Project Yellow thing - coming to an end

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Project Yellow thing - coming to an end
You gonna do a few cheeky bits to the head while it's apart?
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wasn't planning to no, i definately havn't already had the dremel to it, i definately have not port matched the exhaust side, and smoothed out any transitions, i also have not thought about trying to find a way to do the same to the inlet as it doesn't have a gasket to match... #plasticmanifoldswithOringsFAIL

i also haven't registered my interest with a certain member about his lightened fly,

just a boring build i suppose ninja
Project: Formula Peugeot
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definitely dont put some tipex on the inlet manifold o rings and attach it to the head. Then definitely dont use the outline to get a rough idea on the port matching. That would be a terrible idea and you shouldnt do it
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(09-10-2015, 06:17 AM)lolsteve Wrote: definitely dont put some tipex on the inlet manifold o rings and attach it to the head. Then definitely dont use the outline to get a rough idea on the port matching. That would be a terrible idea and you shouldnt do it
Lol. Wait a minute.....
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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well not getting the flywheel, just not... actually, so i can either get mine sent off, or just put it together standard and save for better later
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well this was the start of the work i've done so far, the current 1.4 will sing it's last either tonight or tomorrow, and then be de-wired, disconnected and removed unceremoniously from it's current abode, with an aim to having everything else back in (and working?) this or next week

Start with the block - Freshly rebuilt Smile


of course the head got a bit more shiny paint



it looks crap and really pale, but it's very bright, and sooooo smooth

also got a package in the post.... i wonder what this could be?






really happy with the quality of these now, i had a look at some a few years ago and they were a bit harder material, not machined properly, poorly fitting etc, this is beautiful... and the same colour as the head  Inlove
Project: Formula Peugeot
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should be an interesting porject. Good to see some quality parts and work going into it.
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Did you paint the block black to hide the oil leaks or is it going yellow?
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it's staying black, it will be getting a topcoat of clear engine laquer, but had to let it dry properly first
Project: Formula Peugeot
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so this happened Smile



got a bit further than that today, but was elbow deep in rust and grease so didn't get any pics, will get some more tomorrow before i start putting stuff back in the bay
Project: Formula Peugeot
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That bay looks really clean, weird not seeing one covered in oil, gunk and diesel soot.
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should've seen the rust lol both of the undersides on the chassis legs were covered, no holes though, and felt strong enough, no screwdriver through action, so after a good grinding out session... on with a nice thick layer of etch primer and silver hammerite Smile

i'll get a pic of that before i get going today so i can have at least 1
Project: Formula Peugeot
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bolted the rear mount and alt assy on, flywheel, clutch, gearbox, diff seals, fork bushes.... all done, bottom end and gearboxARE IN THE SODDING CAR!!!!! Smile about 2 litres of water in each boot though, trousers and favourite hoodie are a write off Sad
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Good progress then. Always the case when working on motors. Cloths are often the first to go.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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a fair bit of progress today, i think after a bit of cable-tieing tomorrow and bolting stuff to the alt and starter, battery etc i may be in a position to try and start it.....

started with the fuel system, i decided to see about mounting the FPR at the end of the fuel rail, but as you can probably tell, it looks a bit.... shonky.


so decided to move it forwards, it now clears the airbox (a saxo item, not pictured but it looks awful, think i may have to make a proper induction pipe to put the crappy filter i already have down front somewhere


then i decided to add all the other injectors / coilpack and torque them down etc, make it permanent Smile

aaaaand ran into a problem,


fuckin nuggets

now i dislike the later rocker cover, and this one is already yellow lol

soooooooo with help of a hammer and a MIG


exhaust system all buttoned up Smile


Loads more to finesse, and i'll find out pretty quickly if i need the middle brown plug for the ecu, fingers crossed

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Project: Formula Peugeot
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2 things. what mig do you use?
and wow, all that done outdoors!
It goes, it stops (as reqd). Makeup
Hate Housework!
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with no engine crane, just the use of beef and a

i use the sealey gasless, it was cheap, and despite people always bleating on about not doing good welds etc, gasless has been fine for me.. better than the gas mig i used to have

spent this morning converting the wiring loom, pics have been taken, however at this point i'm in half a mood to just burn the car to the ground... i put the wiring loom in, connected everything up, double...nay triple checked everything, connected the battery, and tried to start it at last.....

nope, no fuel pressure, nada, and more concerningly it sounded pretty gnarly turning over as if something pretty major was wrong, LOUD, slow and sluggish, havn't checked the battery yet, but after having tried the clutch pedal, there is no clutch, just the resistance of the spring, so considering the idea i have put the clutch plate in backwards at this point, no idea if that would cause it to sound so shit, it turned over by hand fine so shouldn't be anything like valvetrain, just bummed out it didn't work, now the epic problem of fault-finding is my game... fail
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Just keep at it man. I got like this when the mtdi was pissing me off. Admittedly i needed the car asap.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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yeah the best thing at the mo is i can have it parked almost indefinately, i want to drive it but it has to be done right...

found the nasty sound on cranking though,

f***ing Bas***d Transmshite clutch had the 'flywheel side' markings on the Box side....Someone is going to get called a retard over the phone tomorrow

if it hadn't been raining i may have had the time to notice first time round, but was rushing, my bad really, i ignored all the info about clutches from the many times over the years i'd done them (all too common an occurance)

on to figure out why i have a bouncing rev needle on cranking when there is no provision for a rev counter in the new loom (well there is but it isn't connected, need a signal box - later project)
and why i have no fuel pressure.... no priming of the fuel pump on 2nd key...hmmmmm
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Right... EUREKA moment, looking at the wiring diagram for the later loom, it has an inertia switch in it, i kinda don't have one, so i think that's why the fuel pump wasn't priming, no power,

gonna straight join the 2 wires and have done for now, may fit something like a fuel cutoff switch inside later on
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Same welder as I have, it's brilliant for the money.

Great progress, all the wiring sounds like a right pain in the arse.
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yeah, but fingers crossed it'll fire tomorrow, just have to figure out what the deal is with the rev counter
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well it runs.... doesn't run worth a damn but it does go a bit...

starter now screeches into life, then as it disengages the engine jumps to about 4k (ish) for 30 seconds then starts hunting like a muther,

guage on the FPR doesn't work, so second time i prime the system... kerblooie.... burst a fuel line in the bay, wound it out a bit and put a new line in but still a bit... worried,

need help i think now, i've tried 2 icv's, so it shouldn't be that, although i can make it idle somewhere near normal by blocking the TB most of the way across the secondary...

Project: Formula Peugeot
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It should be fairly simple to diagnose, if it's revving high it'll be because it's getting too much air. Can only be a finite number of things causing that, just go through them methodically and you'll find the issue. Shame the fpr doesn't work, do you actually need it?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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yeah kinda lol i've blown a hole in the side of 2 fuel hoses so far...:p
Project: Formula Peugeot
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by 'that's why it's doing that', i meant the battery light being on,

i got it to idle by putting a new ICV on it, the fuel guage works now basically cos i'm a pleb and plumbed it in backwards..

went underneath to finish installing the alt belt, to find the inner boot on the long driveshaft has emptied itself all over the nice clean subframe, fml, need a f*cking new one now, and possibly... well i have no idea why the revs surge like that, it's not dependant on revs, it does it higher and harder if you open the TB more....hmmmmmm

and the stupid screechy starter... and it's pissing oil from the front, and water from the back, FML
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Bottom end sounds abit loud I think?
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nah the bottom end is sound, it's a pretty quiet idler compared to the ph1 engine...
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Does sound rather knocky doesn't it... Tbh if the fuel hose was ok in the first place you wouldn't have blown holes in it, even the awful cheap crap you can buy on ebay will be rated to 10bar. While you're problem-solving i'd sack that fpr off, it could well be causing issues and it'll be easier to diagnose with less random crap on the engine.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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well today my enthusiasm for it has died a death, and i have oficially run out of money to put into it, so if it doesn't fix itself with the parts in the post it's getting f*cked up the old rusty river to the scrapyard after i tear bits off it in a rage
Project: Formula Peugeot
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