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Report: PFC Expo 2016 - Sunday 6th November 2016
Another early start and all aboard the misfiring rallye for the 300 mile drive to Donnington Exhibition Centre where Performance French Cars were holding their 3rd expo. The event started in 2014 and parking stretched onto the adjacent fields. In 2015 the show had a smaller turn out due to the weather. In 2016 the weather was much the same with similar numbers to 2015.

The day started with the 150 mile drive from Ipswich to Donnington along with several fuel stops and making use of the jet wash a mile away from the show. 306oc had its own stand in the west wing. With room for 30 cars it was disappointing to see low turn out from the club but as many of us have said before its a long way to travel for a few hours of show.

[Image: IMG_3136_zpsct5cmu8g.jpg]

Heading into the show there were some of the staple cars we see at every show, the quavers 106, the cosworth clio dimma, the 205 dimmas etc. 

[Image: IMG_3200_zpstkxr2wfa.jpg]

Also was the 205 evo. For anyone who doesnt know its an evo 6 with a 205 front and rear end. Biggest giveaway is the questionable roof line.

[Image: IMG_3232_zpsby2ckhbe.jpg]

Also new for this year was this awesome almost drag spec 106. Custom widebody, spoiler and some fantastic wide wheels. Shame about the colours!

[Image: IMG_3214_zpsqoq8r57l.jpg]

This camo green 306 has been doing the rounds on facebook and undoubtedly takes inspiration from the meatwagon produced by chris pellowe a few years ago. Big exhaust stack and heat cover on this one!

[Image: IMG_3190_zpsvskvlbls.jpg]

Towards lunch time this mad 206 rolled in as well! Massive wing and super wide.

[Image: IMG_3245_zpstdymtdur.jpg]

On the outside less show cars and more from the enthusiasts. Some great 306s on display as part of some of the local car clubs. This estate was getitng a lot of attention on the day and also on the event page afterwards. Almost identical to the "Race Estate" we had on here a few years ago. Good to see some good estates out there!

[Image: IMG_3164_zpsyv1abxmc.jpg]
[Image: IMG_3178_zpsnahtyzwy.jpg]

its always nice to see some of the old classics being looked after. This renault 5 was amazing and so much love for the 3 stud wheels.

[Image: IMG_3145_zpsrty233ws.jpg]

Following the show Bates, Tom and I took the two blakc rallyes round to the circuit paddock. Security let us in and we stood on a bank where on one side on the main track there was a jevelin track day and on the other side a drift school operating.

As always with Expo its what you make of it and for the few who did attend it was a great time to catch up and talk cars. Next year hopefully we can make something of the night before and book a premier inn in Derby and have a meal in the harvester. As soon as next years date is announced we can start discussing some 306oc shenanigans to make us all as happy as Tom...

[Image: IMG_3152_zpsbu9rsqvi.jpg]

Another enjoyable show and thanks to PFC for organising. It takes a lot of effort to sort out the venue and organise the trade especially when most french hatch owners are pretty tight with their money. Hopefully next year itll be a bit earlier to take advantage of some of the nicer weather and we can get more members attending. Thanks to everyone who came and great to see you. PFC Mag took some photos of us so expect these to be in the next mag!

More pictures and post event discussion in the photos thread.
Thanks given by:

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