Off we went to the first race at Snetterton. We went up on the Friday morning to go testing and get some experience of being out in a proper race session where cars can pass you on either side, etc. It was a bit of a change from a trackday but nothing special, especially when you see the price! Testing went really well and we made some serious steps with the car from last time we were there on the trackday. It drove really well and was awesome in to corners, if still a little understeery.
On to race day and everyone was excited, our first race! Quali started well until it all went tits up, I shifted in to the wrong gear and broke the engine. My fault completely and I was gutted. We put the car on the trailer and headed home. The next race was only a few weeks away so it was important to get the car home and find out what was wrong.
Long story short it turned out the bottom end was f*cked and we missed the next race at Oulton Park. Deciding it was better to get a new engine I picked up as a swap for the old seats I used to have. While we had the engine out I also decided to swap to a VTS rack and remove the power steering. Also changed the linkages to some Miles rose jointed ones.
Oh and I heat wrapped the manifold
Forgot to mention we also fitted Carbotech XP8 pads before the start of the season.
So we fitted the new engine, decat and fibreglass bonnet to save some weight. Unfortunately the new engine decided to piss a load of oil out of the rear main oil seal. I was pretty pissed off at this point as it had been a big rush to get the new engine in in the first place. This meant taking the gearbox out to replace the seal which was a bitch on solid mounts. While the box was out I replaced the clutch as well, made sense really. We finished all the work at 2am before we were due to leave at 5:30am to get to Rockingham for testing before our next race.
We tested the day before Rockingham and I was bricking it that the new engine wouldn't shit itself as we hadn't really tested it. Turned out to be alright in the end although the air filter fell off and was given back to us by the marshals after testing!
The race went well. We qualified quite far down in 17th but weren't that bothered as it was just good to make it through the session without breaking the car again!

In the end of the race we ended up 9th which was great, top 10 in our first race. A good result.
I'll copy the remaining posts from .net
Another weekend, another race. On Saturday we raced at Cadwell for the first time and, once again, the car decided to not play nice!
We left home at about 5:30am on the Friday morning to get up to the circuit in time for the afternoon's testing. For those that don't know, Cadwell is literally in the middle of no where, it's like someone played a bas**rdised game of spin the globe and put your finger on it to decide where to build this circuit. Anyway, after a 4 and a bit hour journey we finally arrived and started unloading. As normal I took the car around the paddock to check everything was ok but I noticed a loud banging noise when coming on and off power aggressively. In all honesty we had heard it before at Rockingham but had completely forgotten about it, oops.
The knocking turned out to be because the top solid mount had pretty much destroyed the chassis, as is kind of expected. The issue being that the nut the mount bolts in to had play to the mount could move around. We solved this by getting another nut on the bottom and managing to do that up to apply enough pressure to the original nut to stop it moving around. With that problem it was on to testing!
Testing itself was in changeable conditions. We had 3 sessions so I was out first, we split the second between my brother and I and he had the last session. My first session was very wet which made it tricky to get a read on how to really carry speed around the circuit. That being said it was awesome fun and I love driving the car in wet conditions! No idea if I'm any good at it but it was loads of fun

My fastest laptime in that second was around 2m 03secs. The middle session was drier but still damp meaning we could get down to the 2 minute mark. Unfortunately not all went to plan when my brother had a small spin!
The final session was back to being wet again. Things went much smoother and my brother managed a few fairly incredible 2min 01secs lap times!
In the morning of the race we noticed that the suspension was very soft at the rear of the car. I wound the adjusters up on the shocks and that seemed to stiffen it up again so we went out for quali. My brother went out first and set a 1m 49secs lap time as the track was bone dry. Unfortunately we noticed that the softness had come back again but there was nothing we could do in the session. I then went out and did a 1m 48secs which put us 12th on the grid (of 28) and 6th in class (of 10) which we were reasonably happy with.
With the car back in the paddock we looked at fixing the rear shocks again but the adjusters had stopped doing anything and seemed to be defaulting to their softest settings. There was nothing we could do so we pushed the arches out a little to stop the tyres rubbing and went out for the race.
The race itself was so much fun. I had a titanic battle with several Clios including overtaking someone around the outside of the turn 1 and going side by side in to the first corner after the mountain. We made a small bit of contact going in to the Gooseneck which was interesting! Rather than describe it all, worth watching the video here:
Few highlights in the video:
- First lap
- Few laps after the safety car comes in at 8min 30secs
- Contact with a Clio at 13mins
- Finally overtook the lap after the contact
- Exciting moment with a Mini at 35min 30secs
So, we need to fix the engine mount, get some new shocks and remove the steering lock (brought up during scrutineering).
Absolutely cracking weekend at Brands GP. We didn't test at the circuit so had never driven the GP loop before, so that was all quite new. We've done a few laps on the Indy before so at least we knew half of the track!
Having fixed the steering lock, rear calipers and fitted a catch tank in the run up to the race we were feeling fairly confident that there would be no issues with the car. We arrived at the circuit on Friday afternoon to set everything up and get ready. Sleeping in a tent on the back of the trailer is never particularly fun though!
We had no issues with scrutineering and the driver's briefing was as uninteresting as always. Finally we could get out on track for qualifying and the track was awesome! The GP part is so flowing it's incredible to drive. Qualifying went really well and we found that we were much faster than a lot of others out on the loop. We qualified 2nd in class and 24th overall, our best qualifying by far! Although we did have to have a quick visit to the stewards about exceeding the track limits, oops
On to the race. It was a 44 car grid and we were slap bang in the middle so it was always going to be intense going in to the first corner. I was determined to make a decent start after not getting a great one at Cadwell, luckily that was the case this time. I only lost one space to a RWD BMW which was unsurprising. Turn 1 was also surprisingly good and I had a lot of space to keep places. The first few laps were spent trying to defend cars that were faster than me in a straight line which was a bit rubbish but there's nothing I could do. Things eventually spaced out and I could start to put some decent laps in to start closing down the gap to the pack in front. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time before coming in to pit but then it was my brother's turn to take the wheel.
We had a perfectly timed pitstop which put him out 2nd in class and hunting down 1st very quickly. After 2 laps we had taken the class lead with 20 minutes to go but one of the Clios was bearing down fast. Ben tried his hardest but with 2 laps to go, the Clio jumped us. We ended up coming second which was a disappointment but if you're disappointed with second then it's been a good day!
Then the car blew it's rad, oh well. Still got a trophy
Few photos from the day:
And the full race video:
We had another race at Silverstone a few weeks ago which went reasonably well. We qualified 6th in class which I was disappointed with as I thought we should have been higher. Times were close though, only 1 second off of 2nd in class. My brother was 3 tenths faster than me which was also close.
The race was a whole different ballgame. Just as my brother drove out to the assembly area it started to rain heavily, we were on dry tyres. The Dunlops are great tyres but as soon as there is standing water they become rather useless, as he found out on the way to the grid. We made the decision to bring him in and change to the wets, he had no traction and no chance of staying on the road. He came out last (31st) and having been lapped by the leading 3 cars however very quickly overtook one of the leaders and started making progress toward the next car. Unfortunately a safety car was deployed so we ended up still lapped and with the entire field behind us, may as well have been 2 laps down. Once the safety car came in it was all about getting the foot down and going for broke. Ben made swift progress and pitted 23rd, quite a few others were still on dry tyres and he was lapping at least 10 seconds faster so it was fairly easy to catch up! My stint was much more straightforward as I was out on the lead lap so was racing the cars around me. It was awesome fun driving in the rain with the wets on as you could get all sorts of sideways and overtaking people. We ended up 11th and about 2 car lengths behind 10th, a bit frustrating as I really wanted 10th but hey ho.
That just about sums up where we are in terms of the race car. It's just had a 3J plate diff fitted and got a new engine in the pipeline. High lift cams, ITBs, 4-2-1 manifold and a ported and polished head.