WiNgNuTz's Smoothed HDi Estate

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WiNgNuTz's Smoothed HDi Estate
Same way it passed MOT with a decat probably.... The MOT is a terrible test if you know the tester. lol

Never seen rear window contacts just come away, cant you solder it back in place? As for the jets, does the rear jet work?
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Yeah, I guess being friends with your MOT tester does count for a lot really. Wink

Cheers for your tips Bash, I'll give them a go in a bit. Tom, i'm not sure if the rear washer still works, had an issue with it when I first got the car where if I used the rear washer, the fronts wouldn't work afterwards. Had to mess around with the pipes on the washer bottle to get the fronts to work again, and since then, I've never used the rear washer. Really need to spend some time fixing the little niggles tbh, but it's just so damn cold I struggle to find the motivation!
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Having had a look, the pipes aren't blocked, and the washers don't seem to be either, the motor whines, and water does come out of the washers......but it only dribbles out. Weak motor? Easy fix?
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I would try a motor i reckon mate. Pretty easy to change. It may be the motor blocked up
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Fair shout, wonder if this might be related to the rear washer issue....could have been pump beginning to fail, and now its really on its way out. Just ahd a quick nose on ebay, and they are going for about a tenner posted, so might just replace with a new unit. Wink
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If you are after 1 i will send a second hand 1 for the price of postage?
Thanks given by: WiNgNuTz
Sweet, yeah if that's cool mate! Guy who owned the car before me mentioned something about the washer motor when i realised the problem with switching between front and rear wash, so figure I may as well just replace it. Wink

PM me your paypal details and how much you want for it, and I shall take you up on your offer sir. Big Grin
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Will message you early part of next week mate when I get the motor off if that's ok
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Yeah mate, no worries. Nice one. Smile
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Many thanks going out to Frosty for my new washer motor, between fitting that and giving the passenger side jet a bit of a clean out with a pin, I now have fully working washer jets again! I can even use the rear washer now without having to rearrange the pipework from the washer bottle in order to use the fronts afterwards! ThumbsUp lol

Also, a little late, but I bought a Merlin Motorsport catalogue off Procta for a mere £10:


and got these rather nice black cabby sun visors thrown in for free! (I'm not sure he realised, so don't mention it. ninja )


Big Grin
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
Thanks given by: procta
bugger!! I posted the wrong items! It should have been two used takeaway cartons and a mcflurry pot! Had them wrapped ready too!
ah well, I will see them to toms306, for his next project,
The mag is will be worth a bit mind now, as it was owned by me, so with it now been owned by another legend, it should be easy worth 20 quid!
Thanks given by: WiNgNuTz
Glad it sorted you out. Still can't believe how quick the postage was Smile
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Lol, neither could I! [emoji38]

It's nice to be sorting out some of the little niggley problems with the car, but I really need to find the money to sort out some of the bigger issues next. Sad
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Got this up on the facebook group as well, does anyone know off hand which of these wires in the rear door loom power the leccy window motor?


Going round to my bros later to get a meter on it if all else fails, but figured if anyone does happen to know, then I can get it done sooner rather than later. Wink
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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GTI6 Info

Don’t drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.

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Been a while since I've updated this again, but as always, not much has changed! Daily workhorse/van/family wagon, plus a lack of disposable cash has meant the old girls been neglected a bit.

However, I've spent the last 3 weeks (well, 2 and a half technically, but who's counting? Wink ) staying away in Ramsgate for work, so I had a word with my mate, and I've been leaving the car with him while I'm away, and when we finally finished the job yesterday, I got home to find the car has had both front wheel bearings replaced as they were rather noisy, and the top engine mount has been repaired and replaced! Apparently there was nothing left of the cradle, it had almost completely corroded away, and there was a crack up the side. It's all been welded up now, with a new plate in the bottom, as well as a new mount, and it was like driving a completely different car home last night! Much better!

Turns out that I have a slightly warped disc on the front as well though, which has become increasingly apparent since the sliders on the offside caliper were freed up the other week, but it just so happens I have a pair of discs in the garage that I bought a couple of months back, so that's a nice simple fix, may well even get done this weekend if the weather plays ball, and I retain motivation to do it! Wink
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We could all do with friends like that :-)
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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True, I still had to pay some of the labour, and obviously had to pay for the parts, but got a nice little discount as well, so not too bad. Wink
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Not a very good friend then :-(
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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(23-05-2015, 08:51 PM)kentiiboii Wrote: Not a very good friend then :-(

Well it technically wasn't him doing the work, I was getting a mates rate through him at his local garage, I got a small discount on the parts, but paid half price for the labour. Wink

Doh....forgot I was logged in as my bro! lmao
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Good to see this is still coming along nicely
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Yeah, its getting there now, but progress is and always will be slow. Might get there in the end though. Wink
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So, thanks to JJ0063 for sending me his smooth grill that he started some years ago, it arrived today, and it would have been rude of me not to have a look at it once i unwrapped it. According to Jordan, it still needed some work, which I have no problem doing, already bought all the paint I'd need, so after a quick flick with some 120 grit sandpaper and a blow over with filler primer, this is where it stands:



Still needs some more attention, but its not too bad at all! 
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Glad it arrived safely! Must say with it just being all one colour it looks much better already.
Thanks given by: WiNgNuTz
Yeah, thats with a good chunk of the filler sanded off too, but all in all, its pretty damn good! As said, still needs some work, but should hopefully be on the car sooner rather than later.

Been toying with the idea of a bonnet bra to hide the missing piece of bonnet until I can get that sorted....bad idea? lol
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Smooth grill update, this has now had a second fill - rub down with 120 grit - filler primer - rub with 400 grit - filler primer - rub with 600 grit - grey primer.

[Image: 2015-06-12%2021.52.46_zps9slzed8a.jpg]

[Image: 2015-06-16%2016.53.01_zpsvwcr4hwg.jpg]

[Image: 2015-06-16%2016.53.35_zpsv0vzjq6w.jpg]

Looking forward to getting the colour on it, then getting the bonnet sorted! 
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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I had a friend of mine make a suggestion the other day, and the more I think about it, the more it seems like a half decent idea....

Basically, as the car stands, it is silver with a blue pearl overlay, which is gonna be a royal ballache to match. It also now has white wheels, and white rear doors. Obviously I'm gonna have to spray the smooth grill and the bonnet once that's been welded/filled, so might do them both white, as well as the mirrors (just to keep the theme running), and then I can fill the cracks on the bootlid and do that white as well. Kind of a "why the hell not" sort of moment. [emoji38]

[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Well.... if you do everything you can in white... I guess you can get all the other bits done in white when you have the money?
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think we need some more pictures Smile
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Christ Matt, let me at least get home and in the door first! lol

Nothing too special tbh, got the smooth grill fitted, and I've made the decision that I'm gonna paint the car white. Thought I might use Hammerite Smooth white and a mini roller. Wink


Just got to get the bonnet welded up then I can get that smoothed nicely as well. Smile
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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