Dropped bolt during pump swap...

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Dropped bolt during pump swap...
Woe is me, was swapping over to an R70 pump, all going well and during installation of the new pump I dropped the lower bolt and it fell between the cast aluminium alternator bracket and engine block. I can't see it, can't feel it, can't wiggle it out with a magnet on a stick, can't fish it out with a coathanger...

I think if it's  in there it's in there right? I don't think it can make it's way back towards the cambelt, and  the only other way I can see to get to it is remove, alternator+bracket PAS, maybe radiator, intercooler, drive belt idlers... I don't want to do all that...

What do you guys think about just leaving it in there? Is that waaaaaaaay to pikey/risky? 
My other plan is rebuild, and turn the engine over by hand to make sure nothing is in there, maybe give it a blast with a jetwasher to try and dislodge it, but it is a faily big+long bolt, can't see many holes it will easily fall out of. 

[Image: KW7r1Wi.png] 

At the bottom of the pump bracket into that black hole...  Censored Censored Censored
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Personally I would ignore it. Obviously its a risk. I had a bolt fall in between the gearbox and flywheel through the inspection plate once. No amount of magnet on a stick got it out. Had visions of flywheel smashing to bits and clutch getting jammed. Had it a few years and sold car without issue. I don't think yours sounds like its anywhere too dodgy. Though I could be wrong lol
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Ahh the good old black hole.. I found 2 bolts in mine when i took it off, think it was to change it from the ph1 set up to ph2 lol they normally get fairly wedged in there

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Seeing a photo of that bracket removed, or what is under the bracket might make me feel better!
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The abyss! Similar to XUD's by the looks of things; the place where all nuts, bolts and small children can be found!
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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I removed my bracket and found about 10 bolts, 3 nuts, 13mm spanner, 10mm spanner, 8mm socket
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Thats where i get my tool kit from stripping xuds is that little hole. I have many tools thanks to that lol

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On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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That'll be fine lol. I wouldn't leave a bolt dropped into the bellhousing though, that's asking for all kinds of grief.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Fresh pair of eyes this morning and it looks like the pump bracket is easy to remove, I'll try that and see what I can see, otherwise replacement not ready!
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(09-08-2016, 12:33 AM)ginge191 Wrote: The abyss! Similar to XUD's by the looks of things; the place where all nuts, bolts and small children can be found!

Why am I not surprised that you have small children stuffed into your cars crevices
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Yay, bracket off and fished the bolt out with a magnet! All safely back together now. Struggled getting the engine mount back on though, just wouldn't sit flat or line up with the bolt holes, I'll finish it tomorrow hopefully
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Jack it up a bit higher than it needs to be and pull the engine towards you, will drop right on.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Yeah, like the lost bolt I had to take a little break to build up the grey matter.
I was trying to get it all lined up at once, but easier to get the mount on the block (higher up as you say) then lever it over the rubber mount, was kind of annoyed at myself as I've done that job 5+ times now without thinking about it? Just life!

Pump is in and loving it now!
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Have once found a brand new glow plug behind the alternator... Itwasntme
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