Injector rattle on lift off?

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Injector rattle on lift off?
Alright guys Smile

I have had this since I bought the car but never thought much of it. Whenever I let off from full or near full throttle if I let off quickly I get like a short burst of what sounds like the injector rattle. Any ideas what could be causing this? Having been for a proper drive listening to it im pretty certain its the same noise as the injector rattle just louder and for a short burst.

Any ideas?

Thanks Smile

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Could be many things, dying aircon or alternator pulley clutch, tensioner, tired injectors, turbo starting to leak oil... Shouldn't worry about it unless it gets worse.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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What condition is your bottom pulley in?
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Injectors have been changed although they still rattle anyway with the 076 ones -_-
The pulley was changed but for a second hand one that had only 10 miles on it or something like that.

Will have to properly have a search tbf
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So having done a load more driving I have noticed something weird as well. If I'm accelerating then snap the throttle shut then the rattle happens as I'm right near being fully of the pedal for a very short burst of noise.

If I however stop lifting off at that "sweet spot" the rattle will continue for as long as I keep my foot at around the 10% throttle point haha. So strange.
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Having changed the oil today and put some good quality shelll stuff in the rattle seems to have numbed down quite a lot :S It has gone from a harsh sounding rattle or a dull rattle. A lot easier to not notice as well when driving normally. I have no idea what it could be haha
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What oil type mate?
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Gone for shell helix ultra 5w-40 mate.
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Sweet cheers mate. Last 2 times I have used the Peugeot recommended Total stuff but i'm not sold, doesn't seem like the engine likes it very much.
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