Project Yellow thing - coming to an end

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Project Yellow thing - coming to an end
This day gets better - got a package from NSW today, with a nice set of these:


and one for the front


unsure about this one, but it seemed the only logical place, i didn't like how it looked on the strip at the top of the window, and it's outside the swept area of the wipers so it doesn't interfere with line of sight etc
Project: Formula Peugeot
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looks way to small to be down the side IMO would have put it under the wiper maybe?
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nah, it's as big as the black border around the glass, and looks ok in person, think it's just the camera that makes it look over small
Project: Formula Peugeot
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that is all Inlove
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Wow cant get over how OEM+ this is. I stuck my MCM sticker on the top of the boot lid glass. Best place for it!
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(29-08-2014, 11:37 AM)SRowell Wrote: Wow cant get over how OEM+ this is.

OEM + brightly coloured paint Smile
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sarcasm mr rowell? LOL i suppose oem+ went out the window the moment i cracked open the spray paint.. Tongue

meh it is what it is.. makes me remember it's ok to laugh sometimes
Project: Formula Peugeot
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How much the studs and nuts set you back?
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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£52 all in, if i'd gone for some different studs/nuts it would've been cheaper, but needed the flat seated ones for the arianes
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Actually Toyota ones are the best in Airanes as they kinda have a flat and a taper.
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That's not too bad, eBay?
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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nah through rallydesign, got sent a new catalogue so been drooling over brakes and bits Tongue
Project: Formula Peugeot
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got a couple of things done today - had to swap out the sportex backbox for the old standard one as the baffles had come adrift, so it has to go back... or be binned Sad

also took the front end to bits, did some rust prevention and black masked the headlights while i was at it Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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pics will be up as soon a si find where i put my camera.... took loads of photos while doing that stuff, put it down and..not seen it since... FML

on another note, got my spacers ordered today and they should arrive tomorrow, so Smile Smile Smile Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Well.. the wheels are on Smile along with the stud conversion, and made the descision to go for a bit of a drive and borrow mum's camera for some arty shit





Project: Formula Peugeot
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Y'know what....i actually kinda like it! Got any lows in mind though, thats some pretty impressive arch gap at the front there. Wink
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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just so random its maaaaaad Smile
Wishes for more power...
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What tyres are they btw, and how much did you pay for them? If you dont mind me asking of course! lol
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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it'll proabably be coming down about 50mm in the front (if i can find any springs that'll do it on a 1.4) to match the rear, which surprisingly passes the shoe test - although that might be because i only own boots Tongue

they're Kenda keiser's - had them before and TBH they're pretty good, £50 a corner fitted balanced etc

had to ask the guy at the tyre place very nicely to order them in Tongue
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Now this is awesome, very many likes John.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=18946]
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and even though that's edited, that's actually the colour it would have been if i'd done a white basecoat first, and done 2 more coats, tempted to go for it in a few months
Project: Formula Peugeot
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It just looks so f*cking toxic but so plain at the same time its awesome especially on those new wheels and I think the silverness of them really makes the paint look a bit more factory in a weird way.

We do a white base coat if you like, Matt if the expert in painting cars with dulux and a roller if you want to PM him.
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lol i'd go for another plastidip one so it doesn't wreck the coat, plus the basecoat white covers thick so you only need 1 layer, then relay the yellow properly, maybe get a glossifier or pearliser to mix in

and ofc, if i'm doing any more paint on this junk, i'm getting a spray station
Project: Formula Peugeot
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needs a wooden roof rack with fuel/rope etc, stack exhaust, big bull bar and a machine gun. nice.
Wishes for more power...
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dunno about the roof, but i could take out the back window and turn the back seat area into a turret deal...hmmm
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well sold the old wheels at the local car boot today - £10 well worth it Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well... washed the car today after chucking all the shit from the footwells into the boot,

still looks exactly as shit and dirty after a proper thorough clean so i call that a victory

Project: Formula Peugeot
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got my exhaust back! the baffles in the old one had come loose (probably due to a less than thought through bwarp through the countryside involving some railway tracks and air) so it sounded rubbish,

old vs new Smile

it doesn't show it properly there, but it's not exactly a straight fit, the flange is at the wrong angle, so to get it to sit straight it has to be mounted a lot further over towards the suspension,


that shows how much the backbox would have been wonky, so time to break out the hacksaw and 'modify' the hangers to fit Smile


et voila - they have been bent as well, but didnt get a pic beforehand


aaaaand back to normal Smile thankyou sportex

Project: Formula Peugeot
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How are you finding the sportex build quality wise, is the sportex baffled or straight through as I've been considering one
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I'm guessing because he had to send it back because the baffles came loose, that it might have baffles Tongue also as above, how do you rate them?
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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