darrenjlobb's Adaptronic Managed Compound Blown Derv Bus Build

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darrenjlobb's Adaptronic Managed Compound Blown Derv Bus Build
Haha quality. Can't wait to see this all built up.

It's begging for yellow wheels and detailing!
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Big Grin what he said ^^^^^^^

Also a step closer to seeing the engine build Popcorn
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Glad my photoshops finally came to fruition :-P
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Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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I knew you would paint it either beige or one of the colours of your tractors Tongue looks a great job!
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jesus christ... my eyes.... that is certainly different.
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Must have yellow banded steels!
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Darren you need to get JD decals for this as well when its done!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Nathan has a point there, this would be awesome with yellow banded steals
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Brilliant mate, I think we all knew it was the likely choice. I really hope it gets yellow wheels.

Think I might of taken off the slam panel and wings to paint it.
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Thanks for the positive comments, It really is a home spray job though, so don't expect a showroom finish! I'm pleased with it though, its better than i ever expected I could do in the workshop, so pretty happy. I know that if i spent time wet sanding I could make it better, but its time I dont have / want to spent on the engine etc, so will have to do!

Regarding wheels, I've acaully had these for ages, but didn't post a photo, as I knew anyone that knew me at all would know as soon as they saw the wheels, what colour I would be painting the car heh..

Here they are when I was test fitting for rolling the archs....Worth noting though, these wheels are an ONGOING saga....They were done by bandedsteelwheels, and my only advice is to avoid the bloke with a barge pole, one of the most shocking services I have ever experienced in my life...to give you a rough idea of how useless these wheels are, 2 of them arnt round (one is so bad, if you spin it off the floor the tyre moves over 1cm up and down!!), one of the rears leaks air in a weld, and as for the paint job, well it had already started cracking on arrival, and 2 weeks later I washed them by hand, and took half the paint straight off a wheel (no prep at all) so all in all, a severe waste of my time and money, also worth noting, I bought the steels brand new, just to add insult to injury! However, Have just bought RD's old wheels, so fingers crossed I can make one good set out of the two, but biggest problem is different widths so will have to keep you updated on that, either way, here they are as they arrived before I was aware of all the problems to come !!

Also many thanks to Frosty for putting tyres on for me, although have since been replaced with PS3's after having them on my daily I knew i could never go back to t1r's!!

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Thanks for reading Smile
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Hero! Please get Rowell to do you some JD stickers!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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YES! Big Grin

Did you ever get some money back on the first set???
Wishes for more power...
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Those look the nuts, shame it's been such a saga on sorting them out. Good to see another miche convert. Big Grin
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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This is so mad haha. Let me know what vinyl you want. If you let me know sooner rather than later you might get them by show season!
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Heh im not sure if putting John Deere stickers on a french car is a good idea or not really...I guess people would acaully understand why its that colour then, but otherwise seems a little bit to much maybe heh?

Either way, this wont be on the road till next year at the ealiest, the "bodywork" project was only meant to be a "quick tidy up"...I have to build up the next engine yet!

With the rolling road here now not even planning on putting MOT/TAX/Insurance on it until some time after the engine is in / running, as little point having it on the road when im still setting it up etc, can all be done in house now without the expense of making it road legal JUST to test drive it etc...
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Next step was to commence "wet sanding" and buffing, to try and smooth back the paint and shine it up..... (As easy as that ......right )

So started out up front, doing one panel at a time, as this is a rather boring job to say the least! Front wing flatted back:

[Image: IMG_20140629_120245.jpg]

And after some buffing:

[Image: IMG_20140629_121419.jpg]

Then same process on the bonnet:

[Image: IMG_20140629_150040.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20140716_183952.jpg]

This went on for many hours, and although "progress" was being made, I couldnt seem to "correct" the marks the sand paper was putting into it, I was using quality paper, and a sanding block, but still somehow managing to put deep marks in, that simply wouldnt buff out....After doing numberous research online, I decided to try using some "proper" products rather than just what I had lying around, so bought what everyone recommended, cutting products and pads all from 3M:

[Image: X6DqrnFPRKoyDbMPcdCKsb9v7CPwp4CWW6gXgLH3...16-h987-no]

Now I must say at this point, this is the next big lesson learnt / advice to anyone else trying....dont even waste 2 minutes messing around with products you can buy in halfords etc...complete waste of your time and effort...proper product and pad instantly made this job 100 times easier!

So sanded some panels back again, and re buffed using the new products:

[Image: IMG_20140718_200937.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20140719_195104.jpg]

As you can see, a much better shine was made possible using these, which also claim to have no fillers in them at all, IE what you see is what is acaully going on!

So many hours were spent buffing the whole car in this way, I even got as far as removing all the tape etc, and starting to re assemble it...but I still wasnt really happy...although I never expected a "perfect finish" or anything close, due to the ammount of time I had spent sanding / buffing, the paint had started to get thin in places, and even burnt through on a few edges, and there was still some marks from sanding that I was scared to sand out with fear of sanding through the paint....

I also had an EPIC fail on the bonnet, the bonnet was a brand new one from peugeot, as the old one had suffered one to many impacts with various turbo setups etc, and was quite honestly "past it"....so anyway, in my wisdom, I fitted the new bonnet, primed it and painted it...When I look back I dont know how or why I didnt, but I guess just on the thought "its new in primer" I decided not to sand it down...well that turned out to be a mistake, and one even when I went to pull some masking tape off, it pulled the paint right off the bonnet, just like vinyl!

[Image: IMG_20140718_191131.jpg]

So another lesson learnt, just because something is new, dosnt mean its ready to paint, if the paint is dry, you need to key it for adhesion....

So with the bonnet fail, and the general un happy feeling with some other areas...I decided to leave it alone for a while, with the thought that I might just re paint the entire car, with a better gun nozzle, and a different approach, but for now, it was put back in the shed for another few weeks while i pondered over it!

And another video:

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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Love how the video cuts without showing results. Lol. Liking the steelies. Shame about the banding though
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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So much win here! Steels should be with you shortly, hopefully they do the trick for you, I had no problems with them whatsoever. Will be epic in that colour too
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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never been a fan of green cars, although might be swayed by this - and you've certainly got a good excuse for that particular shade Smile

wheels look mint, shame they're not up to scratch - you'd think if they band steels for a living they'd have a decent jig and something to test how true they are :/
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Your getting sucked in already darren just chasing the slightly better finish! I know its hard to tell from pictures but it looks really good as is, a far better job than iv seen from people who have paid a "professional" not naming names (fooby cough cough) but iv great respspect for how well you have do after respraying a few panels with guns last year and realising how hard and labour intensive it actually is. Oh & btw the colour is actually quite nice on the car. the fact that it is JD aside ThumbsUp

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Shame about the bonnet mate :/ all new panels need that black coating preped. It's only there to stop the panel rusting
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This is gonna look facking epic!
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Is the paint enamel as per usual tractor paint? Currently restoring an old massey and the enamel paint 2 weeks on is still soft the slightest prob and it's marked. Or have you used 2 pack?

Without proper baking facility's I wouldn't recommend wet sanding it for at least a couple of weeks. The paints to soft needs to cure/harden
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse

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Its 2k, its not actually tractor paint, just 2k mixed JD green.....
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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I thought I was going to have the only tractor coloured 306Sad
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not sure if you know about this bit but with 2k you really should wear a proper spraying suit, the nasty shit in it will permeate through your clothes and can make you seriously ill.

bit late now youve sprayed it though, got lucky!
need a part number? http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/ and http://service.citroen.com/ will sort you out.
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I cant believe how shocking those wheels are! Did you not notice at the time to be ale to send them back?

Also just out of interest why did you go for berlingo steels rather than 406 steels, did you prefer the look or want the bigger webs between holes?
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I'm so glad this is making a return,
Ambitious tackling the body work and paint, certainly more patience than me.
Gutted about the bonnet, but those steels look the tits!
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(25-03-2015, 10:08 AM)welshpug Wrote: not sure if you know about this bit but with 2k you really should wear a proper spraying suit, the nasty shit in it will permeate through your clothes and can make you seriously ill.

bit late now youve sprayed it though, got lucky!

Am more than aware of 2k spraying risks, hence using a new air fed mask, gloves and shields, Im sure wearing normal clothes if you were doing it as a job would be a bad plan (although I know of many that have / do!) but given a one off like this, Its a risk I took, obviously dont use my video as a guide as to how you should do it, but there you go.

(25-03-2015, 10:21 AM)Dum-Dum Wrote: I cant believe how shocking those wheels are! Did you not notice at the time to be ale to send them back?

Also just out of interest why did you go for berlingo steels rather than 406 steels, did you prefer the look or want the bigger webs between holes?

Yeah noticed instantly, couldn't get any response from the guy, started posting on his facebook page for answer, and got blocked, so just gave up, end of the day hes not going to give me a refund, and after eventually speaking to him his only offer was to "try them again"... but after seeing the job he did the first time round, I wouldnt trust him to touch them again, so just gave up / took it as a loss...steer WELL clear is all i can say, absolute joke! Even the paint is hilarious, they have covered like 0.1 miles of pushing around the yard so far, and had one wash, and one wheel has lost 25% of its paint already, and all 4 have all cracked up (some kind of enamal paint i think)... What a tool!

http://www.bandedsteelwheels.co.uk - DO NOT TOUCH with a barchpole!!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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School boy error with the bonnet!! Haha easy mistake to make though fella can't see what's goin wrong with your polishing, your using a finer grade paper than I use (1500 is as high as I go) and your using the same 3m products I use, it could be somthing to do with it still drying as someone else has mentioned or could be grit on the panel as your flating or your not gettin the panel hot enough but as you have burnt through in a couple of places I doubt that, is the paint nice n scratch free round the burnt bits?
Oh and by they way you should be able to get a perfect panel with 2k, I love the stuff as you can really give it some when polishing and will flat nicely so you should be able to get the majority of the crap in your paint out, shame I don't live closer as polishing is my thing Big Grin haha
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