Peugeot ECU BSI units

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Peugeot ECU BSI units
just some info ive found trawling
the info about the oddometer is refrence to newer cars that stor the miles in the bsi and dash (not the 306)

copy and pasted.....

First we like to let you know that it is not possible to fit a second hand BSI to a peugeot. Below are a few BSI facts.
- The engine ECU and the BSI have to be matched.

- Each ECU in a correctly functioning system has a 4 digit code programmed into it.

- Once this code is entered into the ECU it will not be possible to be read, deleted or modified.

- The second hand BSI can't be matched to the existing engine ECU even if you know both codes from both ECU's.

- In order to fit a new BSI you need to know the correct security code of the existing engine ECU so you can enter this code in the new BSI.

- If you get this wrong the new BSI will become unusable.

- If you don't know the correct code for the existing engine ECU then you need to replace the engine ECU and the BSI.

- They then will need to be configured and matched. If the code to the vehicle is not known you can make up a code in this case but make sure you enter the same code in both ECU. It could be an expensive exercise to get this one wrong.

- Peugeot Dealers can obtain the security codes for a particular vehicle if you are the lawful owner.

- The odometer reading (distance travelled) is memorised in the BSI and the instrument panel. If you connect a second hand BSI with a reading higher then the one on the instrument, the distance on the instrument will increase to the higher BSI reading as soon as it is connected to the car.

- So beware, a customer would not be happy if his distance suddenly jumped up several thousand kilometres.

- There is one way you can fit a second hand BSI. Use the engine ECU from the same donor car where the BSI came from.

- It would then still be helpful if you can obtain the donor cars 4 digit security code for future programming, and also remember the issue with the distance. The distance reading won't be a problem if the donor car has lower distance then the recipient, the distance in the BSI will then simply go up to the correct distance.
Thanks given by: pug306driver
where is the BSI unit on a 306 hdi
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centre dash behind the clock, black box with two plugs
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For some reason I thought it was behind the airbag ECU? Is there a guide on how to remove it anywhere as I need to change my ECU and BSI soon?
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[Image: IMG_20130210_162932_zps82fc2e28.jpg]

The BSI is held by three screws under the centre console.

[Image: IMG_20130210_162916_zps8a81e00c.jpg]

BSI removed.
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It's the CPH for "Centrale de Protection Habitacle", the ancester of the BSI with less functions from brand TEXTON. CPH is managing everything related to the protection and ADC (french : Anti-Démarrage Codé) of the car = door actuators, interior lamps, alarm, indicators, transponder into the fob, ECU lock).

CPH is protected with a 4-digit Pin and "linked" to the ECU as you said. I however ignored it could record your mileage.

As you British are lucky to get deadlock integrated to every car, would you, DeeTurbo, make more photos for me please ? Blush
I would need to see more details of the black 15-pin connector of your CPH ? is it possible to see the references on the wires ?

You can private message me the result if you want.
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i have a spare off the car in the garage, i can take some pictures if you want, once home from work
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Thank you Cully, yes no problem take your time Smile

I would need to see in details how many wires are going to the black connector, their color and their reference... Because of the deadlock, more wires are connected to the CPH.

Then with some electrical diagram I will be able to connect to the actuators. Thanks for your help.

P.S : If I ever go to the UK again, my major concern will not be to visit but to go to a scrapyard. Yours seem to be much more "rich" than ours ! ^^
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i can print off the sedre drawings for you for my car too if that helps Wink

our yards might seem rich but the euro 306 was fitted with extras that the UK 306 wern't
like heated seats and headlight washers Wink
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Yes please if it doesn't bother you. I try to get as much information as I can to do this (it's always a mess when it comes to change the loom between the chassis and the door, so if moreover the actuator is different it will be more difficult).

euro 306 ? You mean Swiss 306 ^^. Peugeot is a French manufacturer but French cars are always better-equipped and/or cheaper outside the country Smile. If i had to do a list of "rareness" of options here in France (10 is unfoundable), I would say heated seats are 6/10, deadlock and headlight washers are 9.5/10.
I gave up implementing heated seats because I have the official armrest Peugeot accessory for the car Smile
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Hi Paulo and welcome to the site.

Does your 306 have a filter for the cabin fan?
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BSI drawings for the central locking/deadlocking

wire drawing
.pdf   Hdi 3plug deadlocking wire.pdf (Size: 439.84 KB / Downloads: 154)

layout drawing
.pdf   Hdi 3plug deadlocking layout.pdf (Size: 731.45 KB / Downloads: 132)

autodata drawing
.pdf   hdi 3plug deadlocking autodata.pdf (Size: 117.42 KB / Downloads: 133)

might have another source too but it wont convert to PDF
Thanks given by: pug306driver , ddedaniel
cabin fan ? You mean a filter for the air conditioning system ? a thing you put outside just down the windscreen to prevent air pollution entering the system ?

No, it's not provided nor available "officially" but members of the french forum managed to adapt existing one and few firms are commercialising one which is to be designed for 306.
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Yes that's the one. I see there is a filter available and I have ordered one just need to figure out how to fit it. None of the uk 306's have one and I was told some European 306's do come with one as standard. I checked on servicebox and I could find on on there.
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Check this out :
and (middle of the page)

Posts are olds. Don't if the references and the brands still exist, will ask to a friend more involved tomorrow. This is to be designed for 306 though.

Cully, thanks for the diagrams Smile

Excuse-me for my ignorance but what is Autodata ? A google search gave me an indication (kind of Automotive bible), but is it downloadable ?
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Love that souped up 2cv van, is it real ????
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