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in the last few post you mention cooling issues still is this air/bleeding issues? just a thought if you have air in the system and it gets too a sensor that goes to the ecu will that give the problems your having?
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(12-10-2016, 08:53 AM)Toms306 Wrote: I assume you've checked the HG since, sniff test and compression test?
I just can't imagine procta without a Metro.  There has been a time tom, many moons ago, when procta didn't have a metro. If things don't pull through, you will see procta with out a metro for good!
(12-10-2016, 11:17 AM)Piggy Wrote: Yeah as above. If compression is fine. Coolant system is not pressurising or losing water and no fumes in the coolant...
Then why do you think its HG?
Rough running when hot sounds like sensor issue Due to the fact it still pressurising and running like it is, but it has settled down then pressurised again.
(12-10-2016, 01:28 PM)vincent1 Wrote: in the last few post you mention cooling issues still is this air/bleeding issues? just a thought if you have air in the system and it gets too a sensor that goes to the ecu will that give the problems your having? As stated Vincent, we have ran a hose through the full system to the point it was spotless and the fucker still pressurised, I took it for a little ride around the block to help circulate the water and then bled it, It worked then it started to act up again.
I know these cars are a right bastard to bleed at the best of times, but its one thing I am not going to rule out that the head gasket repair hasn't been a success.
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ok I changed over the ECU to see if that had been damaged and it did the same, so one final item is on order and that's it, I will get rid if that fails.
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well changed over the o2 sensor and it did the square root of f*ck all, we think it might be the inlet gasket been shite, or a shite quality one. Only so much I can strip things down and tighten. I am going to price a inlet gasket up and some blue sealant. Then go from there by the looks of it, its a f*cking piss take now this car is.
Spent a hell of a lot now and I am no further forward at all, its been two months now nearly three, since we did the head gasket change.
My dads starting to think maybe just scrap the f*cking thing, and get something else which is really tempting.
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Christ I wish I was closer, I'd love to offer a hand to see this thing fly again.
Hope it gets sorted, been following it for years now.
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(21-10-2016, 07:12 PM)Piggy Wrote: Dont scrap it!!! i will if i cannot sort this problem out, at the present time its really forcing my hand.
(21-10-2016, 07:16 PM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: Christ I wish I was closer, I'd love to offer a hand to see this thing fly again.
Hope it gets sorted, been following it for years now.
Trouble is Danny metro owners now are quite far and few between to offer a helping hand, There are hardly any forum users close to me to even offer a helping hand either. So i am my own support, but there is a point where i will have to call it a day now, Been going for 8 years the sleeper idea. We are on round 4 now, and i am not going to do another round.
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well its looking very, very likely that this is going the journey, Me and my dad have installed two new inlet gaskets and the fucker is still doing the same thing, but we are going to see how everything fares tomorrow, let the gasket sealant go off. what ever it is, mite be correcting itself, the car wasn't really acting up as often, but we will see tomorrow.
I have all but lost all hope now, and my dads just gave up now and said get shot and get something else. ( if all goes well this year for me at work, then I will be)
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still seriously think this just needs a fresh pair of eyes on it.
walk away maybe, but don't bin it off. won't hurt to park it up for a bit if you're fed up.
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(30-10-2016, 01:31 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: still seriously think this just needs a fresh pair of eyes on it.
walk away maybe, but don't bin it off. won't hurt to park it up for a bit if you're fed up.
well funny you said that, i took the car for a good run today just in case it was dirty petrol, it did square root of f*ck all. So i rang a mate from work, to see what he thinks. He sprayed every f*cking pipe in that engine bay to see what the f*ck is wrong. He said open the throttle body and i will spray some stuff down to see if its the IVAC been troublesome, the car ran ok for a bit after that, then we whipped off the pipe where it was and sprayed and sprayed. The car ran sweet as a nut! For a good 10 mins easy and it was like a different car when i got home, but as soon as i pulled in, it started to play up again, So its the IVAC sensor, i will whip the full housing off and clean it out. So there might be just might be light at the end of the tunnel, But at least we have moved forward.
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Glad to hear thres been some progress at long last!
Please dont give up on this, awesome bit of kit! when its back working properly it will make all the hours and £££'s worth it
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not sure about that matt, this has cost well over budget now what its worth. I still have a few things to sort out, and sadly I have lost two little neat features too, which I am in two minds now on putting back in to the car. I had two other upgrades on the cards but that I think is now out of the window now, after what has gone on.
Its got to really start earning its keep now, I need to do a few things with the 306 and this needs to take its place for a few weeks.
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well tomorrow, if I can be arsed and if the weather is ok, I will re adjust the front bumper and give the interior a nice clean out. Also introduce some coolant into the system. Then go from there on what to do next, toying with the idea now of just reverting the review mirror back to a metro one, That's if I still the original one, I have started to get shot of some odds and sods now.
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The weather has been bad all weekend so i gave messing about with the metro the elbow, also sadly i got some bad news too, which has really pissed me off this weekend. So just aswell i have left the car alone, i don't want to be wound up anymore than i am at the moment, But anyway i have moved on so to speak, I have decided due to the f*ck on this will be to remove, is just to buy a replacement, I have to strip the car down again just to access two bolts, Also the cylinder head carrier needs a nip down, we are having a weep there. So i have just bought the gasket sets again, to make things easier, so that i can start to put things to bed for the final time before XMAS.
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13-11-2016, 12:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 13-11-2016, 12:04 AM by procta.)
been at it again today, and we still have the same f*cking problem! even with a new Ivac sensor in, But I think the inlet is well dirty, so I think I will spray the fucker with Carb cleaner, it was starting to behave as soon as I was doing that with the remaining brake cleaner I had. Tomorrow I may nip to Halfords for some tins of carb cleaner, If that fails to solve this, then the car will go the journey. My dad has washed his hands of it, and I am now clutching at straws with it.
All this for a sake of a Headgasket change! I think i should have binned the car off rather than try and fix it.
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I don't know what to say other than...please don't give up.
You've come this far...done so much... Seems a shame when the solution may just be round the corner.
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Is it picking up when you shove brake cleaner down the carb with it running?
I.e., is it running on brake cleaner?
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(13-11-2016, 09:56 AM)zx_volcane Wrote: Is it picking up when you shove brake cleaner down the carb with it running?
I.e., is it running on brake cleaner?
it runs better for a while then it will just start acting the goat again.
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sounds as if its just running on the cleaner :/ get some more eyes on it!
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Yeah as above. Obv lacking fuel somewhere
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it runs spot on when cold, but as soon as it warms up, it starts to idle like a bag of shite. like I said my work mate suspects that the inlet maybe dirty. When we sprayed some gear down it, it ran sweet as a nut for a good 20 mins,
lacking fuel, f*ck knows on that one, its had a replacement fuel rail a couple of years ago.
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14-11-2016, 07:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 14-11-2016, 07:32 AM by Piggy.)
Those symptoms...
Runs fine when cold (auto choke effectively adds fuel, no?)
When warm (leaner mix) it doesnt run so good?
A dirty inlet wont clean up that quickly I wouldnt think with "gear" sprayed down it and conversely wouldn't sludge up in 20minutes.....?
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(14-11-2016, 07:31 AM)Piggy Wrote: Hmm.
Those symptoms...
Runs fine when cold (auto choke effectively adds fuel, no?)
When warm (leaner mix) it doesnt run so good?
A dirty inlet wont clean up that quickly I wouldnt think with "gear" sprayed down it and conversely wouldn't sludge up in 20minutes.....?
yeah runs ok with the auto choke, for a little while then it starts to it little bit trick, gets worse when the engine is warm.
one lad at work thinks there is dirt some were in the inlet or pipes.
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f*cking SORTED THANK f*ck!!!!!!
on sunday i went and got some carb spray, and tonight there, i removed the ivac pipe and fired the car up and sprayed like f*ck, i flooded the engine with it a few times. then my dad had a go while i held the revs. After that i took the car for some fresh petrol and came back. The car ran like a new car for an hour, with out any trouble at all. in fact its running better than it ever did!
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(15-11-2016, 05:33 PM)procta Wrote: f*cking SORTED THANK f*ck!!!!!! 
on sunday i went and got some carb spray, and tonight there, i removed the ivac pipe and fired the car up and sprayed like f*ck, i flooded the engine with it a few times. then my dad had a go while i held the revs. After that i took the car for some fresh petrol and came back. The car ran like a new car for an hour, with out any trouble at all. in fact its running better than it ever did!
hope that's it mate, don't wanna come back to "car's fcuked again, i'm scrapping it"
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YES PROCTA!!!11111
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15-11-2016, 06:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2016, 06:10 PM by procta.)
(15-11-2016, 05:55 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: (15-11-2016, 05:33 PM)procta Wrote: f*cking SORTED THANK f*ck!!!!!! 
on sunday i went and got some carb spray, and tonight there, i removed the ivac pipe and fired the car up and sprayed like f*ck, i flooded the engine with it a few times. then my dad had a go while i held the revs. After that i took the car for some fresh petrol and came back. The car ran like a new car for an hour, with out any trouble at all. in fact its running better than it ever did!
hope that's it mate, don't wanna come back to "car's fcuked again, i'm scrapping it" 
well it ran for hour with out any trouble at all, and i have just fired it up there again and its seems ok. Chances are i could have disturbed some shite, but then again i don't think the engine tuner who set this engine up really did give it a clean like that at all. Its never been a smooth idler, but now its idling like a new engine. I did ask the engine tuner about the idling before when the car was put on the road ( gta 16V) He said its how those engines are. so i took it as that. But today i have been proven wrong, so this problem could have been brewing like the ticking time bomb of a head gasket.
(15-11-2016, 06:01 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: YES PROCTA!!!11111
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Yeah, finally got there! just need to put the car back together now and add some new odds and sods.
I might now decide to add the upgrades again, now since its back up and running.
New powerful starter, uprated rear anti roll bar, new interior delay system and foot well lamp. we might even push for the exhaust system now.
We will see how we get on in the next few weeks.
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Nice one fella. Good work.
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(15-11-2016, 07:40 PM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: Nice one fella. Good work.
I am hoping to use the car on monday for work, just to make sure all is ok, and to start and bed it in.
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19-11-2016, 03:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 19-11-2016, 03:44 PM by procta.)
Well that's that, the f*cking thing jumped into gear on me and hit the house wall, only thing you can do is laugh