Rich's Bianca White GTi-6

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Rich's Bianca White GTi-6
Ok I guess I will just put mainly pictures from as early back as I have them up until now with a few notes here and there as lets face it... We all prefer pictures Tongue

You will notice not a lot changes from the first pictures to the last as I believe what the majority of you believe, and that's that these cars are beautiful as standard. I've changed a few things here and there to make it more my own, a long with improving the overall condition which in all fairness, was very good when I bought it... Anyways here we go.

I bought it already lowered which the previous owner did a brilliant job at. The few times it's been in the garage for general things, I always get compliments on how good a job has been done on the lowering. Which is nice and reassuring Tongue

Other than that, the car was practically standard, even came with the original tape player 8-)

[Image: 5.jpg]

The mats where my first purchase Smile

[Image: 3.jpg]

Was last winter when I got her so que the snow pic...
[Image: snowcovered.jpg]

Next up came the original blaze claw pattern seats out. And the Alacantra in, gave the inside a full clean while I was at it.

[Image: Clean008.jpg]
[Image: Clean010.jpg]
[Image: Clean014.jpg]

Now, the seats appear to be in very good condition here, and that the material is. What the seller forgot to mention was that actually the frame of the drivers seat was bent slightly, so it leaned to the right. It also prevented the sliding mech from working properly when fitted in the car... Needless to say I wasn't too impressed but at the same time got a good deal on them (this was probably why...) so I chose to live with it for a short while.

A couple of little touches...

[Image: Bianca003.jpg]

New number plates, plate surrounds. And painted the tow eye cherry red (had some touch up paint left over from the old 306) Just to give the front a bit of colour Smile

This was her...

[Image: CherryRed.jpg]

Back to the new one. Next up was the crystal fogs which I actually decided to spray the outer rim of the chrome in Black as a sort of attempt at Black Mask fog lights... Needless to say, not all that noticeable lol

[Image: FogLights052.jpg]

"Couple" of photos now...

[Image: 199881_10150164263990903_752685902_85814...4078_n.jpg]
[Image: 189557_10150164265135903_752685902_85814...6199_n.jpg]
[Image: BiancaHD014.jpg]
[Image: BiancaHD027.jpg]
[Image: BiancaHD019.jpg]

These next ones were taken on route to Santa Pod for The Fast Show last year.

[Image: FastShow006.jpg]
[Image: FastShow010.jpg]
[Image: FastShow028.jpg]
[Image: FastShow030.jpg]

Now we come to the depressing part. I work in a pub/restaurant, at the time I was working behind the bar and as anyone who works behind will tell you, you get your fair share of d*ckheads on any given night. Well whether it was a customer that I annoyed, or even someone that i'd some how p*ssed off on the roads that recognised my car (highly unlikely as I don't tend to drive like an idiot.) But either way, while I was at work, someone generously though they'd find it deep in their pathetic heart to key every panel...

[Image: Keyed001.jpg]
[Image: Keyed005.jpg]
[Image: Keyed002.jpg]
[Image: Keyed003.jpg]

Fortunatly they didn't do the roof, which ment that it would be easier to sort and blend the paint. But as you can probably imagine I was beyond f*cked off, as the body work was basically imaculate apart from a couple of door dinks which is inevitable on a 14 year old car.

Didn't have the money at the time to sort it so I used a touch up pen as best I could and lived with it for the time being.

Some more photos...

[Image: Clent011.jpg]
[Image: Clent021.jpg]
[Image: Clent026.jpg]
[Image: Clent032.jpg]
[Image: Clent045.jpg]

And a short video of a quick blast, on a quiet road with my mate on watch for any cars coming round the corner... Which ofcourse one did lol

[Image: th_PugClentrun1.jpg]

After this came time for the exhaust as you can hear in the video the old one was blowing slightly anyway. So I purchased a magnex system of a guy who lives close to me also with a '6 (Dunno if he's on here)

[Image: MagnexExhaust002.jpg]
[Image: MagnexExhaust004.jpg]
[Image: MagnexExhaust001.jpg]

Another short video, this was around Mid day so ofcourse wasn't going to hammer it Tongue But was just to get an idea of the noise. But there is a short bit of foot the floorage towards the end.

[Image: th_Sequence01and02.jpg]

Wet Photo...

[Image: Raining007.jpg]

Next up was the Phase 3 Crystals which bought brand new.

[Image: Crystals001.jpg]
[Image: Crystals006.jpg]

Was coming up to around the time of FCS11 at this point so it was time to break out the claybar and get a clean on.
Couple of shiny photos...

[Image: PreperationforFCS019.jpg]
[Image: PreperationforFCS018.jpg]
[Image: PreperationforFCS017.jpg]

[Image: PreperationforFCS021.jpg]
[Image: PreperationforFCS025.jpg]

I Should say that at this stage I had some "Ultra white" LED's in as my side lights which as you can see, clearly lit up the whole light unit blue. But when coupled with the actual dipped beam, just appeared white... Anyway, I quite liked them, but they were japanese, and from past experience, anything japanese doesn't go down well in a French car, so the LED's popped off 1 by 1 lol

Then came FCS11 with the Club-306 lot (I didn't take these photos)
[Image: DSCF9806.jpg]
[Image: DSCF9780.jpg]
[Image: DSCF9784.jpg]
[Image: DSCF9786.jpg]
[Image: DSCF9782.jpg]
[Image: FCS063.jpg]

Shortly after FCS11, this happened (probably due to battering it got from some godawful speedbumps on the was to the campsite)

[Image: CatSnapped002.jpg]

Which was swiftly replaced with a sportier model Smile

[Image: CatSnapped007.jpg]

A few night time photos...

[Image: BiancaandSteve008.jpg]
[Image: BiancaandSteve020.jpg]
[Image: BiancaandSteve011.jpg]
[Image: BiancaandSteve014.jpg]

And now a few overcast shots...

[Image: Biancaovercast044.jpg]
[Image: Biancaovercast103.jpg]
[Image: Biancaovercast012Smaller.jpg]
[Image: Biancaovercast073cut.jpg]

Next up was the Phase 3 Spoiler.

[Image: Ph3Spoiler002.jpg]
[Image: Ph3Spoiler001.jpg]

And transforming these...

[Image: CamCovers.jpg]

Into these...

[Image: DSCF4981.jpg]
[Image: Engnebay.jpg]

I also have this, but I still haven't got round to fitting it. Hopefully get it down early next month Smile

[Image: d69d1b21.jpg]

Now I come back to the bent seat frame, which was also swiftly fixed when I came across these for sale Confusedhock:

[Image: NewSeats001.jpg]
[Image: NewSeats002.jpg]
[Image: NewSeats003.jpg]
[Image: NewSeats010.jpg]

Gave the floor another clean at the same time as changing these ones also Smile
[Image: NewSeats005.jpg]

Mint condition, I could not say no, so they went straight in also. Only down side is they are Phase 3, and I really do much prefer the Phase 1/2 seats. Other than that they really are imaculate.

Some sunset photos...

[Image: LongRoad028.jpg]
[Image: LongRoad013.jpg]
[Image: LongRoad022.jpg]

Some frosty photos...

[Image: wintercarpark.jpg]
[Image: wintercarpark2.jpg]

And the latest changes I have made are...

6000K HID's
[Image: HIDS.jpg]

Metal Monkey Dials
[Image: 23c8e8d4.jpg]
[Image: d955d971.jpg]
[Image: 89fdc9b7.jpg]

And just the other day, purchased these of gnrlee Smile

[Image: 959c91b3.jpg]

During this time I also got those key marks removed, the bonnet, grill and front bumper fully resprayed along with all the door dinks. So the body work is now imaculate and I don't like parking my car anywhere :roll:

But I'll leave you now with a couple of photos taken on my phone during that recent patch of snow Smile Bianca in the snow Tongue

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[Image: 9ff45bad.jpg]
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carnt believe how nice this car is. so nice to see a nice clean unmolested example. nice work.
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seeing this makes me want a bianca even more than i ever did, stunning!
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Wow, looks like an awesome car Smile Gutting about the key marks, some people just can't handle other people having something nice Sad Well done for sorting it though!
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What a stunning looking car, good work sir!
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Looks mint mate!

Also Fiat Stillo's are awful. Tongue
Supercharged GTi6 Build
S14 Zenki Build
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i really want a white 306, this is gorgeous mate.
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Was an awesome read. Loved the vid too :-)
Such a lovely car!
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wow, really nice GTI, just from the noise id want to get one - but the mpg is horrendous Sad

beautiful car mate - im guessing your on GTI stand for FCS this year??
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Picture whore Tongue hahaha car looks sweet!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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worthy of it though matt.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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Cheers for all the comments guys Smile I'm glad you all appreciate her as much as I do. I'll be keeping this updated, like I said in the first post my next point of call is to get that powder coated inlet manifold on and too smarten up the fuel rail a bit at the same time. Hoping this will make the engine bay look a bit tidyer Tongue

As for FCS ginge, i'll be on the club-306 stand again this year I think. Going to be camping with a lot of them anyways on the Saturday. But i'll be around, been having a read through some of the other project threads on here and i'm looking forward to seeing a lot of these cars there this year Big Grin
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As said on the other forum I really like this car! Jealous!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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Want Sad
[Image: kim.png]
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Hubba hubba
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Wow! That is a lovely example there buddy Smile Looks MINT!! Big Grin I've always secretly wanted a bianca; now I just want it more!! lol

With your powdercoated inlet mani; is it lacquered? I'm hoping to do something similar with mine... Tongue
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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Thats my mates old car! Liam!

I will forward him a link to this thread as he's a dirty Vagger now!
Black 306 Rallye
Topaz Blue E39 530i Sport
Nordic Green 406 1.9TD
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The inlet isn't lacquered, I'm still unsure whether too or not, I quite like it without.

Yes it is Liam's old car! Smile. Will be interested to see what he thinks of it now :p. hopefully he doesn't feel like I've ruined his old pride and joy lol
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Aweeesome. When I was looking for a 6 I held out for a bianca or black, ended up with black but would have been equally happy with bianca. Kind of glad because I don't wash it enough to keep bianca looking good.

Did you tiger seal the p3 spoiler on?
[Image: sigjpg.jpg]
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lewisdmz Wrote:Aweeesome. When I was looking for a 6 I held out for a bianca or black, ended up with black but would have been equally happy with bianca. Kind of glad because I don't wash it enough to keep bianca looking good.

Did you tiger seal the p3 spoiler on?

Yeah it's bonded on. Some may frown upon it but I like the Phase 2 tailgate with that little lip... Think it just adds a little more detail to the back end Smile
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Looks lovely Smile

Local to me aswell Big Grin
[Image: Signature.jpg]
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Was up your way just the other day mate, go karting :p
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This car is friggin' tasty.

Love it.
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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RJGTi6 Wrote:Was up your way just the other day mate, go karting :p

Awesome, well when your next up this way let me know so I can drool Big Grin
[Image: Signature.jpg]
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A mate of mine sent me this direction and im really glad he did. (Inxs from above)

Good to see you've kept to your word matey. She looks perfect. Shame about some scrote keying her but you've sorted it out.

Is she treating you well then? Was worried she'd be in some scrappers sometime soon.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Love it! Where did you get the number plate holders iv been after something similar
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse
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I want this car! :romance-inlove:
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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ex_bianca Wrote:A mate of mine sent me this direction and im really glad he did. (Inxs from above)

Good to see you've kept to your word matey. She looks perfect. Shame about some scrote keying her but you've sorted it out.

Is she treating you well then? Was worried she'd be in some scrappers sometime soon.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Haha how you doing mate? The VRs treating you well?
Glad you approve, haven't really done much to her, just little bits here and there as you can see Smile

She's running sweet as ever to be honest, just got over the 100k mark so haven't done a major amount of mileage since you had her. The paint work really is immaculate now since the respray.

Don't plan on scrapping or selling anytime soon :p

As for the number plate surrounds, I got them off eBay mate, I'll see if I can find them and post a link when I'm on my computer not my phone.
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sweet I like it
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