dell dimension 3000 gone tits up, any ideas, diag light video

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dell dimension 3000 gone tits up, any ideas, diag light video
the mot gas analyser computer at work has shit itself, found a goosed PSU so replaced it for a spare i had at home. its running 1 stick of ram which i know to be good as i have tested this in another motherboard. it will beep the 1-3-2 code when i try different ram in it even though both sticks are pc2700 @333MHz, it seems happy to some extent with the original ram installed but will not show video, not tried external graphics as its only got PCI slots (no AGP/PCIe). heres a video showing the diagnostic lights, cant find anything on this light combo on dell's website. wether or not the com card and disk drives are plugged in has no effect on the lights neither does having KB/mouse plugged in
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you tend to find without ram in the bios wont post/display.

With ram but everything else unplugged (Hdd's, CPU) etc it should show display but bitch about lack of whatever.

If its beeping and you cant find anything, you could research the motherboard manufacturer and see what the bios beeps mean within the manual.

That or just phone Dell since they will have the details.
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As fooby said, unplug EVERYTHING from the mobo other than ram / power supply and case buttons, and see if it posts, if not pull power lead / pull cmos battery for 10 seconds, place and try again, if not, then as uve already tested psu, the board is probs poooped.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Also extra valid points from darren about motherboard being fooked Smile
Team - Inappropriate Footwear. Member 1 of 3.

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Thought the board was f*cked. Just thrown in a 1.6 and 4gig bundle from maplin in there
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sorted then?
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