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Air filter was bought today as part service kit, its fram and im wondering is it normal to have white foam underneath the paper? Never seen this before thinking to just leave it there.

[Image: zazumu4y.jpg]
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looks like packing to me . . . . . . Itwasntme
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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It does yeah, but its glued to it pretty well lol, wondering is it gonna restrict it or just leave it there basically
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I've seen a few filters with a foam backing like that, don't think its packing tbh. I guess it's supposed to be for better filtration or something.
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No bother ill fire it in with it on then! Treating her to a service Smile
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I was talking bout this with a guy at the local motor factors a few weeks ago, I had one with it on last service and this time it was without. Apparently it's a option with Framm filters for if you live in a particularly 'dusty' area like a pre-filter, filter. Never did mine any harm, and tbh throughout the summer I would've thought it was better.
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As above, it is part of the filter, its there to catch the larger particles before you get to the paper but theres no reason why you couldnt remove it. I wouldnt think its that much of a restriction.
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I removed my filter on my 406 the other day cos I thought it was blocked, found that foam on the back. Removed it, and it DEFINITELY made a difference. Rip it off!
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Mixed reviews! Might leave it on for a while and see if it 'catches' anything and if not then the paper eliment will do its job well enough I guess!
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