MG ZR: Cams & Maps

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MG ZR: Cams & Maps
Was thinking of just doing the headgasket on this engine in the communal car park as that would mean I can casually go at it after work/over couple of weekends rather than rusing to have it done in time to get home etc 
if it all goes well ill then get blueys engine sorted and out of the way along with my other stuff that's clogging up the place. Trying to get everything onto the mk2 mow and sell off everything I don't need to help fund this 

Also how does this look for a torque wrench? I know it's cheap but it's at least draper and has a calibration certificate
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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If its draper, its probably ok.
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Also got this odd noise that's coming and going. Was pretty bad on the way home from the track session whe  turning right but disappeared the neXT day. Reappeared this morning when pulling out my car park spot 
Odd noise:
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Can't hear anything, too much background noise.
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It's like a droning/whining noise coming from the passenger side. I checked but Ladysteve wasn't in the car at the time so must be something else lol

[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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From your description, almost sounds like wheelbearing. If you throw it hard left to right does the noise change?
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Pffft god no, just something that's not a rover. Wink

Is that a rumbly sort of noise? If you got it on the locks when parking it's probably a driveshaft.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Noise keeps coming and going, although it's not getting driven much now as I've gained an appreciation for walking Big Grin Maybe I'll start doing 10k runs instead of track days, would certainly be easier on the wallet lol

Oh that note been dicking about with insurance renewals, because apparently the north is made up of cut throat scally wags i've got from £450 last year at my parents in southampton to a renewal of 950. After some bartering I've gotten it down to 850 TPFT, running out of places to try though. Some people are just flat out refusing to give a quote because of the area which is a shame as although I'm in Bury we have a bolton postcode which is where the crime happens.

Even still I'm pushing on with this to get to the goal of 170 (atf). Been ringing aroudn to get a price for a exhaust cam regrind with it being about £170..until I tried kent cams who will do it for £90. Get in! Luckily I have a spare cam about so it's already boxed up to be posted tomorrow. apparently this should give about 8-10hp if piper are to be believed
Also still have my timing dowels to advance the cam timing 4 degrees which according to one of the biggest tuners for these is much needed as the vvc system is too retarded (cue jokes)
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Wow when did it turn silver & get a face lift steve ...... think iv missed something here lol

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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A new car for new motivation to beat a gti6 lol

Camshaft was sent off today for the regrind and torque wrench has been ordered. Going to start taking it apart this weekend and hopefully have it put back together by the end of next weekend to give me time to get the mapping sorted and exhaust/coilovers fitted for combe.

Also looking into air intake systems as I've just been whacking on the k&n enclosed filter and saying that'll be fine but the more I read the more people seem to be sure that the ITG maxogen induction makes a positive impact. Wonder if it's the air filter that's been holding me back.. :/
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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That air filter made 177hp on mine Smile
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Fair enough, just wondering why so many seem to cream over the itg maxogen and bmc cda as their not exactly cheap to just whack on for a few ponies
perhaps a better cold air feed would help instead of the setup I've got (remove paper filter and stink cone in the end)
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Needs more pictures in here.

People will say things like "the difference is night and day" because they've just spent 5 times the normal money on an air filter and don't want to admit they're a mug. Sure, a well-designed one will release a couple more ponies, but that's all.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Agreed with you Poodle....

Steve, that K&N, is a cold air filter, stick a proper cold air feed on it and you'll not pickup anything (or very little) with anything else... Plus it'll cost you monies.
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(26-03-2015, 07:17 AM)Poodle Wrote: Needs more pictures in here.

People will say things like "the difference is night and day" because they've just spent 5 times the normal money on an air filter and don't want to admit they're a mug. Sure, a well-designed one will release a couple more ponies, but that's all.
That's rich coming from Mr "done loads of work today but forgot to take photos of anything" lol

[quote pid='523253' dateline='1427354990']
Agreed with you Poodle....

Steve, that K&N, is a cold air filter, stick a proper cold air feed on it and you'll not pickup anything (or very little) with anything else... Plus it'll cost you monies.
It's currently whacked on the end of the original piping and sits in the lower half of the oem box, thought that would be fine but guess not as can suck in plently of warm air.

Just been trying to look into it some more and apparently at Janspeed they tested open cone vs panel filter and the cone lost 7hp. Also a tuning place said they've seen 160 vvc's pull 130 from poorly setup air intakes and fixing that gets them most of the way back.  Oh and there's a resonator box in the stock system so that's coming out this weekend
Even a 5hp gain from sorting this would be nice
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Thing you need to remember is, cone filters will add noise but thats about it. Just think about the GTI6 air box. The amount of design that went into that would of cost a significant amount. Why do people think getting rid of that and putting in something silly basic and not designed for that car will be better?
Panel filters or filters that go into the original air box are nearly always the way to go!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Zakks gti6 - catback exhaust and standard induction. 174bhp (iirc)

My rallye - exact same spec but with k&n. 182bhp

Same rollers, about 30mins apart.
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Why not put everything back to stock and see what it makes?
Still quite shocked at how below factory figures it is.

Hope it comes up good for you
Wishes for more power...
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Everything was standard bar the intake when it pulled 120 (at the wheels) and had new spark plugs and leads.
Bluey also had the same induction kit (without cold air feed) when it went on the rollers back in the day, so perhaps a pattern is emerging

Been doing some more reading about the MGF/TF and it seems the biggest improvements were coming from the upgraded airbox from the 143 engine to the 160. Which was larger and featured two intakes instead of one. If we assume the un-feeded cone filter is acting on a similar level to the 143 engines airbox and that engines are very picky in regards to induction then perhaps..maybe...i hope.. this is the cause of some of the losses.
As a sidenote the ZR 160 box only has one intake.

Engine has also got a small misfire and threw up a code the other night for cylinder 2 (P0302). Checked plug gaps and they're about the 1mm region and leads all pushed in. There's been a odd ticking noise at about 2k+ at certain throttle positions, reminded me of the hdi injector tick so trying some BP fuel instead of tescos and a bottle of Redex (only £2 at halfords) to see if that helps out in anyway

Piggy I am hoping I can get this running the way it should as I've started to put investment into this now (coilovers, cams etc) so would like some payoff rather than just more disappointment with an empty wallet
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Don't use redex for goodness sake!
Interesting about the cold air feed etc as 143 is sort of the power at the fly currently I guess.
Wishes for more power...
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Can coilpacks tick?

If we use a very rough wheel -> fly conversion formula it's (120+10)/0.9 = 144hp at the fly aka 143VVC power ish
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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I wouldnt bother with redex steve just try a few tanks of quality fuel (i.e B.P or Shell) and use the 98/99oct stuff.

My impreza and clio valver used to suffer with noisier injectors when running on cheaper / lower quality fuels but i put that down to poor condition of the injectors.

oh and ffs put a BRM box on it Tongue LSD y0!
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Okay will try a few tanks of the high grade stuff if it's still ticking after the head gets put back on. Was going to put in the BP ultimate 99 stuff but it was 20p more a litre so thought a little more standard stuff and some redex would be on par 

saw a lsd for this gearbox the other day at 130 but I really need to slow down on the spending before I get too out if Co tool with this especially since insurance is $$$ this year
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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If your savvy with buying performance parts and are fitting them yourself you cant lose money on them really, the parts will usually retain the value.

Hence why everyone breaks nice cars for bits or returns them to standard before selling Wink
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Exactly my point, if i'm saying it you know there's a serious problem lol.

I thought you said this had a cold air feed? If you're going to anything with the air feed just lose the knob filter and put the original back in.

Also, get your common sense out - if redex plus normal fuel was as good as the stuff thats 20ppl more expensive, do you think it'd still be that cheap? Tongue
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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My thought process was good fuel plus dedicated cleaning would be better than better fuel but with some cleaning as a hidden feature if you catch my drift. 

Drained some of the excess oil in the engine today as checking dipstick shows I had overfilled when I topped up before 3 sisters, opps. 
Engine seemed to like that especially as I drained too much so had to top up with fresh stuff so got a half oil change lol
Still ticking but not as loud and not occurring at 2k rpm but still at 2.5K onwards, so don't know if the oil or fuel is doing something unless I have the infamous vvc rattle which seems luck of the draw to whether you have it or not 

Removed the resonator box on the OeM intake system and plumbed in some very shiney pipework down where it was. Note the black tape is for protecting from heat soak and not because I realised I didn't have any clips ninja
Hooked it up to torque afterwards to read intake temps, car was only sat on drive so not a fair test but with engine operating at 90 degrees and the occasional minute hold at 3k rpm intake temps stayed around 27-29 then eventually rose to about 32 and sat there. Lifting the bonnet afterwards gave a face full of hot air so guess it worked?

Also been dicking about with insurance renewals this week, originally was £940 against last years £450 (thanks northern postcodes) but managed to get it down £845 with modifications declared cams n all
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Worth a try for a fiver tbf, isn't going to do any harm.

Love the cold air feed! lol
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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lol It's only temporary anyway as the headgasket job will start tomorrow (weather permitting) 
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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The black tape will only help heatsoak occur.

Silvers/bright colours reflect heat whereas darker colours absorb it. Smile

Good luck with the HG job!
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Good thing the tape is temporary lol

On another note, Manchester weather can politely fk right off.
Got everything ready to get going on this and surprise it's just rain rain rain damn better pack up my tools *gets inside, rain stops out and comes sun* oh cool it's cleared up *go back out and unpack, get under the car and Bam heavy rain*
Luckily it cleared up long enough to get everything back together so total progress today was fk all and wasted a saturday

New plan is to just get it all done next weekend when it's easter and have 4 day weekend which should be plently of time

Oh also "tested" cold air feed today, car didn't feel any faster if anything it felt more like it was being choked? But to be true science I hooked up the obd reader and torque. Ambient temp was 10 degrees and driving 20 minutes on motorway at about 80 saw intake temps rise to about 25 degrees 
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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