darrenjlobb's Adaptronic Managed Compound Blown Derv Bus Build

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darrenjlobb's Adaptronic Managed Compound Blown Derv Bus Build
it may look odd to you darren, but a good fwd car is always wider on the front than the back, look at Colin satchell and dean gammon's hillclimbers, 8.5 and 9" wide front wheels on wide track with arches to suit, and 7" wheels at the back on near standard track.

conversely, 911 turbo, big fat arse.
need a part number? http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/ and http://service.citroen.com/ will sort you out.
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Would you mind taking a picture of the spring seating pan, and the spacer you have under the baker bm top mount? All assembled if poss darren... cheers!!

GOOD progress btw  ThumbsUp
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(13-07-2015, 06:19 AM)Piggy Wrote: looking great fella.

you were still missed at Pugfest though

I really wanted to go, but with getting ready for harvest and other things going on I figured the time was better spent here, and was able to get some more done to this in between times! Really enjoyed it when I went a few years back, so hopefully next year in one car or another!

(13-07-2015, 06:58 AM)welshpug Wrote: it may look odd to you darren, but a good fwd car is always wider on the front than the back, look at Colin satchell and dean gammon's hillclimbers, 8.5 and 9" wide front wheels on wide track with arches to suit, and 7" wheels at the back on near standard track.

conversely, 911 turbo, big fat arse.

Good point I guess, I had also noticed this, I guess its more just that it looks a bit "odd" than anything, If its functional then I guess it dosnt matter really, could have got away with wider front wheels with the extra spacing to make room for some more rubber in the future, so something else to consider into the future.

(13-07-2015, 08:06 AM)Lwilliams Wrote: Would you mind taking a picture of the spring seating pan, and the spacer you have under the baker bm top mount? All assembled if poss darren... cheers!!

GOOD progress btw  ThumbsUp

I will take some photos tonight, I had to get some other bits and bobs to make it work, the inserts needed drilling and tapping to a larger size to fit the GAZ struts, and I also bought some new spring cups to hold the sprungs under the top mounts, as they differed in design from the stock top mount spring seats.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Pretty much sounds like what I done, but I'm funny always doubt what I've done Tongue

And I wernt sure as it seems like there was metal to metal contact (rubbing etc..) So would just like to see what you've done.

Thanks mate!
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Don't mind the front track being wider, done for purely functional reasons, time to get some super wides on the front - you're gonna need them

Fast progress as always, and all looking really good, lets hope you can find the spare time to keep the momentum going
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Another little update, today the car finally re gained a working braking system for the first time in 3 or so years!!

Started out by fitting the new discs / pads to the rear, which completed the back end setup:

[Image: DSC_0149.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0150.jpg]

Then fitted the braided lines up front, and bled the entire system:

[Image: DSC_0148.jpg]

So looks like very little progress, but the car does at least now have a fully functional braking system again, which is good after i stripped it bare and sold the lot all that time ago!!

Next up is to clear out inside the car, so started by taking seats back out again and pulled the dash back out:

[Image: DSC_0160.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0161.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0171.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0173.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0170.jpg]

Have basically just been removing all the third party wiring that I have done over the years, gutting the lot so I can start fresh, and at the same time putting the stock loom on a diet, as 50% of it isnt used, and the other 50% is routed all across the car / in the way, so basically just having a tidy up etc aiming to be left with just the battery cable down one side nad a single wiring cluster down the other for the rear lights / 3rd party stuff in the boot.

Not a very exciting update I'm afraid!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Will be nice to see one re wired. Make sure you keep enough of the original looms to keep wire numbers otherwise stuff becomes an utter ballache. Don't mix and match oem wiring with aftermarket bits. Make it one or the other and fault finding is so much easier.
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Looking good. Whats the pump looking thing mounted to the passenger side of the exhaust tunnel? Cant quite see in the pics.

(18-07-2015, 05:49 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Will be nice to see one re wired. Make sure you keep enough of the original looms to keep wire numbers otherwise stuff becomes an utter ballache. Don't mix and match oem wiring with aftermarket bits. Make it one or the other and fault finding is so much easier.

This. NEVER go off of the colours on Peugeot or Citroen wiring. The colours only categorise the cables and even then it can change over the models and phases.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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(18-07-2015, 05:49 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Will be nice to see one re wired. Make sure you keep enough of the original looms to keep wire numbers otherwise stuff becomes an utter ballache. Don't mix and match oem wiring with aftermarket bits. Make it one or the other and fault finding is so much easier.

Although I do see where your coming from, Its not really something I am bothered about at all on this car, there is so little left of the original wiring that fault finding is rather basic anyway, so much so that I almost decided to just gut the lot and wire it all myself, but figured there was little point so left it...But essentially the only OEM wiring that remains is lighting, power windows and central locking. Everything else will be wired all brand new.

(18-07-2015, 05:53 PM)Niall Wrote: Looking good. Whats the pump looking thing mounted to the passenger side of the exhaust tunnel? Cant quite see in the pics.

(18-07-2015, 05:49 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Will be nice to see one re wired. Make sure you keep enough of the original looms to keep wire numbers otherwise stuff becomes an utter ballache. Don't mix and match oem wiring with aftermarket bits. Make it one or the other and fault finding is so much easier.

This. NEVER go off of the colours on Peugeot or Citroen wiring. The colours only categorise the cables and even then it can change over the models and phases.

That is the methanol pump, I ran out of room up in the engine bay so it got mounted there, I didn't run the system with a solenoid so liked to keep it as close to the injectors as possible to stop it spraying after boost....Will possibly get that relocated on the rebuild as was always a bit of a "bodge" there! But served its purpose!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Thought it was. Ive considered meth injection my self but since fitting my new IC theres no need. I figure 6 degree air temps are just about acceptable lol.
Are you going for a full dash back in this? Could always mount it on the bulk head behind where the glove box would be? Surely that would shorten the run a fair amount!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Think ill be putting most of the dash back in, As much as its only a fun car, Theres little point removing it all for the sake of it, Want demisting capabilities retained! Think ill most likely be chopping the glove box area out and mounting some ally plate as a wiring center over there, as previously I used the top box for this, but it was very much over full / not big enough! But would rather keep meths pump away from that lot, will try and mount it further forwards in front gearstick possible, or find room in engine bay / chassis leg etc. Minor concern at the moment mind!
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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looking good Darren, what problem you having with the banded steels ? i have a mate that makes them, also if you know where i can fine a set of 16 steelies, i'd be most interested
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Boring update alert Tongue

Before cracking on with the wiring I decided I would remove the crappy sound deadening from the floor which I had been meaning to do for many years, but never got around to, so got the heatgun out and chipped all that off (excellent fun):

[Image: DSC_0175.jpg]

Then spent a few hours cutting all of this out, and re routing 90% of the in car wiring loom:

[Image: DSC_0181.jpg]

End result was a much tidier wiring setup. Have basically re routed all the wiring that goes miles around the car for no reason, and cut out all the excess length etc as well as removing all the un used plugs / wiring. Has resulted in a single cable loom running to the back of the car + the battery cable, which I havent secured yet.

[Image: DSC_0178.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0179.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0177.jpg]

Not very interesting I know but needs must!
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Looks good, you gonna matt black the inside?
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I found it quite therapeutic to strip my looms down.

How heavy was all that sound deadening as I have yet to do it!
Wishes for more power...
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Wiring looms are fun to play with! took me a good two days to sort the metro one out! can you not buy a replacement loom Darren, one from a lower spec 306? or is the looms all the same, Ie every feature built into the loom?
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(19-07-2015, 05:49 PM)procta Wrote: Wiring looms are fun to play with! took me a good two days to sort the metro one out! can you not buy a replacement loom Darren, one from a lower spec 306? or is the looms all the same, Ie every feature built into the loom?

You would still have to strip loads out. I remember piggy saying same as Darren there is loads of extra loom for apparently no reason!

On the plus side looking good man.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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(19-07-2015, 05:27 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Looks good, you gonna matt black the inside?

I ought to really, but not sure if I will, cant stand paint brush finish's and masking it all up to spray would be a real pita / waste of time!

(19-07-2015, 05:39 PM)Piggy Wrote: I found it quite therapeutic to strip my looms down.

How heavy was all that sound deadening as I have yet to do it!

No idea didn't weigh it, was a surprising amount though....

(19-07-2015, 05:49 PM)procta Wrote: Wiring looms are fun to play with! took me a good two days to sort the metro one out! can you not buy a replacement loom Darren, one from a lower spec 306? or is the looms all the same, Ie every feature built into the loom?

Hm it wouldnt really be worth it as id still have to cut out tonnes, half of what ive cut out is just un needed wiring, stuff that goes from left to right ends up being routed half way around the car, so have just re ran it across the bulkhead , have relocated central locking unit under the dash, as its all the way under the back seats for literally no reason! Hence have cut down the wires heading for the back by half.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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that's a bit odd that then, for Peugeot to do that, unless the car loom is shared with another French car.
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Speed of fitment on the factory line has a part to play too
Wishes for more power...
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You don't really get paint brush finish on matte black
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is this getting caged out?
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Matt paint can work pretty well with a small gloss roller. If you gravitex/ graviguard first then the texture will hide everything and cut down slightly on the driving a tin can effect.

Is the stonechip underneath the car waterproof? Most of them need overcoated to give proper protection.
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[quote pid='547404' dateline='1437486724']
is this getting caged out?

No, Although I do agree from a safety point of view a cage is a great idea, I really cant be dealing with the "what a penis" attitude towards you in a car with a cage on the road, admitantly, I do always think cars with cages look a little silly when there only really driven on the road... Also normally hikes the insurance badly...Its something I have considered before, but for the current purpose of the car not really justified, I think if i started using it in a more track / drag strip orientated way, I might think about it.

(21-07-2015, 03:44 PM)simonh Wrote: Matt paint can work pretty well with a small gloss roller. If you gravitex/ graviguard first then the texture will hide everything and cut down slightly on the driving a tin can effect.

Is the stonechip underneath the car waterproof? Most of them need overcoated to give proper protection.

To be honest I have never been massively bothered about what it looks like inside, so not really worth the time, however if i find myself bord one day I might have a go!

The tin says waterproof and extra layer of protection, how good I dont know however....To be honest Its just painted on as an extra layer of protection if nothing else, all metal / repaired areas were covered in 2 coats of por15 before hand anyway...So hopefully should be ok for now.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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This is coming along so well. Wish I had the outbuildings to work in :/
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Ideal, POR15 is one of the very few things that actually keeps rust at bay. Just a pity there are so many steps to follow to get it right. I love how honest this thread is.
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Where was the wiring p0rn alert?
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(19-07-2015, 05:51 PM)bashbarnard Wrote:
(19-07-2015, 05:49 PM)procta Wrote: Wiring looms are fun to play with! took me a good two days to sort the metro one out! can you not buy a replacement loom Darren, one from a lower spec 306? or is the looms all the same, Ie every feature built into the loom?

You would still have to strip loads out. I remember piggy saying same as Darren there is loads of extra loom for apparently no reason!

On the plus side looking good man.

Yeah mate of mine says they use the same loom for 3 doors and 5 doors so lods of extra bits in the 3 door which never need to be used.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Sadly a bit of an epic fail with the progress of this project just recently, have been distracted sorting the new dyno, and also some major teething issues with the driveline in the cummins!

Did glace at it in the other shed the other day to discover 2-3mm of dust on it! So will hopefully be able to drag it back to the workshop asap!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Any updates? Tongue
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