix the fluids!!! Unless there's absolutely no fluid in the system like everything is brand new then mixing any dor 4 with 5/5.1
will turn to lumps of jelly... You wont notice the difference anyway unless you're getting to the point of boiling it on track.

Depends on the routing of the pipework as to where it will draw air to. And no I wouldnt want to risk bleeding them with just 250ml of fluid. It's less than a £5er for half litre at ECP
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(02-09-2014, 07:08 PM)pugmanxud Wrote: Noooooooooooooooooo

Don't mix the fluids!!! Unless there's absolutely no fluid in the system like everything is brand new then mixing any dor 4 with 5/5.1
will turn to lumps of jelly... You wont notice the difference anyway unless you're getting to the point of boiling it on track.

Depends on the routing of the pipework as to where it will draw air to. And no I wouldnt want to risk bleeding them with just 250ml of fluid. It's less than a £5er for half litre at ECP

I'll use dot 4 then and half a litre will be enough?

I've just soaked these bits in WD40

Is it that nut on the top I undo?
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Yeah the 2nd pic it the brake pipe nut you need to undo and that is usually the 1 that causes the issues so give it a good soak with some wd40 etc and get a brake pipe spanner on it and work it forwards and backwards to help it come undone
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frosty beat me too it was typing the same time haha
yes thats the two plus gas on both first let it soak in as long as you can when you undo the metal brake pipe to flexi pipe joint watch the copper pipe above the nut your undoing isnt twisting as it will snap/fracture some times udoing the nut a turn and then wind it back in re soak in oil then undo a bit further each time soaking with oil some times will save buying a new brake pipe.
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(02-09-2014, 07:58 PM)Frosty Wrote: Yeah the 2nd pic it the brake pipe nut you need to undo and that is usually the 1 that causes the issues so give it a good soak with some wd40 etc and get a brake pipe spanner on it and work it forwards and backwards to help it come undone

I don't have a brake pipe spanner Sad would a regular one be okay?
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Ideally you want a brake pipe spanner as its more likely to slip with a normal spanner
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Mole grips will be best, its very likely to round if you try and start it off with a normal spanner.... I found that out the hard way....many times! lol

Do you have a Halfords trade card? I think the brake pipe spanners from there were reasonably priced on trade. Its also a funny size I think, 9mm maybe? Cant remember now. Confused
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I totally agree ive just done some pipes on a mondeo and even with a proper spanner i struggled had to resort into cracking them of with straight ended mole/vise grips then retighten with proper brake spanner
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(02-09-2014, 08:07 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Mole grips will be best, its very likely to round if you try and start it off with a normal spanner.... I found that out the hard way....many times! lol

Do you have a Halfords trade card? I think the brake pipe spanners from there were reasonably priced on trade. Its also a funny size I think, 9mm maybe? Cant remember now. Confused

Think it's 11mm

(02-09-2014, 08:08 PM)vincent1 Wrote: I totally agree ive just done some pipes on a mondeo and even with a proper spanner i struggled had to resort into cracking them of with straight ended mole/vise grips then retighten with proper brake spanner

Yeah I may start it off with mull grips then
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Hmm, well as long as one of us is right, this is the one lol -
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(02-09-2014, 08:15 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Hmm, well as long as one of us is right, this is the one lol -

I'll have to grab that tomorrow
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It's definitely worth getting a brake pipe spanner, as once you've tried it without, that's it. If you can get some Plus Gas instead of WD as well, do. It actually works.
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I did mine last week, rung the first one then used a long nose vice grip to break the rest and then use your 11mm spanner.
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Thanks guys Smile should be an eventful day tomorrow
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