ph1 cherry red sedan. TD04 box mounted.

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ph1 cherry red sedan. TD04 box mounted.
bought this about a week ago, 96k, 5 months T&T service history and previous mots, not abused and not tinkered with, DHY on a lucas and k14.

after 2 days I got bored of standard boost, so went to dannys unit and he fitted the boost gauge for me, and we did a stage 1, didn't really go too far tbh, didn't want to bother with the lucas, so it's boosting around 16-17psi, still bog standard exhaust with cat etc still in, and standard airbox, the engine bay is really clean, along with the interior, even got an armrest in the back, but sadly it's been keyed down both sides, previous to me getting it, so a job for me and danny to paint it up, undecided wether to do a full colour change yet, dannys fitting me a 9mm gov'ed bosch setup and a 2.5" straight through exhaust to a tip on sunday, so will give it some tinkering and get it boosting to around 25psi, then onto lowering, anyway some pics.

[Image: 42EDDA5F-E456-41A3-A7C1-8C66CDE9BCE4-310...c5faa6.jpg]

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[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Looks like a good project, but how long will this last? lol probably be scrapped or up for sale in a month

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well, turns out I haven't been robbed with this one unlike that black heap I bought off here.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Here we go again......... 3months of modding and making an epic XUD then up for sale Tongue

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Very nice, great potential there!
[Image: 20120704_212316.jpg]
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took bloody longer than 3 months lol, I would of preferred another 3 door but there so common where I live its just silly, feels weird driving a sedan.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Good to see you back fella good base model I really want a sedan for a dailey Smile
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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thanks sam, it drives lovely, no knocking or anything from the front or back, not that that's going to last lol, should be epic when its had a few mods done to it.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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(15-07-2013, 06:21 PM)padge Wrote: took bloody longer than 3 months lol, I would of preferred another 3 door but there so common where I live its just silly, feels weird driving a sedan.

Make this a 3 door sedan Wink it's been done before go for it Big Grin

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pffft, too much hassle for me lol.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Looks like fun! Big Grin
Doesnt even own a 306.
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(15-07-2013, 07:08 PM)sam Wrote: Good to see you back fella good base model I really want a sedan for a dailey Smile

oh do you now Wink
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Slite hint there ozone?

Should have more poke with the pump and zorst sorted pal clean car that scratches just let's it down
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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Yeah I know danny, we need to get it painted, get it in the unit and ill get it prepped, should get some more ponies with the exhaust and the bosch on, hmm, defilter? Tongue
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Wow, I still remember your old car from I seem to remember some weird stuff happened to what was an otherwise tidy car and it's become a bit of a "slapper" car in that it's had several different owners and generally regarded as a heap of shit by almost everyone on the forum! lol Should be interesting to see how long this keeps your interest! Still living in Gloucestershire?
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Looks good mate, nice to see a cherry not looking pink, what spec is it (SLDT, SRDT or STDT). Also how much did you pay if you dont mind me asking
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I've NEVER lived in Gloucestershire, and yeah everyone slagged me and my car off when I got rid of it, and its only had 2 owners since I got rid, the 2nd owner still has it sat on his drive, although its been writ off.

Alright chris, its an SLDT, so no electric windows in the back or sunroof etc, and I paid £450 for it.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Lowered it today, feels much better.

[Image: F113523E-9439-4C8C-AA96-5834A1BB4097-499...863618.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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f*cking hell mate need some proper wheels on it

Look well apart from the steels haha
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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wait untill ya see it on sunday it looks mega low in person lol, got some wheels lined up Smile
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Does look well lowered defo needs alloys asap tho will transform the car

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Banded steels spaced out with some stretch and rolled arches would look epic on that
Vehicle repair and servicing in the midlands pm for details 

Current cars
Subaru Impreza 2.0d - Daily
306 1.8 - track whore soon to be GTI6
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already enquired Smile
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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cant wait to see that
Vehicle repair and servicing in the midlands pm for details 

Current cars
Subaru Impreza 2.0d - Daily
306 1.8 - track whore soon to be GTI6
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Good lad Big Grin
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Want want want
Venetian XUD ph2 heaven
Ph3 perv cab heaven
Black ph1 XUD died

Moonstone hdi stage 2
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(18-07-2013, 05:22 AM)td_dan Wrote: Banded steels spaced out with some stretch and rolled arches would look epic on that

+1 on this tbh!
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Please sell this to me!
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Now running a 9mm gov'ed bosch
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Do exhaust after fcs pal whats It pull like now?
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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