A Street Sleeper is reborn! THE END

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A Street Sleeper is reborn! THE END
(15-08-2016, 07:27 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Surely you want the temp sender on the engine side of the stat?  When the stats not open you won't get the right reading from the rad or it's hoses.

Easy said than done tom, the stat on these engines is right behind the water pump,
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The head is on the car!! was a bit tricky at 1st lining up the head with the dowels, but it went on. The me and my dad went through the full blown sequence. Our Degree gauge dropped to bits, by sending a square nut into the head, which we thought ffs!! We were so close! We managed to get that fucker out with magnetic screw driver.
I started to feed the wiring back on to the car, but one of the connector ends has been took off, no doubt my dad again. So more fuckin wiring to do!
Tomorrow if the weather is spot on, I hope to get the sump back on and exhaust manifold on. and maybe get the timing belt on! Still a long away off though from the big one.
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Today started off great and then turned into a nightmare!
All went well with putting the final lot on, Sump, exhaust, rocker cover, bottom engine mount, replacement engine mount and spark plugs.
Went to look for my Spark plug cover, and its fuckin walked or been thrown out!! That was the start of things!
Timing belt, well here is the night mare of all night mares.  I did manage to get that sorted with the help of my mum funny enough,  it is a bastard of a job that one. We managed to get the thing set too adjustment wise too! All looked to be going well, My dad came out from his bit daily nap, and had a check of the belt to see if all is ok.  Which it was, thank f*ck! But things went tits up from here onwards, When we came around to fitting the crank pulley the key had snapped off, the cog! Now I don't know if that was already broken off who knows, it was still in the crank pulley! I did my best to get the thing to sit where it was. Then disaster struck!! When we came to tighten and torque the bottom pulley, for some reason it had clicked off sooner rather than later, we were a little worried about that, and we were right to have to be. The engine wouldn't move after a turn or so! My dad said there is something stopping this. i whipped off the spark plugs to see what the story was with the pistons, and removed the rear timing belt cover, to see if things had gone tits up there. The top end sees ok, but what happened is the bottom end had moved and jumped about 8 teeth, with the torque setting set on the torque wrench. 
i un done the timing belt and reset the top end, well double checked it, and locked the fucker off.
We removed the bottom pulley, and that's when we found out that the bottom end had moved.
What caused it to happen? Well we worked that problem and discovered that the PG1 locking tool, that locks the flywheel wasn't locking properly! After we set the full lot back up, i researched why this happened, and it turns out that i have been sold the wrong tool, this is fault due to laser tools miss labelling the PG1 tool. 
The one i have been sold is for locking the engine with gearbox removed, i should have been giving the one to lock the flywheel from the starter side. The two tools do look very similar and the same thing did happen to some one else. 
So i have proper one on order now, So Christ knows how my dad removed the crank pulley bolt with the wrong locking tool, is beyond me, but the car was in gear too.
So with the key snapping off the cog, and the wrong tool, i am at a stand still again on that side of things. Until replacement parts come.
I can only do a electrical repair, and maybe have a look at the top hose side, and that's as far as it goes.
I was hoping that i could have had the timing side sorted out and have the car back on its 4 wheels tomorrow.
We might have even had the car started too on Saturday, but we will have to see again!
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Sorry for your woes, but <3 your updates
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(17-08-2016, 07:32 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: Sorry for your woes, but <3 your updates
ZX_volcane,  its been one expensive repair mind, I just hope its all worth it in the end, and I can get some enjoyment out of it, The car has been just sitting there doing f*ck all for the best part of the year now.  The nights are cutting in and time isn't here. But at least I can iron out a few things though while its in bits.
I haven't really bothered with pictures, due to the fact there isn't anything really worth showing people.
I may do once all is sorted, that's if I haven't binned the full lot.
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Post up ALL of the pictures.
We all love pictures.

Good work man.
                                             [Image: 2ljm03k.jpg]

                                                                                      I Don't Have A 306.
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(17-08-2016, 08:59 PM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: Post up ALL of the pictures.  
We all love pictures.

Good work man.

Ok dan just for you,  i have taken some photos for you.
Also i am very, very close now of putting this back on its 4 wheels, after today!
My replacement cog, and engine locking tool came today, well about 4pm!
So i got picked up where i left off,
head back, with new oil stem seals, cleaned up and lightly skimmed with new rocker cover gasket, and new spark plugs installed, the inlet has new gaskets too. Also manifold has a new gasket too!
 [Image: 2016-08-18%2015.15.32_zpsimwc2nga.jpg]

So new belt on the vvc side , proper rover one!

[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.16.36_zpsw6znbsbd.jpg]

water elbow on with new gasket too,

[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.15.37_zps4x7porfc.jpg]
New belt tensioner with new allen key bolt.
[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.15.44_zpsm6rsrfwx.jpg]
replacement water pump installed too!
[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.16.53_zps4ysmuqcg.jpg]
Brand new engine mount too!
[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.15.50_zpsrxd25vjr.jpg]
the f*cked cog
[Image: 2016-08-18%2017.00.11_zpszv1b4mfj.jpg]

replacement one ( genuine rover)
 [Image: 2016-08-18%2017.00.58_zpsbrxddq87.jpg]
After an hour with my dad working on the timing belt side of things, which was a bit of a faff. Getting the belt and tensioner to play nicely, my dad had to remove the tensioner and reset the thing so it would play ball.
After that we went back at it again, Then with in a half of an hour,

 [Image: 2016-08-18%2018.13.31_zpslcedwyey.jpg]

[Image: 2016-08-18%2018.13.37_zpsjkh0zr8y.jpg]
all was well! These were taken just before we installed the cranky pulley,
with in a few mins, all is spot on 
Thank f*ck for that!! Everything behaved as it should, the belt is spot on!
I moved on to putting the timing belt covers back on, and fitted a new alternator belt ( genuine rover ) makes sense to sort that out while the rad is off.
So that side of things is now put to bed, and i have installed the expansion tank too, which is now connected to the head,
By this time, i was running out of light, and it came in dark very quickly, so i was working against the clock, so i couldn't take anymore photos, But tomorrow, if all is well, i should be able to get the starter motor back on, air box and earth lead connected back on. Also fix the f*cked wiring too.
I hope to even get the car back on its wheels. i have the Driver side wheel back on now too.
Then its a case of sorting this out,
[Image: 2016-08-18%2015.16.16_zpsszzprujy.jpg]
 yes that is the replacement top hose, from a Rover 200, To replace the current Bmw setup.
( i might look at installing a temp sensor here, )

So to round this all up now,

This car has now got
The very latest Head gasket + with latest Oil rail
Head Recon, With new oil stem seals plus new VVC belt.
Every single Gasket replaced that could be replaced,
New Thermostat+ new housing+ Plus new metal hose
New timing belt kit +crank cog
New spark plugs.
New Alternator belt
New fuel filter
New magnecore red spark leads
New coil pack plus coolant sensors and switch.
New battery leads+ cut off switch.
Recon Diesel Rad
New alternator
New starter motor,
New battery
Refurbished front calipers  
Refurbished Rear brakes
New hand brake cable, 
New GAZ adjustable dampers,
Nearly Everything poly bushed including gear linkage,  bar the rear drop links. (more to come there)
New bump stops all round.
Later car electronics
MPi fuel pump
175 60 R13 firestones around, with new S model nut covers and wheel tims
New engine mount,
New lotus elise rear adjustable tie bar
New lotus elise gearbox mount, with stronger shroud
New front lights ( to go on)
New spot lamps + OEM wiring harnesses
New Full exhaust system
Wind deflectors
plus new mirrors,
ITG panel filter
New wheel spacers

There you go lads,  All that with in a space of 6 years what f*cking more does it need!!

You have to admit that I have spent some f*cking money have I not! not to mention the time me and my dad have put into this street sleeper project!
All total of 8 years we have been working towards this Ultra metro,
Talk about been dedication and patients!

Is there more to come? I do want to sort that rear anti roll bar bracket setup and upgrade that anti roll bar setup, I might as well push for that idea!
Then go for the exhaust route again, Still got that piper system and janspeed manifold to go on!
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Well done man, i always give this hread a read and i also like the pictures. Fair k say youve put the graft in on this

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On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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This a so f*cking cool! Great that you are fixing it and not binning it. I bet it will be worth it in the end.

I hope all the money and time invested will pay off in the end and let you enjoy the car again.
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well what ever plans I had to getting this thing sorted out today, has came to a halt. That's due to the rain! I manage to the starter motor , washer bottle and head lights back on the car, and made a start on my top hose. But it started piss down! so I had to call that off and get the car down on its four wheels again.

[Image: 2016-08-19%2014.29.30_zpsxzkaeime.jpg]

nearly looking like a car again!
[Image: 2016-08-19%2014.29.36_zpskjizs4sw.jpg]
Still got a few things to do and tweak.
This is one of two of the last major jobs!

[Image: 2016-08-19%2014.29.45_zpszcxio3op.jpg]

Once the replacement connector comes I can get that sorted and i think we are about ready for the big one!
Will it run? will it go CA boom? who knows!
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again I am at a stand still FFS!!!!!!!!! I have a leak at the fuel filter side, The lady garden will not stop pissing fuel out, and it started to rain, quite heavy. So all came to a stand still, Nothing went bang which was a bonus, but with the fuel filter pissing petrol out, we are just spinning the engine over.
I might come back at it tomorrow, if I am happy enough, I was going to take photos too, but with weather turning f*cking bad, I had to hurry up and get everything packed away.
Everything is plumbed in and oil, water is in the system, no leaks there from the system yet, so that's ok. But the fuckin fuel side of it, as deflated me!
Laugh is, Rimmer bros don't list the parts anymore, Shows are f*cking great they are. I will tell them that too!
So if its f*cked then it might be an spi second hand unit if I can find one, or the car goes the journey!
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right another update, after it stopped raining, we shoved some pluming tape on the fuel system to see if that saved the day, Sorted the fuel leak which was a bonus. But things didn't get any better, The fucker will not start at all, it spins and has spark, all earths are working as they should, had a bit of a check the start motor wiring. Still the same story.
Its either the timing is slightly out, not enough fuel in, or the ECU has bit the dust.
Me and my dad have bounced ideas of each other.
looks like I am running out of road with this one.
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Hydrolic tappet issue after head rebuild? maybe a tow start will help.
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(20-08-2016, 09:11 PM)vincent1 Wrote: Hydrolic tappet issue after head rebuild? maybe a tow start will help.

I will keep that in mind,
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...then consider timing etc
Wishes for more power...
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Spoketo my mate the rover specialist. He said that these suffer from the tappets getting stuck open when you do head rebuilds. Happens all the time. So if its got fuel and spark take them out, squeze them together in a vice with a bit of wood either side to get all the old oul out stick them back in then away you go.

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Obviously could be something else but i thougt i would ask for you any how

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On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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thanks bash, I am going to see if one of the lads at work is in, who has done a head gasket on a k series. see what he says, I am thinking it could be something daft and simple, like not enough fuel.
Back in the day when we were messing about with the GTa 16v mpi conversion, we couldn't get the thing to start.
I had to put a fare amount of fuel in, and then we cranked and cranked the fucker over, took a bit to start but it fired.
With that the I vac sensor and back box, it idled at 4k! sounded like a council lawnmower!
we thought could it be sensors, but there are not many really to go wrong with it,
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Be looking at saturday now before I have another crack at this, due to me working on back shift this week. but anymore advice or suggestions keep them coming!
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this little bastard is taking the piss out of me! it will not f*cking start! been a waste of a day.  got no fuckin further with it! gave it more petrol, checked the timing, double checked everything and it still will not fuckin start up!!
I have got a few electrical problems, it blew the fuse for the interior lamp, took 6 fuses to find out what the f*cking trouble was, which I think may have been either the gauge setup or the fag lighter.  gauges were plugged into the ISO connector, fag lighter is linked to the same system too. 
Also I think the fan system may have a electrical fault now, as that popped a fuse when my dad bridged it to see if the system was fine.
A head gasket change, has turned into a full blown nightmare!
I have even resorted to buying a second ECU setup just to see if that's had a spike, and again it still wouldn't play.
Now I am going back to the basics, and had a look at the battery system, in case I have disturbed something there. 
One of the lads recons the crank sensor might have been damaged, due to the locking tool failing.
I will see how tomorrow goes and if the changes I made with the battery system, Then i will look at the crank sensor.
if that doesn't work, then i am going to have reconsider my options.
I will not push anymore money into this if its not going to play ball, I can put my money and time into a better car.    It would be sad to leave the metros on a bad term,  I have fond memories of these cars.
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have you got a compression tester just too rule out a tappet issue the last k series i worked on (head gasket changed then non runner so got asked for advice) was like the problems your having now.
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Keep it simple bud:
Need three things:
1) compression
2) fuel
3) a spark

One of those is missing. Narrow it down using basic diagnostics.
Wishes for more power...
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yeah compresion check it then when it comes back as low compression the lifters wont be working properly.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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ok I will ask my dad if we can run on tomorrow, I will have to some research on how to sort the lifters out. I do not want to be stripping it all down again!
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If you are absoluetly positive it's timed up right, it's got fuel and sparks someone's already suggested towing it so........ or take it apart and do as Bash has suggested Smile
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(27-08-2016, 11:47 PM)Paul Baldwin Wrote: If you are absoluetly positive it's timed up right, it's got fuel and sparks someone's already suggested towing it so........ or take it apart and do as Bash has suggested Smile

I will do a compression test 1st, to see wtf is going on.  I may even try a thinner oil, just to see if that helps anything.
As for tow starting it, the only car that can do that is in bits at the moment.
I am starting to think it could be the daftest things, which is normally the case!
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Hmm, seem to remember having the same issue on the ZR...might want check the pistons and valves are all still intact... Confused lol

Jokes aside though I'm sure you've just forgotten to plug something in, crank sensor maybe?
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Check one more time the timings spot on (can the cam pulleys/shafts be fitted wrong)
do a compression test to rule that out
check you have a spark and are the plugs getting wet with all this non start cranking? (just checking your getting fuel to the plugs)
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We are getting a strong spark, I have checked that I have plugged everything back in!
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Ok today was a little better, not much.  I did spin the engine over to try and sort the tappet issue out. Then I did a compression test, which was strong.  The car just still wouldn't start at all, killed the battery and I think I have killed the starter motor as that fucker was starting to smoke,  I decided to have a look at the leads again, and something didn't look right. when I removed Spark lead number 3, so I decided to have a break and go through my old photos of 6 years ago, when I 1st did the installation, I found the coil pack photo and with the leads on, and discovered that I have put the coil pack on the wrong way. So the ecu was firing coil part 2 of the coil pack in stead of part 1.
I jacked the car up and got under and unbolted the coil pack and turned it back around. 
Then I tried again, this time it tried to start up, but as soon as you think its going to fire into life it just fails again.
So I think yeah the starter motor has died, and the battery I think has died too, with the starter.
Not surprised, that the starter died before its time, thanks to the arrogant bastards not offering me a push at a bus stop, when the intera switch stripped 2 years ago, I had to use the starter to move the car into the bus stop which took the life out of the starter, but that's some of the people from seaham for you.

Question is now, where do I go from here,  Do I buy a Lotus High Torque Starter Motor, which takes less power and is more powerful to fire the engine over?  and buy another heavy duty diesel battery. Or do I call it a day?
I am putting more and more money into this now and I haven't got anything in return. This year the car has only seen the road only 3 months, just after it passed its mot, the thing has been laid up.
No photos sadly as there isn't anything to show you lads, But I did a few odd jobs, like those odd bolts and  brackets.
Id love to photo everything but its not worth it if I am just diagnosing stuff at the moment.
I have changed couple of things from the last time, ( made better)
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Just charge the battery up and wait for starter to cool down, that'll be fine.
I've smoked a few in my time
Wishes for more power...
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