28-03-2012, 11:00 PM
Toxic-Jake Wrote:Never been pulled, I am too smart to get caught! I think :think:
Now you've said that what's the betting you get pulled in the next month or so?

What have you gotten away with?
28-03-2012, 11:00 PM
Toxic-Jake Wrote:Never been pulled, I am too smart to get caught! I think :think: Now you've said that what's the betting you get pulled in the next month or so? ![]()
28-03-2012, 11:09 PM
I went past a cop car at 90 in a 40. Might have got round the corner and down a side street sharpish
28-03-2012, 11:24 PM
MrsMidnight Wrote:damn it, yeah, await the lost licence thread!Toxic-Jake Wrote:Never been pulled, I am too smart to get caught! I think :think:
On the 306 waiting list.
29-03-2012, 05:04 AM
Every academic year, we have to sign a form declaring we are free from any new criminal convictions that may be turned up in a crb check, this includes driving offences
![]() ![]() Dturbo GT2259s build thread; http://306oc.co.uk/forum/thread-3692.html Daily driver; 330d Msport (doesn't blow up!)
29-03-2012, 06:29 AM
Never been pulled, feel like i'm missing out. I have had a car pull up to me in my favourite smoking spot, didn't realise it was cops until the were parked 3 feet away. :S Was told to "be careful" on the way home, not even told off, never worked out why they let me off that one. Have been in the car when my best mate got pulled for driving with undue care and attention, both high as fook. Admitted it straight away, but apparently answered all the questions right as they let us off with the same "be careful getting home" lol. My mate's still got the piece of paper on the wall as a reminder: "driving dangerously, admits to smoking cannabis, car smells of cannabis, cannabis found on both occupants, no further action taken"...
I'd like to point out i haven't driven under the influence of anything for about 4 years. ![]()
29-03-2012, 12:02 PM
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
29-03-2012, 01:22 PM
I've had a few very close calls now..
![]() One i've actually been done for.. Going down a duel carriage way (30 limit) car pulls out on me (i'm in the right hand lane, left lanes clear) car proceeds to do 15-20mph for a while and doesn't increase, i get annoyed, plant it and proceed to undertake him, swap lanes a few times and then stop at a set of lights where a cop car pulls up along side me and asks me to drop my window... He said "I could've done you for speeding, reckless driving, dangerous driving and driving without due care and attention.. but i think 3 points will be enough of a lesson for you.. Btw i can't see your brake lights so you're going to want to change those smoked ones and if i see you again with them on i'll do you for those too.." I've learnt my lesson since, i've been a good boy ![]() ![]()
29-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Did over 100 in a 40 at night once (completely safe to do so before anyone says anything, there are no turnings, houses, driveways, pavements, empty wide straight road) 30 seconds later I see blue lights flashing behind me and think my life is over. Pulled over and an ambulance flew past.
![]() ![]() Serious.
29-03-2012, 01:32 PM
Lewis I f*cking hate that! Instantly peaks me out at night
![]() 306 HDI, soon to be XUD
29-03-2012, 01:43 PM
touch of paranioa kicking in there dec?
![]() Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
29-03-2012, 01:51 PM
14 points on my licence and i was still driving
29-03-2012, 01:52 PM
lewisdmz Wrote:Did over 100 in a 40 at night once (completely safe to do so before anyone says anything, there are no turnings, houses, driveways, pavements, empty wide straight road) 30 seconds later I see blue lights flashing behind me and think my life is over. Pulled over and an ambulance flew past. FLOL. I once overtook an ambulance that was on a blue light run on the motorway. Hes there flat out, sirens blazing, lights flashing and I bommed past. I was alot younger and stupider then and wouldnt do that sort of thing these days.
29-03-2012, 01:55 PM
Dum-Dum Wrote:I was alot younger and stupider then and wouldnt do that sort of thing these days. Bollocks.
29-03-2012, 02:02 PM
Dum-Dum Wrote:FLOL. I've done that before.. motorway was closing at 8 and i had very little time to get there so pedal to the metal, over took an ambulance going flat out and kept ahead of him for a good 20 miles ![]() ![]()
29-03-2012, 02:06 PM
I'll never forget when Danny had his saxo, and a friend egged him on when trying to be economical.... (Awaits for Danny to tell his story, will continue later if he no finished it lol)
29-03-2012, 02:08 PM
MrsMidnight Wrote:I'll never forget when Danny had his saxo, and a friend egged him on when trying to be economical.... (Awaits for Danny to tell his story, will continue later if he no finished it lol) Oh yeah... Me trying to be all economical down a duel carriage way, friend keeps egging me on so floor it up to around 90 when i see blues and two's in the rear view.. absolutely crapping it as i hadn't long passed, pulled into the left hand lane and the copper flies past flashing his lights at me.. brick = shat ![]() ![]()
29-03-2012, 02:12 PM
Ive had that a few times lol
Got pulled and the copper checked everything on the car and one of the tires had wear on one edge and wasnt too happy about the tinted rear lights. He looked at his radio and said ok mate i can see youve not been drinking. Get the tire sorted and bye Then shot off lol Something more important ![]()
29-03-2012, 02:39 PM
Oh that reminded me of when i was on my way to college doing about 120ish and in the distance saw the blues and twos and shat myself, pretty much convicted my licence was gone, but i moved into the middle lane and slowed down with the handbrake, then a blacked out 5series estate went steaming past
![]() 306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam ![]()
29-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Thinking about it when I had the 1.6 I was doing 100 with a mate in his car side by side on a dual carriageway with no one on the road. An undercover cooper appeared from nowhere flashing his blues, i pulled to the left lane behind my mate and the guy storms past and points at my mate. My mates like what?!
Turns out the undercover brother just wanted to shit us up, he turned his lights off and carried on as normal ![]() TEAM CONROD SHITTING RALLYE!
29-03-2012, 07:06 PM
Pmsl, i love grill-mounted strobes, my brother definitely doesn't have them on his beamer or use them to clear the lanes when we come up on cars in the early hours...
29-03-2012, 09:37 PM
Got given a ticking off for knocking on the door of a ton in a 60 afew months after I passed my test (managed this in a 1.4 Escort 5up somehow!?) He was gonna give me 3 points but let me off as I'd just got 3 points off a scamera. The 5-0 i tend to ingone me nowadays, joys of getting old lol. Got let off for checking Emails on the phone in slow traffic on the M62 afew weeks ago, just looked to my side and there they where in an unmarked BMW, Giving me a wry smile and dissaproving nod...had no seatbelt on either!
Team hand-painted-commercial Vehicle
29-03-2012, 10:01 PM
Been pulled over a few times.
Once I was just sitting in a layby in my van at some stupid time in the morning, copper went past three times, so I knew he was going to pull in, he just wondered why I was there and wanted to do a spot check. Thing is, I'd only passed two days ago, so I only had the certificate they give you until your license comes through. I had an umarked Volvo follow me from Plymouth along the A38 for 40 miles, I was getting really ragged off with him, and almost missed my junction, so had to pull in sharpish in front of a lorry. The copper just about followed me up the slip road, lights came on as I got to the top. It turns out he was only following me because the car was registered in Cumbria?? I basically told him to f*ck off. Nosy barsteward. And I was towing a car with a smashed in front bumper/bonnet when I was pulled over, but I pointed out his headlight bulb had blown and he had to go and fix it so left me alone ![]() Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.
30-03-2012, 06:49 AM
I had one of these last night heading to the dub gen meet....saw another indigo mk4 in my mirror and saw the dubgen sticker ad it got closer....so pulled out to have s play with it.....we both quickly.got to 3 figures and I pulled in to let him pass lol, and pulled out again to follow him.....both grinning when we passed eachoyher lol....it had standard lights so I assumed it was w diesel or 1.6....turned out to be sm fmicd, remapped 1.8t!
![]() The close call was as we turned off at the a12 there was a cop car sitting there! ![]()
30-03-2012, 07:45 AM
i was in my mrs golf raceing my mate in his g60 down a long slip road joining a duel carrage way, both of us were hitting about 120 when we joined the duel carrage way (and thats no bull shit on the speed) i pulled out in the fast lane straight away to over take my mate(he got stuck behind a car) and f*ck me, it was the rozzers i pulled out on. blues and twos i pulled over. run a check on me (everything was fine) then gave me the mother of all bollokings and let me off. couldnt beleive my luck.
30-03-2012, 08:17 AM
Toms306 Wrote:I had one of these last night heading to the dub gen meet....saw another indigo mk4 in my mirror and saw the dubgen sticker ad it got closer....so pulled out to have s play with it.....we both quickly.got to 3 figures and I pulled in to let him pass lol, and pulled out again to follow him.....both grinning when we passed eachoyher lol....it had standard lights so I assumed it was w diesel or 1.6....turned out to be sm fmicd, remapped 1.8t! That's utter bollocks. The only thing that quickly went to 3 figures was your heart rate when you saw your mpg drop below 60!
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
30-03-2012, 11:07 AM
Niall Wrote:Toms306 Wrote:I had one of these last night heading to the dub gen meet....saw another indigo mk4 in my mirror and saw the dubgen sticker ad it got closer....so pulled out to have s play with it.....we both quickly.got to 3 figures and I pulled in to let him pass lol, and pulled out again to follow him.....both grinning when we passed eachoyher lol....it had standard lights so I assumed it was w diesel or 1.6....turned out to be sm fmicd, remapped 1.8t! The funny thing was even after a stretch at 110+ (I didnt dare look at the speedo after that :o ) I still averaged 52mpg over that journey.....and smoked the 1.8t out everytime I booted it cos I have a small boost leak already! ![]()
30-03-2012, 11:15 AM
Toms306 Wrote:turned out to be sm fmicd, remapped 1.8t! Side mounted front mounted intercooler? What? ![]()
30-03-2012, 11:18 AM
4WayDiablo Wrote:Toms306 Wrote:turned out to be sm fmicd, remapped 1.8t! he means a FMIC mounted to the side of the bumper, because I would see a side mounted I/C as being on the door or something! |
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