possible faulty injector, running on 3 cylinders

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possible faulty injector, running on 3 cylinders
Having a problem atm, car was driving fine, running 100% untill about 3 hours ago, stopped it to talk to a mate in the town, when i went to start it again it turned over a couple times(odd as it usaly goes first go) and when it started it sounded like it was running on 3 cylinders, abit of white smoke out the exhaust, engine was shaking and down on power

so far ive cleaned the filter housing, wasnt any dirt in it and was full, so dont think the tank filter is blocked

took off the intercooler before i came in the house, started her, and slagged all 4 injector lines one at a time, when i crack injector 1 or 3, it changes its note, but keep running just about, when i crack injector 2 or 4, it stops

atm im thinking a faulty injector, as it was running 100% when i stopped it, then when i tried to start it, it started playing up

its on a lucas, only injectors i have are bosch, my 1st dturbo when i bought it had bosch injectors on a lucas pump, it ran but was dead, would it be ok to stick 4 bosch injectors in it to get it going, its getting my 11mm pump, timing belt etc next weekend, but i dont have the timing belt yet or id do that now

any help would be great, cheers Smile

edit, just had a quick flick through youtube there, could it be an injector stuck open

behaving about like this but only thats 6 cylinder, dturbo obv 4
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got it sorted now, she has either stuck a valve or bent it, 3rd cylinder no compression, so engines out getting a new one tomorrow
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Could be the lines, I have cracked two no with intercooler pipes. See if there is diesel pissing out anywhere while its running.
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naw, its not diesel related, changed injectors and lines made no difference, done a compression test after, 1,2 and 4 are grand, number 3 has nothing
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shit luck man did you not just put that engine in?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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2 weeks ago, getting another one tomorrow so will have her back on the road tomorrow night, then ill rebuild this one

no luck atall lad
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New engine new problems, 90% sure this is a blocked fuel filter but

Hard to start, takes a gd bit of turning over to get going
Abit lumpy on idle, not running on 3 cylinders, just let's the odd splutter out of it
Spluttering like a lady garden when driving
And no power, boost is still there, but lost power

Sounds like a filter to me, just looking someone to confirm it before I burn the pos
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try it! changing a filter takes less time than posting on here! lol

either that or timing perhaps...but get rid of the obvious first
Wishes for more power...
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Aye stuck in work atm, so gotta wait till I get home to change it, it slowly got worse on the way to work, so don't think its timing atm
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Sounds like filter or possibly air getting in somewhere? As piggy said, try a filter first and you may aswell check the tank filter. Sucks to have had to change an engine 2 weeks after putting it in tho!
Gov modded 11mm Bosch + Standard turbo = 137.2bhp . . . . TD04 now in...time to get playing!
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Ah ur not joking lad, worse when the engine you drop in starts playin about so quickly aswell
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cheers everyone, bit of an update on this, as its now running like a sweety again, for another day anyway

after work she wouldnt start, at all, so phoned my da, and for the first time since ive been on the road, i had to be tow'd home, naw bad going considering its the 3rd dturbo

got it home, replaced a rather sucked in filter, and she fired, but was rough as hell, smoking like a steam train, dad thought rings n i said timing, drove her into the shed, sure enough, aux belt in half, top cambelt covers off and found most of it, some was around the bottom water hose, and some the window washer hose

locked the timing, didnt count it but was either 2 or 3 teeth out, so got away very very lucky

she running no aux belt for tomorrow, so gonna be a quiet sail to and from work, and home to fit a new belt

Cheers again for all the help
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