Torsion bar adjustment - difficulty level?

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Torsion bar adjustment - difficulty level?

Enthusiast here.

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is rear beam lowering on a ph2 xud '98.

I dont mind frustration, ill just burn the car if it gets to that.

Gov modded a bosch myself, that didnt take more than 30-45 mins(first attempt).

Did strip it down to the head though, those little B******* kept fallin out and had me at it for a further 5 hours.
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Pot luck - could be easy, could be like mine which was an absolute beam off sledgehammer nightmare.

Not actually mechanically difficult, just depends how badly its seized.

Will require some new seals from pug while you're at it.

Good luck
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It should be a scale of 1 to ohfucksaketimetohititwithamassivefuckinghammerswearalotcryandgiveup
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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As said above; the torsion bars i've tackled have taken between 2 days and a few hours.
Going to give a go on the GTI and the NAD soon... already started spraying them with WD40 reguarly
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(14-11-2012, 11:39 AM)Matt Wrote: It should be a scale of 1 to ohfucksaketimetohititwithamassivefuckinghammerswearalotcryandgiveup

Hahahaahah! 100% agree.

But rept, its just luck, there either seized and your gona be in for some fun.
Or they just come out no questions asked, and your lucky!
Goodluck with it lol (:
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Okay dokey. Ive ordered 5ltrs of wd40, so i guess im headed in the right direction.

Those seals? Any idea how i can identify them? order them now me thinks..
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WD40 on a beam is fecking usless you may aswell be spraying it with piss. Get some plus gas or good branded penatration oil. WD 40 is more of a DIY'ers thing not really any use for heavy corrosion like beam

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Gave up with mine after hitting it for about 20 mins, but did my mates saxo was a piece of piss.

Like said above its potluck really.
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Haha, little late now as ive already ordered.

Anyway, as a good student always does...took some notes down while going through darrens lowering video.

Feeling rather confident about it.
(waits for someone to tell me something worrying)
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i used oxy acetaline torch to help it out a bit Smile
[Image: J5hxCcC.jpg]
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^^^^^ As mr tankasfuck says, a little (lot) of heat on the trailing arm near the beam itself helps - helped a lot on my last beam
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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It's an easy process if its not seized. I can get my head around it easily and I have shit mechanical knowledge.
It's just as everyone says. If its seized it can be a massive pain to do. For me one side came out easy. The other took hours of hitting with massive hammer etc ended up using blowtorch to heat up the trailing arm and hitting it very hard. And that took a fair few attempts!
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just take it to krisb he charges a decent rate for a proper job, tis where ill be taking mine soon
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Yeh i guess theres an option of having it done, but I want to give it a go Big Grin
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thoroughly recommend KrisB if you get stuck....he tackled my 1.8 fine and thar was seriously seized!
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Thanks lads Big Grin
[Image: KrisB-new-Logo11.gif]
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Wd40 arrived today, sprayed up where I could! Should be attempting it myself tomorrow Big Grin
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Honestly, those torsion bars are laughing in the face of wd40
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Recently pulled the bars out of my replacement beam, ok it was of the car but one side pulled out using a socket washers and a 4.4 grade bolt (pretty weak) an the other snapped a 10 grade bolt sooooo as the arb was out and u
Will need to get yours out i pulled the trailing arm out put it against the wall, block and used a block of wood and lump hammer to hit the tortion bar from the other end, 3-4 smacks and it was out, as above grab some new seals to put in too Smile also worth giving the splines a good clean up and grease
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complete bastard took a few of us easly 3 hours in total and ended up removing the whole thing and bashing it,blow torching it and a spray of duck oil,lol.never do one again.
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Wows. Managed to get to the egg shape washer stage, got them out(thank God) then decided to pack up again!

I wonder how far i was from success Big Grin??

Should re attempt tomorrow, or i dunno if i should wait for the seals to arrive ^_^
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Lowered one side. Woohoo.

Took arm out the other side, its going to the blacksmith to be heated!

Ordered anti roll bar seals, £12!!!!
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Impatience is counter productive.
[Image: maneze3a.jpg]

That was seized so hard, i decided to smash the screw on the other end.

.98+vat for a new one!
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Woohoo, rear end dropped both sides Big Grin. Still waiting for anti roll bar seals, but ill put them in later.
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well doneThumbsUp
Don't worry about what I'm doing, I want you to worry about what you're doing
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