Sigma 96 phase 1 306 gti 6

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Sigma 96 phase 1 306 gti 6
Was bored earlier and was getting concerned about some knocking under acceleration and deceleration I'd started noticing. Thought I'd check the top engine mount, on removing the metal bracket only 1 of the nuts was tight on the engine side as the other was cross threaded Confused and the 2 hex bolts were just about finger tight. Not a great start Shy Luckily on removing the mount it was all good in the chassis, no cracks Big Grin put it all back together, tap and died the bolts and nuts, seems a bit better. Thinking of making a chock using part of the buffer bar from my d turbo, hopefully it'll work lol
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Found the source of the knocking, was due to the bottom ball joint bolts that hold it to the wishbone that my mate fitted Rolleyes he's usually good at over tightening things and snapping stuff so was surprised to find them quite loose Huh Also the car seemed to have some hesitation and juddering at certain revs such as between 2 and 3k at part throttle. So changed the plugs CTS and found the Intake air temperature sensor was unplugged, also adjusted the throttle cable for wide open throttle, car was going the best since I've had it, then popped off the bottom hose as I got to my girlfriends FML.
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Got shit loads done to this over the last week but sweet fa pics Sad

Lowered the beam 35mm, f*cked 1 of the torsion bars getting it out and had to get a spare pair from Chris off here ThumbsUp Lowered the front 40mm but looks more like 30 mm Speechless during which I noticed gearbox oil seeping from the passenger side drive shaft seal so had to get a replacement and oil, thought it would only take 2.0l so bought that much only to find I need another .1l DohDoh need to go to pug for that tomorrow.

Got a xsara VTS beam in my back garden which I can't get the torsion bars out of for shit either Puke really wanted to change to 21mm torsion bars at the same time as lowering but not happened as a result.

Ended up having to buy refurbed rear callipers as my attempt at rebuilding the old ones went titsup and also needed new rear brake lines for the trailing arms as the brake lines were moving with the unions when removing them from the callipers and flexis Confused Fitted new rear pads as only 1 rear calliper had decent pads in due to a mishap Ryan had according the puglve Dodgy Despite "new brakes all round"

Fitted new handbrake cables that I'd had sat in the garage for year that were originally for the black d turbo but never got to round to.

Fitted my Vibratechnics top and gearbox mounts, also fitted new track rod ends, old ones were proper stuck, can't imagine the tracking has been done in a looooong time, ended up needing a blow torch on the passenger side lmao

I've still got a sodding broken drivers window as no-one seems to have a matching regulator either grrrrrrrrrrr Undecided

Ah well will be worth it when its done Confused
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only one side of the rear brakes were new lol

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Here's how she's sitting after a bit of use. Going to let the front settle for a bit longer but may end up raising the rear by 5mm to get a bit of rake

[Image: y4y7e4ag.jpg]

[Image: ybahu6y8.jpg]

[Image: ury2uneq.jpg]

Next plans are to paint the inner arches and fit 21mm torsion bars Cool

Forgot a pic of the front


Big Grin
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front end needs more lows, the rear is spot on

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Hmmm maybe, still got a pair of spax coilovers but need to get them to spax for a rebuild Dodgy
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Looks really smart. Nice height to! I think I need to raise mine as it's to low really
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cant you just but a rebuild kit? are they the rsx or somthing like that?

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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i want a phase one too much Sad so tempted to just buy one and sell my saxo lol
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(24-11-2013, 08:03 PM)bobertmate Wrote: i want a phase one too much Sad so tempted to just buy one and sell my saxo lol

Everyone knows ph1 is FTW

Any updates on this Skoob?
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Looks so much better than it did!
[Image: untitled_zps1adc0365.png]
(21:20:51) Just_Sean: i had a pokey bum wank in the bath once and i shit you not, i burped a bubble
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Right then.....

Time for a long overdue if breif update, not really done much to her for last year or so due to lacking motivation so just been using it daily. The miles have now rocketed up to 45k Sad but apart from a leaking 9 month old Pagid recon rear caliper  Angry a few months ago she's been faultless.

I've done a mini service on her last week in which i changed the plugs, cleaned the K&N panel air filter, changed the oil and oil filter and cleaned the icv and lambda sensor. I've been mean to change the belt since I got her and finally I set about changing the cambelt the weekend just gone but found the crank pulley has slipped, so I admitted defeat and put her back together. I've now ordered an alloy pulley and now waiting for that to arrive. On the plus side the belt that's on there looks to be in good nick, no perishing and can see that gates markings on there clearly Sleepy 

As I couldn't do the cambelt I decided to give her a wash and the first polish since I've had her Blush she's shined up well and I never realised how nice a proper cleaned Sigma Blue can look in the sun Cool

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I've a relatively low miles ph.1 gti6, but not as low miles as yours! Got it on 53k, now 62k.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Looks lovely mate,hope the cambelt is as easy as it sounds Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Ryan had the belt done on that before he sold it to you. Also very happy this is now higher mileage than mine Tongue

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Nice to see an update on this. Looking very nice in the pics
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