Scottish Referendum

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Scottish Referendum
(17-09-2014, 04:53 PM)lolsteve Wrote: Because now that I'm 22 i'm alot older and wiser than I was certainly at 16 when all I could think about was getting my todger wet. Im aware theres a greater good to the world by giving and taking, first year of uni I was totally fked off at the idea of taxes, now I understand that the country helped me get to where I am today and now it's my turn to help pay back to the system to help others. Experiencing life on a low budget and living in some proper scannky accommodation it's taught me to appreciate more and to be more sympathetic of those who have less hence why i'll drop a £ or two in a homeless mans hat without hesitation. It's not much but have only had one paycheck so far give me a break lol
My point being that 16 people dont understand the world as much to make a informed decision and will just go with whatever their mates are doing which is properly "yes" to "fk da system"

I agree with that, at 16 it's too young to vote and like you said, just do what you are told or follow yours mate.

At 16 I had no idea of how the system worked, or who to vote for.
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An absolute joke. Salmond is a power crazy lady garden.

What will you do about a sovereign Salmond - The Queen
What will you do about a currency Salmond - Pound Sterling.

Erm, that makes you British or at least part of the Empire; not so independent.

He's absolutely deluded.

"Cameron only wants us in the UK for our oil resources" you're mental? "Britain" only takes the tax on the oil, not the profits you moron - thats taken by the companies who drill the oil, who funny enough are global conglomerates and will go no where near your resources when you start wishing to reap the profits you absolute moron.

What about a millitary Salmond - we believe in peace and unity and this wouldn't need to be a millitary power.... idiotic.

Anyway, this topic gets me a little wound up because if Scotland become independent it wouldn't only shatter the value of the £ but also begin to drag us down as we'll be providing and bailing them out of the shithole which will ensue.
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(17-09-2014, 04:53 PM)lolsteve Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 03:24 PM)Toms306 Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 11:50 AM)lolsteve Wrote: 16-17 year olds shouldn't be allowed to vote, they don't understand enough to make a proper judgement. Hell even now I don't know enough lol

Age has nothing to do with it tbh, I don't understand much, if anything about politics, neither does my Nan...both of us are old enough to vote... So why shouldn't a 16 year old that's into political stuff be able to vote?

I'm not fussed whether we lose Scotland or not tbh, it's their choice...

Because now that I'm 22 i'm alot older and wiser than I was certainly at 16 when all I could think about was getting my todger wet. Im aware theres a greater good to the world by giving and taking, first year of uni I was totally fked off at the idea of taxes, now I understand that the country helped me get to where I am today and now it's my turn to help pay back to the system to help others. Experiencing life on a low budget and living in some proper scannky accommodation it's taught me to appreciate more and to be more sympathetic of those who have less hence why i'll drop a £ or two in a homeless mans hat without hesitation. It's not much but have only had one paycheck so far give me a break lol
My point being that 16 people dont understand the world as much to make a informed decision and will just go with whatever their mates are doing which is properly "yes" to "fk da system"

But you completely missed the point made there lol.

More age doesn't mean more understanding, in fact a lot of older people are just bloody ignorant as they assume they know best, I tend to listen in to randomers conversations, and the crap people come out with is amazing. lol There will be 16 year olds that know more about politics than 18 year olds... IMO age shouldn't be the deciding factor in voting. Showing understanding should, maybe with a few current political questions or something.
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Dear Scotland, Don't leave us alone with that lot down there.

Regards, The North of England.
Team hand-painted-commercial Vehicle
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Arguments I've heard for Scottish independence.

1. 'I hate the Tories.'
Well, they'll probably be gone next election, but you'll have permanently ****** up the uk by then...
2. "I don't want to be ruled by someone 500miles away"
Er, that's 5 hours by train. How ******* parochial are you?! Have you seen a map of Russia?

2a. "i dont want to be rules by someone 500 miles away"
Isnt Brussels further away than london? didnt think that one through did you

3. "Scottish people are more socially minded"
Hmm, there was me thinking the stereotype was that Scottish people are "tight". Please tell me where the statistic showing higher charitable donation by scots can be obtained?

4. "I don't like UK foreign policy"
And the English do?

5. "I don't like trident"
Well permanently dismembering the uk does seem the only way of achieving nuclear disarmament.

6. "We'll get all the oil"
No, you'll get the -tax- on the oil. For about 3 decades. This money will be offset by the loss of Barnett formula.

7. "We'll get control over Scottish affairs."
Yeah, you could have a different education system, legal system, free university, those kind of things?

8. "We're sick of London bankers ruining everything."
Remind me what the 'S' in RBS stands for?

9. "Scottish people have a distinct identity"
Most of which exists to humour American tourists.

10. "Scottish people have achieved incredible things."
Yep. Mostly after the act of the union. Before that you were mainly stealing sheep, and skulking around wet moorlands armed with pointy impliments.

11. "We don't want involved with British imperialism"
Too late, sorry.

12. "We have the technical expertise to be a great country."
STV couldn't even ******* air the independence debate. You had to hand it to the BBC!
PS. Half the oil guys in Aberdeen are English.

13. "We can use the pound"
So you want more financial control, but you're happy for the English to retain the central bank and all control your interest rates? Ooookay.

14. "The Tories will hate it if we become independent"
Really, the Tories want to hang on to a bunch of constituencies which never, ever vote Tory? Did you study fractions at school?

Anyone got any better pro arguments before I send my postal vote?
Please feel free to moan below.
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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if they choose to go it a lone then fair play to them and I wish them the best of luck! they have a cracking race track! They come down to us ( north east for btcc at croft, and we go to them)
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Toseland theres some brilliant points there.

Heres a shocker for everyone. Without the the largely Labor voting Scotts every election since the 60s would of been won by the conservatives in the rest of the UK. Who fancies an eternity of conservative government with no competition?
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Just realised its going to make 3 peaks challange a bit more difficult having to go through passport control if they go independent......
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Reconstruct Hadrians wall, construct a new one down the welsh border and take the Severn bridge's down. Job jobbed
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Im one of only a few that i know are voting know
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Tbh i think Salmond knows its not a good idea. I think he's just trying to create a name for him self. There are no realistically positive points to them going independent at all. Salmond just wants to be "the guy who created an independent Scotland". In fact, he's just going to be the guy who is known for being an utter failure because either tomorrows vote is going to be a no and then he will be forgotten in a few weeks or it will be a yes and a few years down the line Scotland will be on their knees because Salmonds bunch can't organise a piss up in a brewery and they will be financially f*cked because they won't be using our currency!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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(17-09-2014, 08:45 PM)Niall Wrote: "few years down the line Scotland will be on their knees"

Being a bit generous? i think months or possibly weeks
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(17-09-2014, 09:03 PM)Daniel306 Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 08:45 PM)Niall Wrote: "few years down the line Scotland will be on their knees"

Being a bit generous? i think months or possibly weeks

I like to give people a chance Tongue

Seriously though, if they do get yes, id love Salmond to prove me wrong because despite the fact I'm of the impression that if they want to leave, don't come running back when it goes wrong, id hate to see all them people loosing jobs, homes etc
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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What about the 50 odd % of us that are voting no?
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Er, good luck?

(17-09-2014, 06:49 PM)bashbarnard Wrote: Just realised its going to make 3 peaks challange a bit more difficult having to go through passport control if they go independent......

British passport control in less than 24 hours? Not going to happen really, is it.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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(18-09-2014, 05:37 AM)Poodle Wrote: Er, good luck?

(17-09-2014, 06:49 PM)bashbarnard Wrote: Just realised its going to make 3 peaks challange a bit more difficult having to go through passport control if they go independent......

British passport control in less than 24 hours? Not going to happen really, is it.
lol already done it once. Just had a thought it would be.more difficult. Not planning to do it again for a while.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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(17-09-2014, 06:46 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Toseland theres some brilliant points there.

Heres a shocker for everyone. Without the the largely Labor voting Scotts every election since the 60s would of been won by the conservatives in the rest of the UK. Who fancies an eternity of conservative government with no competition?

Not true, where did you read that bollocks? Only like 2 elections in the last century would have had a different result without Scotland. Although Scotland would've got who they actually voted for every year.

I'd be voting yes given the chance. The system is broken, the inequality in this country is shocking and the Scots are a socialist nation, unlike rUk who (largely due to the south east) are hyper capitalist, and right of centre.

I say they should go for it, and good luck to them.
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(18-09-2014, 07:18 AM)Kezzieboy Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 06:46 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Toseland theres some brilliant points there.

Heres a shocker for everyone. Without the the largely Labor voting Scotts every election since the 60s would of been won by the conservatives in the rest of the UK. Who fancies an eternity of conservative government with no competition?

Not true, where did you read that bollocks? Only like 2 elections in the last century would have had a different result without Scotland. Although Scotland would've got who they actually voted for every year.

I'd be voting yes given the chance. The system is broken, the inequality in this country is shocking and the Scots are a socialist nation, unlike rUk who (largely due to the south east) are hyper capitalist, and right of centre.

I say they should go for it, and good luck to them.

South east needs cutting adrift, that'd solve the whole shabang Big Grin
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(18-09-2014, 09:05 AM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: South east needs cutting adrift, that'd solve the whole shabang Big Grin

Hear hear.

Or at least devolve more power away from Westminster, which will hopefully happened if the Scots vote yes today.
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(17-09-2014, 09:03 PM)Daniel306 Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 08:45 PM)Niall Wrote: "few years down the line Scotland will be on their knees"

Being a bit generous? i think months or possibly weeks

Scotland was almost on its knees before the vote as theres been a run on the Scottish banks with people withdrawing all of their savings because of the financial uncertainty that is to come. This has been almost entirely un-reported in the news, I suppose to protect the banks and the economy.

(18-09-2014, 07:18 AM)Kezzieboy Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 06:46 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Toseland theres some brilliant points there.

Heres a shocker for everyone. Without the the largely Labor voting Scotts every election since the 60s would of been won by the conservatives in the rest of the UK. Who fancies an eternity of conservative government with no competition?

Not true, where did you read that bollocks? Only like 2 elections in the last century would have had a different result without Scotland. Although Scotland would've got who they actually voted for every year.

I'd be voting yes given the chance. The system is broken, the inequality in this country is shocking and the Scots are a socialist nation, unlike rUk who (largely due to the south east) are hyper capitalist, and right of centre.

I say they should go for it, and good luck to them.

I'm sure I heard it on radio 4 so assumed it to be true. Having just done further research you appear to be right.
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(17-09-2014, 09:23 PM)Daniel306 Wrote: What about the 50 odd % of us that are voting no?

If over 50% vote no then its a no isn't it? Confused
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(18-09-2014, 09:05 AM)Mattcheese31 Wrote:
(18-09-2014, 07:18 AM)Kezzieboy Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 06:46 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Toseland theres some brilliant points there.

Heres a shocker for everyone. Without the the largely Labor voting Scotts every election since the 60s would of been won by the conservatives in the rest of the UK. Who fancies an eternity of conservative government with no competition?

Not true, where did you read that bollocks? Only like 2 elections in the last century would have had a different result without Scotland. Although Scotland would've got who they actually voted for every year.

I'd be voting yes given the chance. The system is broken, the inequality in this country is shocking and the Scots are a socialist nation, unlike rUk who (largely due to the south east) are hyper capitalist, and right of centre.

I say they should go for it, and good luck to them.

South east needs cutting adrift, that'd solve the whole shabang Big Grin
That and Lancashire.
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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Liam I feel you're targeting me somewhat
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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(18-09-2014, 11:47 AM)Toms306 Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 09:23 PM)Daniel306 Wrote: What about the 50 odd % of us that are voting no?

If over 50% vote no then its a no isn't it? Confused

Apparently it very close and could go either way
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In that case it's gonna suck for half the population. Undecided
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Just because I know you all hate him Wink He actually makes a few good points in this though.
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(18-09-2014, 03:23 PM)THE_Liam Wrote:
(18-09-2014, 09:05 AM)Mattcheese31 Wrote:
(18-09-2014, 07:18 AM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Not true, where did you read that bollocks? Only like 2 elections in the last century would have had a different result without Scotland. Although Scotland would've got who they actually voted for every year.

I'd be voting yes given the chance. The system is broken, the inequality in this country is shocking and the Scots are a socialist nation, unlike rUk who (largely due to the south east) are hyper capitalist, and right of centre.

I say they should go for it, and good luck to them.

South east needs cutting adrift, that'd solve the whole shabang Big Grin
That and Lancashire.

Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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(18-09-2014, 04:58 PM)lolsteve Wrote: Liam I feel you're targeting me somewhat
Whats your point?

Nah your an honorary Tyke mate Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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(18-09-2014, 05:04 PM)Daniel306 Wrote:
(18-09-2014, 11:47 AM)Toms306 Wrote:
(17-09-2014, 09:23 PM)Daniel306 Wrote: What about the 50 odd % of us that are voting no?

If over 50% vote no then its a no isn't it? Confused

Apparently it very close and could go either way

I believe it needs to be more than 4% to account for margin of error, I maybe wrong
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Whatever way the vote goes, I think the big victory is the turnout.

I got quite a few of my staff registered to vote (No and Yes) who had never voted before. They felt their vote didn't matter.

Whatever happens UK politics looks like it's getting a kick up the arse. Which I think it needs.
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