Rallye Renovation

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Rallye Renovation
This is an unashamed copy & paste of the renovation thread I made on 306GTI forum for any of you who have not followed it over there...........

Hi folks. Thought I would start a thread for those interested detailing the return to grace of a Rallye I picked up today. I bought it off Ebay from a recovery firm and the initial pics looked like it had seen a bit of action......probably track I suspect!
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[Image: Pug7_zps0f3ecd10.jpg]

On seeing it in the flesh I was still confident that it would turn out OK......cosmetic stuff would be easy enough to sort as would the front driveline and suspension damage. Being an ex-Peugeot techie AND an ex-306 S16 owner should help in getting it back together!.
The chap I was buying it off was decent enough to weld up the snapped wishbone and tie rods so that it would drive onto the trailer. Engine sounded good but I detected a big old flat spot just past idle.

On the way back home I had arranged to pop in and see Colin of PugPerformance nr Odiham and get an O/S wing. He reckoned he also had an O/S wing mirror but alas was unable to find it. Once I got the Pug home I got to snapping some baseline pics to get an idea of the 'Now'......
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Seeing there was still plenty of day left I got around to removing the crumpled wing to get a sense of the damage..

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[Image: WP_20140328_16_44_02_Pro_zpsc6da9bb3.jpg]

On removing the wing it was good to see that there had been no deformation of the structure around the wheelwell/sill area.

Thought I'd chuck the new wing in place to make it look a bit more presentable for the missus and neighbours Big Grin ...

[Image: WP_20140328_16_58_15_Pro_zps3fbe70e4.jpg]

Looks much better already!! :thumbsup

Have a load of stuff either in my hand or on order such as:-
2 x wishbones and lower balljoints; 2x drop links; 2x track rods; 2x track rod ends, 1x wheel, new F/R discs and pads; O/S/R light unit; sill moulding; O/S driveshaft; O/S hockeystick and both clips; timing belt kit; plugs; oil and filter. Hadn't planned on a rear bumper but I'm going to need one of those too.

As a Billy Bonus, I managed to pick up a genuine Peugeot rear quarter panel from Randles of Stoke on Ebay ........

[Image: Pug10_zps2054bc24.jpg]

with a supposed RRP of £960 for a measly £25...yes, £25!!!!Big Grin Will probably use the whole thing!! More work but the finished result will be better. The rear 1/4 looks like its been repaired a few times with the amount of filler on it :thumbsdown so a new, genuine panel will do the job nicely!!
Also picked up a large oil cooler matrix for £22 and will get a sandwich plate and lines for a cooler install.

The drivers seat unfortunately looks shot, not just the cloth on the bolster but the actual back frame which feels like its gone. I will decide what to do about that another day. Theres an S16 in my local scrappy which has decent half leather but part of me wants to retain the original look of the car. That said, I HAVE been toying with the Maxi kit :whistle :whistle

So, that's where I am right now. I reckon I should have this ready to MOT and tax by end of April for some summer fun. Don't know what the long term plan is for it yet......might sell it on just prior to winter or might use it as a recipient for a c500HP Cosworth YB I am in the middle of building along with some Saph 4WD running gear :thumbsup :thumbsup

Only time will tell............


Busy again today...

Made a little trip up to Cranleigh to pick up some parts from Mark (chiefton). Got:-
A wheel and tyre; O/S/R light; O/S sill moulding and a rear bumper. Obviously got cracked on when I got home!! :lol

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Looking MUCH more presentable now :yes. GTR getting in on the show in the last pic :lol ......Its ALWAYS looking for a piece of the limelight...:rolleyes

Ordered a pair of front wishbones today along with a pair of Bilstein B4's, pair of hockeystick clips and an O/S hockeystick. Unfortunately it looks like the front bumper will need replacing as the moulded O/S clips that hold it in place are broken :doh. Not to worry!!
Also, lower rad hose needs changing as it must have split due to impact damage. There is an S16 in my local scrap yard which has a good one but having done some research on here it seems there are various kinds of hoses with different ends........*confused*.

Will wait until I have all the goodies together and I'll tackle the front suspension in a one'r. Been thinking about the rear quarter and I reckon that I'll farm the fitting job out to the local body shop. As good as I am with the MIG I'd rather take the hit on the wallet and get it fitted professionally. Will probably not happen before car goes on the road but wont be long after.....


Nothing much done today as I had to do a service and F/R discs & pads on the missus' Megane as well as fitting a new expansion tank to my X5!!!

What I DID do though was remove the remains of the drivers mirror and try and remove the lower rad hose....seems its NOT the easy ring and prong type that my old S16 had! This one has a clip, which I removed, but for the life of me couldnt get the bloody thing off the radiator! Might have to consult Mr Haynes I think :lol..

Will pop up to local breakers on the way back from work tomorrow and pick up a mirror. Will also see if any of their other 306's have the same lower rad hose. I'll give Peugeot a call first and see how much a new one will cost first though.

Hopefully at least some of my suspension parts will arrive tomorrow...with the lighter nights I can get cracked on in the evenings after work


Managed to get a new tyre put on a spare alloy that came with the car so at least it now wears the same style of wheels....
[Image: WP_20140401_13_16_43_Pro_zpsd42515c1.jpg]

Today I received the following:-
Bilstein B4 struts
Fuel filter
Aux belt
Hockeystick clips

Tomorrow I will pick up a lower radiator hose from local dealer as well as two new strut top mounts from GSF.

Just waiting on the wishbones and steering gaiters so I can get cracked on with all the mechanicals. Unfortunately I'm having a bit of a hassle removing the wheels as the car didnt come with the locking bolt key. Not a major issue but just causes unwanted hassle!!


Had a wee bit of time tonight after work so got on with fitting the auxilliary drive belt and my new, never used O/S mirror that arrived today. Popped into local Peugeot garage to pick up lower rad hose after work and also stopped past GSF and got some oil and a pair of strut tops. I thought that, if I was going to put new dampers on then it would be prudent to replace the tops... The O/S one is bent and has probably ripped internally due to the accident so for £30 it made sense to get some replacements....

Steering gaiters were also delivered so that only leaves the wishbones. Once they come I will get stuck in and get the suspension, steering and brakes back in top order!!!


Off up to Stoke on Saturday to pick up my bargain rear quarter panel but weather permitting should see the car mechanically sound by COP Sunday. Need to do:-
Both wishbones
Both steering gaiters
Both Steering arms
Both Track rod ends
Both front dampers
Both strut tops
Both drop links
Both front discs and pads
Both rear discs and pads
Lower rad hose
Front wipers
Fuel filter
Oil change and filter

More than doable given decent weather and motivation. No reason why I cant get it MOT'd, taxed, insured and on the road by end of month!!!! In fact, I could probably have it running around next week but the kitty has taken a pounding on all the bits and pieces I've bought!!!!

Bodywork and spraying will get done once roadworthy as its a lot easier to physically DRIVE the thing to the bodyshop!!. Don't want to look like a chav (patchwork quilt body panels!) for longer than I have to LOL!!!


Thought I'd stop dithering about and get some proper work done tonight after work!!! :lol

After I'd managed to eventually remove the locking wheel nuts (by drilling the centre and hammering in a 10mm spline bit!) I got on with changing the rear discs and pads....

[Image: WP_20140404_19_34_22_Pro_zps188e8572.jpg]

To be fair the pads looked like they had been changed not that long ago but for the cost of new pads and discs it would have been rude not to change them!!!

By a stroke of luck a mate at work had seen my pictures on Facebook the other day. He had an S16 many moons ago like myself and just happend to still have an OMP strut brace lying around in his garage!!!!!...

[Image: WP_20140404_16_48_48_Pro_zps75459bbc.jpg]

Gave it to me for nowt as payment for some work I did on his RR Sport a few months back.. what a legend!!!

Off up to Randles tomorrow to pick up my £25 rear quarter and will pop by Leicester to pick up the 17" OZ Superleggeras I bought from Lee on here..

The work continues......


Keeping up some momentum I got yet more stuff done after work....

Managed to get the O/S track rod off with a little persuasion at last. Replaced with new rod, rod end and gaiter.... (and yes, I DO know the rod end engages from the bottom :lol )
[Image: WP_20140408_19_19_53_Pro_zps4cfc0516.jpg]

Still having trouble removing whats left of the old driveshaft. I have a plan but I will leave that for another day.
Decided to crack on with the N/S stuff and fitted the new wishbone, disc and pads.....

[Image: WP_20140408_19_19_38_Pro_zpsee422a81.jpg]
Got as far as undoing the hub/strut bolt and massaging the strut off the hub. Didnt have time to finish so left it for tomorrow. Will have the strut replaced and the new top mount along with, hopefully the N/S track rod, rod end and gaiter...


Well, a bit of mixed bag tonight.....

Went up to the local breakers after work tonight and bagged a few things off the S1 S16 they have....O/S mirror cover, front O/S arch liner, washer bottle and other bits and bobs..

Got home and immediately got the washer bottle fitted which is one job off the list!! Also got the O/S wishbone and drop link fitted (eventually!!) but in doing so noticed that the front wishbone pivot has been dislocated slightly. Only noticed it as the wishbone body was slightly closer to the subframe on the O/S than it was on the N/S. I reckon its not out by much but in the spirit of 'doing it right' I will source a replacement subframe and swap it over. Its the right thing to do....when I come to sell it on (eventually) I wouldn't be happy selling a car with a fault like that which I KNEW about!!!

Now that the car rests back on its own 4 wheels I will get it up on my ramps. This way I can get much better access to the problem driveshaft and hopefully get the bugger out!!

Hopefully I can get a subframe reasonably sharpish so it wont set me back too much time-wise!!


Todays efforts consisted of changing the fuel filter...

[Image: WP_20140411_18_30_52_Pro_zps697280c2.jpg]

Unfortunately the original flexi-strap has long gone and the filter I removed had been cable tied. No other option but to do the same with the new one!!

Thought I'd also test-fit the strut brace as I wasn't 100% clear on what phase of car my mate had this on. Rather than go to the effort of renovating the brace and finding out its unsuitable I thought I'd do the sensible thing first :lol Outcome......success!!!

[Image: WP_20140411_18_30_18_Pro_zps118ec1af.jpg]

Yesterdays trip to the breakers saw me with a new O/S crystal indicator housing since the original one had clearly been a victim of the accident....

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Received my hubcentric spacers the other day from calibra306 . Very happy with them but thought I'd offer them up to the OZ Superleggeras that will adorn the car soon. They weren't sitting fully home and seemed to be fouling slightly....A bit of a tickle on the lathe to take off the outer edge of the spigot and everything was hunky-dory....

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Also did the O/S front brakes so that's all of them now done. Swapped the plugs out for new ones while I was feeling up for it :lol

This weekend I'll be helping my mate with his Fiesta RST rebuild but if I have a spare few minutes I'll get the car up on the ramps and have a stab at getting the O/S driveshaft out. That just leaves acquiring and fitting a new front subframe and reattaching the wishbones etc......


Post #49
So, got stuck in this morning.....

Put the car up on my ramps so I could get better access to the driveshaft bearing housing and then melted it a few times with the ball joint separating fork. Came out very easily!! Drained the gearbox oil and fitted the new driveshaft. Easy-peasy!!!

Then, I changed the engine oil and filter in amongst spraying both mirror covers and O/S hockeystick!!

Started it up last night and noticed a bit of oily smoke coming from the rear of the engine. When the car was up on the ramps today there was indeed oil on the exhaust manifold. At first glance it would either be coming from the head gasket or the pipe that runs across the back of the blockmay be pierced and is spraying oil upwards towards a part of the manifold flange. Was short on time (as I promised my mate some help with his Fiesta RST rebuild) but will investigate this further perhaps tomorrow!!

Really just a case now, mechanically, of getting a replacement subframe swapped over, all the sundries reattached and the N/S track rod, rod end and gaiter. Then mechanically, it'll be good to go. Postie popped past and delivered the V5 which makes it all official.

Next major things are (bodywork obviously!!) finding the cause of the airbag warning light and securing the drivers seat. Then, I do believe it may be MOT time. I reckon that I'll run about in the car prior to bodywork.at least that way I can actually TAKE it to a few bodyshops and get exact quotes, not finger in the air stuff...


Only a short bit of time on the car today but managed to get the door covers and O/S hockeystick lacquered and fitted. At least it has a good looking face again, not missing a couple of teeth :lol

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(pic BEFORE wash and polish!)

On a positive note, I removed both front seats to investigate this airbag light thing.... Didnt notice any wiring issues pre se but both seats had some insulating tape underneath containing some twisted together wires. i swapped them for proper spades (for easy removal), reconnected the battery and voila!!! No airbag light!! How strange but welcome nonetheless...

Evening update:- Got back earlier than expected from our Sunday outing so gave the car a wash, clayed the bonnet; passengers door; ; wing; rear quarter and tailgate. To be fair it wasn't as bad as expected so I reckon its been a very well cared for car in the past. Autoglym'ed the bonnet and wing.....bugger me, it came up VERY well and feels like glass :thumbsup The lustre of the paintwork is stunning!!! Hopefully I can get the drivers side to a similar standard!!


Bit of a busy day yesterday...

Drove up to Northampton to pick up replacement rear beam from Tony (:thumbsup ). Got back home around 13:30 and mate and I got stuck into replacing the front subframe....

Old one off....
[Image: WP_20140419_16_08_29_Pro_zpsc2ed1ddf.jpg]

And new one fitted Big Grin .

Then, I decided to fit the catch tank I had purchased (£12 well spent!!)...

[Image: WP_20140419_16_08_43_Pro_zps8f27b3d3.jpg]

Have ordered a small breather filter to go on the open port on the tank to finish it off.
Tried to fit a replacement lambda I picked up but turns out the lead is WAY too short!. As luck would have it, someone was selling an unused NTK lambda boxed on Ebay for £20. Needless to say, I bought that!!

Another job that needed doing was replacing the o-rings on the vac pump. I'd noticed a slight weeping from the pump/head interface so got some genuine seals to replace them. On removal, it turns out that the larger diameter one was shot to bits so a good call there!!

The beam I got has been lowered by 30mm and came with gas shocks so in anticipation I secured some 30mm lower front springs from Mark (who seems to be getting lots of my money :lol ). Once the 17's are on the car should sit nicely!. Going to get some new rear beam mounts as it seems silly to use the stuff on the car which are probably the originals. I'm sure they're less than fresh after 120K miles.

Talking of mounts, I'm toying with the idea of making my own solid lower engine mount...I have some alloy round bar of suitable size I can turn on the lathe into a couple of top hats (same as the Powerflex type). Will keep the huge torque of the engine under control :lol :lol .

Chucking it down with rain today so no goings-on planned. Will take a well earned rest :thumbsup

So, jobs still left are:-
Buy and fit front bumper
Buy and fit drivers door
Fit new lambda
Fit lowered front springs
Buy new rear beam bushes and fit rear beam
Buy and fit new front washer jets
Fit rear quarter repair panel
Respray all required areas


So, it turns out that the nice and cheap 'mist' washer jets are pretty gash TBH. They fit, but thats about it! Spray pattern seems non adjustable and just p**ses out on the bonnet!! However, got some OEM style ones which I'll fire on later....

[Image: temporary_zps2da74c2e.jpg]

Also got the new lambda sensor.....

[Image: temporary_zps72bffb97.jpg]

which seems a bit more like it cable length-wise!

Managed to secure some 21mm torsion bars for £75 which I'm pleased about so will build up on the beam I have in the garage waiting to go on.

Very busy this weekend and away with work Mon/Tue/Wed so can't see much progress being made in the short term. To be fair there is very little to do for an MOT...just mainly aesthetic stuff which can be done later!!


Managed to find a spare 20 mins to fit new lambda and washers after all!!..

[Image: temporary_zpsd0f30fb7.jpg]

seems to have done the trick!!..

Couldn't resist taking a pic of the new K&N seeing as I was under the car anyway:lol...

[Image: temporary_zpsfbe07357.jpg]

thats all for today (probably rest of weekend at this rate!!) but glad I got at least SOMETHING done!!


No updates of late as I've been away a bit with work!!

Still, got some beam mounts today.....

[Image: temporary_zps2d6ff229.jpg]

And swiftly got them installed on my replacement beam ( now sporting 21mm torsion bars!!)

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should get the other pair of new mounts tomorrow hopefully and get beam installed over the weekend Smile


After returning from holiday I was met with a few calling cards from the postie :thumbsup

In between the missus pestering me to do gardening duties I managed a few hours on the car....

Bagged a Momo wheel and gearknob off Ebay for a ridiculously cheap price so thought I would crack on and sort the wheel out!!!....

Old wheel on...
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Old wheel off...
[Image: temporary_zps688a89a7.jpg]

New wheel on...
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Will sell the, albeit tasteful, Momo gearknob as I can't see me having a use for it TBH...
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Also received some 30mm lower front springs from Mark (chiefton) which were waiting for me Smile . The new Vs orig shot...
[Image: temporary_zpsbe8ae13b.jpg]

In amongst all that I also installed a radio stalk which had been missing from the car. Looks much better now Big Grin

Only managed to get the N/S done before tea was served and a halt called to play :thumbsdown :thumbsdown. Nevertheless that corner now sits just right in the arch IMHO. Wondering how my 17's are going to fare. I suppose with the overall rolling radius being very similar to current 15's + tyres there shouldn't be anything to worry about Smile

Off out tomorrow but if I get back earlyish I'll get the O/S spring fitted and the gearbox oil changed for new Total BV 75W80 fluid. That just leaves.....

Front bumper to buy and fit
Rear beam to replace with lowered replacement on 21mm TB's
Rear quarter replaced
Panels sprayed

And car can hit the road :thumbsup :thumbsup . I reckon I'll MOT it before the last two items are done so I can get the use of it. As much as I always criticise folks with patchwork quilt paintwork I think I'll get it roadworthy so I can physically drive it to a few bodyshops for more accurate quotes rather than finger-in-the-air type numbers.


A bit more work done today...

Picked up a front bumper, drivers door and tailgate today (thanks Ollie!!). After getting it all home I got on with swapping the Offside spring......

[Image: temporary_zps34c66fd0.jpg]

so at least the car now sits square at the front. Even without letting it settle, the difference is quite noticeable!...

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Got the new front bumper secured as you can see from the above pic. Unfortunately the car sports 4 different colours of panels. A bit shoddy but it will all be sprayed Cherry Red at some stage!!

Just waiting on new ABS sensor to arrive then I can get cracking with fitting the new rear beam!!!


Picked up a nice Alpine head unit from Ebay for a monster £17 delivered!!

Just need an adapter lead and we're all sorted! Unfortunately local Halfords don't have any in :thumbsdown

Tomorrow should see the replacement beam fitted and that would conclude all the mechanical stuff. New thinking is that I'll have all the panels sprayed OFF the car, refit them, and THEN get MOT. That SEEMS like the best plan. I can then shop around to get a decent quote for having the rear quarter fitted and sprayed..


Managed to get the old beam off singlehandedly....

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[Image: temporary_zpsc7016304.jpg]

Will try and get the new one in place tomorrow after work hopefully!! At least that will conclude the mechanical necessities and leave the cosmetic stuff to sort out!


So, managed to get the replacement beam in place and bolted up.....

[Image: temporary_zpsd26aec0e.jpg]

Just need to bleed the rear calipers, fit the exhaust and bolt up the load compensator properly and replacement is complete!!


Bit more in the way of tinkering..

Had to fit a new brake line to the O/S rear caliper as the original one looked a bit cack!!..
[Image: WP_20140611_20_02_52_Pro_zps0e9196b9.jpg]

Much better :thumbsup :thumbsup

Heat shield back on and exhaust mounted. Just have clamp at cat end to sort out. A full compliment of Proflex exhaust mounts are on the list as well as an aftermarket rear silencer.
Just the N/S ABS sensor to fit and plug in when it arrives!!

Also received my ISO lead today so Alpine head unit in and tested....all good!!

Car now back on its 4 wheels and looking a good bit lower at the back...
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[Image: WP_20140611_20_16_21_Pro_zps03ede2d1.jpg]


No work planned over weekend as I'm busy with other things, not that there's really much left to sort out!


Decided to tackle the N/S track rod once and for all now that I understand how the dust cap is removed!!
Bought a Gen Pug replacement dust cap in preparation.....

[Image: WP_20140616_16_47_37_Pro_zpsed6f9b3c.jpg]

The offending side of the rack!!...

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The old and new track rods and boots side-by-side.......Lemforder quality :thumbsup

[Image: WP_20140616_19_48_38_Pro_zpsfe2835b8.jpg]

Just as well I decided to soldier on and change it as it DID feel pretty screwed!!

Tomorrow I will get the rear brakes bled, the exhaust fully bolted up and secured and, if I'm lucky, will re-weld a very small bit of previous patching where the welding has cracked.

Oh, and an ABS sensor that needs fitting to the N/S/R which still hasn't arrived yet!....

Once THESE jobs are done, it'll be the nonsense stuff like insurance, MOT and tax and away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Earlier on I managed to bleed the rear brakes, tighten and secure exhaust and fit the N/S/R ABS sensor which arrived today!!
My mate popped round with a gift from his garage.....

[Image: WP_20140617_21_28_26_Pro_zps1f4439d3.jpg]

A smart Momo centre for the wheel.....sets it off nicely I think!

Tomorrow after work I'll get the front end up on ramps and attack the small bit of welding required just behind the drivers wheel area.

I'm getting pretty excited with the prospect of having the thing MOT'd and ready for driving!!!!!! :yes :yes


Well...as work has had me off here, there and everywhere I've not managed to get the welding done yet!! Hopefully tomorrow shall see it finished.

With a spare half an hour this afternoon I got on with rubbing down one of the Superleggera's ready for a dusting of satin black paint. Not a full refurb but more of a titivation as they are already satin and in pretty good condition but just need an overall touch up.
On a related note I bought another couple of Kumho Ecstas so have the same all round. Will get them on after wheels have been painted and get the wheels/tyres fitted to the car.

Should make it look fantastic (IMHO)


Just returned from holiday and decided to spend sometime on the Pug !!

Took 2 of my newly refurbished Superleggeras and 2 Kuhmo Ecsta's to the local tyre place for fitting. Got the backs done first as one of the alloys would appear to be cracked and is currently at local (quality) wheel repairers being welded.

So, fruits of today's efforts.....

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[Image: WP_20140718_17_41_03_Pro_zps5735d08f.jpg]
[Image: WP_20140718_17_40_37_Pro_zpsa66bb746.jpg]
[Image: WP_20140718_17_40_00_Pro_zpsb2874a31.jpg]

OK, so not the full monty but enough to see some of the effect....

VERY happy with results so far. Will get the wheel back on Tuesday, refurb over the next 2 days and other 2 tyres fitted on Thursday!!

Now just need to arrange collection for all the other bits I've bought!!!!


After an early start this morning and a monster drive around the country, I ended up with a Cherry Red front bumper; drivers door; drivers wing and stainless exhaust...

Removed the driving lamps from the bumper and replaced with the Rallye blanks as well as replacing the left portion of the splitter as it was damaged. Removed the blue wing and fitted the red one and the result is.....

[Image: temporary_zpsd279bf92.jpg]
[Image: temporary_zps3f85c130.jpg]

just leaves the sill and rear bumper to get sprayed and at least it will be all the same colour :lol

Next job will be to remove the current door, and retrofit the manual winder mechanism, trim etc to the new door. If I can get my finger out I'll probably do that tomorrow PM.

Will try and book an MOT for next weekend which fills me with a bit of excitement...


Been busy the last couple of days....

Picked up a replacement red door, front bumper and wing from a GTI and a Scorpion catback system. Got on with fitting the bumper and door. I decided to swap over the loom from the original door along with the manual regulator.
On getting it all back together the central locking decided to play up...after some head scratching I swapped the latch/lock mechanism from the original door which cured the problem. I had assumed the modules were the same but obviously not!!

Also fitted the Scorpion system along with some nice new powerflex polybushes. Only had 1 exhaust clamp which came with it and the original so have ordered some Mikalor clamps to hold it all together.

Decided also to get some paint and spray the O/S sill which has come up pretty well. Just need to lacquer it and get it back on the car.
Picked up the repaired wheel from the wheel shop today so will take both remaining wheels and tyres to fitters tomorrow to get sorted out and get them both fitted on car. Should look fantastic wearing all 4 OZ's as its already pretty good with just the rears on at the moment.

Well excited now......

Just need to sort out insurance, book MOT and get it taxed then let the good times roll...


Spent some more quality time on the Pug this evening......just giving it a once over before MOT really...

Forgot that I hadn't connected the rear numberplate lights, obviously only AFTER I had bolted the thing up fully!!! DOH!! All lights were checked along with the usual horn and wiper/washers. Decided to give the rear wiper arm a bit of a spruce up with some nice satin black paint......good as new!!

Dropped past Halfords on the way back from work and picked up some lacquer in order to finish the drivers sill moulding. Came up really well and after letting it all dry, fired it on the car.

Once all that was done I gave it a wash. Looks fabby!! (IMHO)........compared to when it arrived on my doorstep!

[Image: WP_20140725_20_13_27_Pro_zpsc88a7ddf.jpg]
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Didn't get around to sorting the exhaust leaks out yet as I need a hand with that. Means MOT will be next week. Will get it insured tomorrow and MOT booked.

Can't wait to drive it!!!!!!


Well, thats all the sundry jobs done, car insured and MOT booked for Wednesday morning.

Big thumbs up for Greenlight insurance.....superb price I have to say...

I'll report back on the outcome of MOT..


Passed MOT this morning without a hitch so VERY pleased :thumbsup :thumbsup

Got it taxed earlier on but runs from 1st August onwards so no driving for a couple of days Sad

Still, drove well down and back from test centre so all is well....


Today I had the Pug on the road for the first time after renovation. Driving to work this morning (locally) at lower speeds the car was perfect. After work I decided to fire some Tesco99 in the tank as I feared that the fuel that was currently in the tank was perhaps a bit stale.

Driving back from Tesco I had the opportunity to give the car a good burst in 3rd gear. Exhaust sounded amazing and car pulled well Thumbs up . While slowing back down the Engine Warning Light came on for a bit and the car, despite modulating the throttle, lost all power until it died.
I parked up, checked underneath and under the bonnet and nothing looked amiss. Car started up again without problem and I got home OK (without booting it again)

Later on I was going to meet the missus for dinner and a short distance from home, and without booting it, the car again lost all power suddenly. On looking out the rear mirror I see red hot bits tumbling back down the road. Again I stop, look underneath and nothing. CAr starts up and I decide to gently drive home and take the X5 instead!.

I'm thinking that either:-
1. The cat that was on the car was buggered when I got it or
2. The new lambda that I bought was NOT the correct one and has overfuelled the engine damaging cat to the point where it melts and ejects stuff out the back

Lambda I bought was an NGK NTK OZA527-E17-0445. After a bit of forum searching I see that the correct Bosch part is 0258003717. I have ordered this and a new cat this evening so hopefully problem will disappear!!


Hmmm...NOT the sort of thing you want to see when looking down the rear end of your cat......

[Image: WP_20140804_19_08_58_Pro_zps81978c99.jpg]

Its pretty evident that something's gone a bit awry on the cat front!! I reckon that for one reason or another (knackered cat or my poor choice of lambda!) the catalyst has broken down and while molten has been blocking the exhaust giving the symptoms experienced.

What you don't get from the pic is a sense of depth...looking at it closely you can see huge differences in the depth of the honeycomb-like structure. It must have been bits of red-hot ejected catalyst that I noticed bouncing down the road behind be the other day....

Happily, and as expected, upstream of the cat is all as it should be i.e. a nice light covering of carbon.

Once replacement cat and lambda are on then it should (this time!!!!) be happy days!!


Got the front braided hoses put on this evening......

[Image: WP_20140805_17_22_13_Pro_zps8ceaa014.jpg]

Looks a bit Heath Robinson with the anti-chafe bits silicone hose but hey, they serve an important purpose.

As an aside, I hate using the flash on the camera as it always makes things look WAY rustier than they actually are :thumbsdown :thumbsdown . Looking at the pic you'd be excused for thinking the car was fit for the scrapper when in actual fact, it's quite tidy!!


So, today I received the cat, lambda, engine mount set and clutch cable....it's like Christmas came early...lol

Cat was a bit of a pain to get on as the new one sat farther down the fibre/gauze gasket than the original which meant that the original bolts weren't long enough to get through the spring and washer to get the nut on. Luckily I had some longer stainless cap screws which were up to the task!! Screwed the lambda in and connected it up. All good!! After fitting the rest of the system (without using paste for quickness!) it seems there's a small blow from the cat/midsection joint so will address that tomorrow after work.

Then got on with replacing the left & right engine/'box mounts. Was a piece of cake job to do and now have a healthy nearside.....
[Image: WP_20140807_16_29_05_Pro_zps14d9bf2f.jpg]

and offside...
[Image: WP_20140807_17_31_26_Pro_zpsa0f6f64c.jpg]

pair of mounts. Happily, the offside mounting chassis plate was solid and in good order so no worries there. Also took the time to insert a bit of 5mm angle as a spacer which looked pretty much identical to the one used in Dom Morton's FAQ guide. Just the rear mount and smaller fork bush to go for a full house!!!!

Having removed the battery tray I DID notice something a bit odd......Some box of tricks which looks like it has melted and detached from its battery box mount....
[Image: WP_20140807_16_28_30_Pro_zps61e679b7.jpg]

What is it?? and does anyone have another I can use? I'm sure it works fine but having it exposed to the elements doesn't fill me with a warm fuzzy feeling!!!

With the battery tray removed I decided to crack on with the clutch cable replacement which was straightforward up to the point where I attempted to get the new one through the bulkhead. Used the string method but no matter what I did and the fact that I was doing it all myself, I just could not get the thing through the bulkhead hole. I'll get my mate, or missus, to lend a hand tomorrow and sort it out!.

So, a busy and productive evening. Hopefully, with the clutch cable issue sorted tomorrow I can be back on the road before tea time!!

Can't wait!!


So, fitted the new fuel pump relay and have been running about in the car now for a few days and it seems to be behaving....The exhaust note when giving it some beans is just intoxicating!!! Missus gives me a bit of a ribbing about 'wanting to be 17 again' and stuff to that effect but I have to say that I've seen lots of hot hatches driven by folks my age (40) so I don't feel bad at all!!!!:thumbsup

It gives a slight 'cough' every now and then but is generally fine. Have ordered a new water temp sensor and will probably go and order a full set of the other ECU sensors in time.

Managed to source a new drivers seat so interior looks first class. It could all do with a (really) good clean, especially the headlining, but is physically in good order at last.

Will start to have a look for some bodyshops to get quotes for the rear quarter repair and spray but to all intents and purposes this 'Rallye Renovation' or really the 'Rallye Rescue' thread is complete.

I'm hoping this wont continue as a full-on track car build thread :lol :lol...........but never say never!!!

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Just had a quick skim through. Did you ever get the rear quarter fixed?
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Not yet. Will be getting some quotes from local bodyshops soon though!!

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Nice to see a car being saved rather than broken for spares.
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That rear quarter is going to be a bitch of a job but will be worth it in the end. Much better than repairing the damage that's there Smile
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Wow you've been busy! A really interesting read.

Can't wait to see pics of this panel getting fitted
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Dear GOD that's shiny!

A* for effort Smile
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some work going into this.

will be worth it in the end
Thanks given by:
Epic thread i shall be following closely! Big Grin

Did that place have a pass side rear quarter? mine needs one
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Not that I saw...

Must have been selling off old stock. Was a Peugeot dealership that had their own Ebay shop, that's where I saw it. Was surprised beyond belief that no one else made a bid on it. Not bad for £25!!


Could someone ask admin to clear up that dodgy IMG link half way up the page please?? I can't do it and for some reason the forum won't allow me to PM any of the mods!!!!


(22-08-2014, 08:49 AM)Niall Wrote: That rear quarter is going to be a bitch of a job but will be worth it in the end. Much better than repairing the damage that's there Smile

Still undecided whether to use the whole panel or just have the damaged part cut out and grafted on. We'll see nearer the time.

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(22-08-2014, 12:09 PM)tarmac terror Wrote: Still undecided whether to use the whole panel or just have the damaged part cut out and grafted on. We'll see nearer the time.
If you're taking it to bodyshops you could always ask for their professional opinion!
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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Very nice Smile fair play for restoring it properly

What did you do with that nile wing btw ninja
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Doing an awesome job there mate!
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Quote:What did you do with that nile wing btw ninja

Ended up skpping it as I didn't think anyone would want it.......Wasn't in the best of condition anyway!

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