Project Yellow thing - coming to an end

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Project Yellow thing - coming to an end
They look like the fairly uncommon yellow-tint S16 lights yeah.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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well, this time i went and did something stupid... i bought a turbo ninja

it's a TD04 L which came off a 2007 subaru of some description, a little play but nothing much which can't be sorted with a few new bearings and seals Smile


need to get it apart - Hammer needed


ah much better

bit greasy though - best break out the gunk


disassembled - much better


but.. i'm not one for 'silver'



mmmmm glossy Tongue

i'm going to leave it at that until i get the mani mocked up so i can rotate the core to suit... no point fitting the new seals until that or they'll get ruined

next items to get - new head / inlet / management, water circuit bits, oil feed and drain

oh yeah and a working mig welder so i can make an exhaust mani Tongue
Project: Formula Peugeot
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also :

another 3 cans of spray arrived Smile so guess what..


shame i couldn't do as much to the other side


i'm guessing i'll need another 3 or so to complete the coverage, then maybe 4 after that to get a third coat on and finished Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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juist fyi...the bump strips are easier to remove than you think...mauybe quicker option.

I'm yet to be convinced by the whole 'plastidip ya car yellow' thing...but I will reserve judgement till its done.

got a link to the reversing sensor kit you used?
Wishes for more power...
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Does'nt look too bad considering Smile

definitely think you should of gone for a matt green or black.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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(08-03-2014, 05:04 PM)7057sam Wrote: Does'nt look too bad considering Smile

definitely think you should of gone for a matt green or black.

Been done kudos for trying something different...I expect it will change my mind once its not half silver.

Needs C'lones!
Wishes for more power...
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(08-03-2014, 05:06 PM)Piggy Wrote:
(08-03-2014, 05:04 PM)7057sam Wrote: Does'nt look too bad considering Smile

definitely think you should of gone for a matt green or black.

Been done kudos for trying something different...I expect it will change my mind once its not half silver.

Needs C'lones!

Yeah chris's wagon also believe he sprayed his phase 1 6 sundance yellow ThumbsUp
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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well i found rust... probably should've looked earlier tbh, it's pretty much non-existant behind the interior panels over the rear quarter...


Doh fixable?
Project: Formula Peugeot
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That's not too bad I've seen worse, might be easy to get a hole panel from a ph3 and weld it in
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Just get it welded up not a hard job
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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well the mig torch arrived today, the mask and metal are supposedly arriving tomorrow, got a few grinding and cutting discs, as well as a nice flap wheel to get it all prepped

the bracket thing in the middle, does it actually do anything except act as a mount for that wiring? if so it's getting gaffa taped as sod drilling out spot welds when i can do without Tongue
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well theres a few updates all in one, it has been a while since i posted anything but small things happening.. too much driving, and not enough modding Tongue

well i've had more plastidip arrive, and finished off the yellow.


no more silver.. then added a couple of bits in blaaack


and i stress this next point - it's a temporary paint job, not even permanent or anything, thought i'd have a bit of fun with it, heck if i don't like it i'll tear it off and leave it as just yellow when it gets it's glossy respray... BREATHE




i then rewarded myself with barbecue and cider Smile


whilst going over the rubstrips and handles to eliminate the yellow overspray, i managed to get a nice big black drip down the door... Undecided

so as before i decided to add to it, heck if it looked like a mistake i'd look like a noob Tongue



also as you can see.. i got myself a sportex backbox to match my centre pipe, makes a lovely noise, although it has mellowed out a bit with use, as some of you can identify with, this car now makes me laugh, love it.. MAAAAD


Part 2 - Rust and Welding

well as one of my previous posts showed, i found rust, a fair amount i think, as i got to work, i found it was a bit more than i originally


what i thought i'd found...then what i actuallt had to cut out.


alslo found this under the door seal


and plated, the first welds were a bit crap, messed about with the settings, and got some good ones going, finished them off after i spot welded this damn bracket back



didn't get any more pics, but mainly went along the lines of more welding, grinding, more welding, more grinding, seam sealing, priming, applying sealer and some tetroseal/ waxoil shite (hopefully a while until next time)

then finishing off with putting everything back together, hoovering up the rubbish and stepping back to enjoy the work Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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small update today Smile new coil / plugs / leads arrived and got fitted today replacing the scummy shitty high mileage broken filthy items that citroen originally fitted 20 years ago.

and funnily enough it seems to run a little better... Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Im going to be completely honest, fair play for the effort but I cant help but think it looks like one of those cars someone is building to take on scrumball rally type thing?!
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it's a 'see how embarrassing i can make it before my wife refuses to drive/ be seen in it'
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Project update - ups and downs

awell it's been a long while since i last posted anything about this, many reasons why, laziness included, stuff happening in my personal life, and i thought it was about time to put it all straight before i have to write an essay (and lose my mind uploading photos)

on the run up to Pugfest, i managed to smash the rear window, which sucked, (it was raining) and led to me not driving the car for a week or so until i found a red ph2 in a local scrappy which had a good condition boot for me Smile

[i do have photos of this, but they'll have to be added later - no link cable for my phone]

so i drove down to pugfest (woooooo) with my boy, and a freshly 2-tone paintjob
here's one of darcy looking particularly pleased after a 200 mile drive


had a good walk around and got to know a few of you, had fun with the tug of war, BBQ etc Smile then off for a nights sleep

but had to wake up sometime


few more of the day







Project: Formula Peugeot
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My car always has bloody oily hand prints on it (and god i look terrible).

How is the car getting on? have you fitted the spoiler yet?
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Part 2 - More paint

and then pretty much nothing happened since, it just sat behind my parents place looking sad for itself - eating into its downpipe when a bolt came loose on the manifold, had to re-jig the midpipe and backbox a couple of times to avoid it smashing the ground when going fast (probably faster than needed) over soem local rail crossings Itwasntme

but it did get to the point where i needed a change, so i bought some paint to cover up the red tailgate - note i also de-wipered it, really couldn't be bothered keeping it - too much weight

masked up:


first, second and third coats




and that's it i suppose, next items to get bought are wheels and tyres, really need to get in touch with the company i've looked at getting some from and work something out Smile

ps - that 3-leg spoiler i had broke in 2, so i sacked that off as a bad job - doubt i'll bother with a spoiler now tbh, too much weight

Oh and last for tonight - still havn't washed it
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Just realised i spent a fair while speaking to you at Pugfest. Im bloody useless at putting names to forum names and faces lol
Really like the car. Its completely different to anything else I've seen! Should get some sort of funky wheels for it Smile
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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lol yeah, tbh i have the same problem, when you meet people they all use their real names, it took me about 5 mins of talking to chris to realise it was dumdum.. a few more meets and it should be reyt

phoning weller when i get home about their 15" 8 spokes, they currently come in 8j et0 but i'm gonna see if they'll do a set with different back spacing so i can try and leave the arches alone, if not then i think i'll have to get some 15 or 16 steels banded to fit Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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(24-09-2013, 06:58 PM)John1.4 Wrote: Time for the monthly update Smile

to start the month off well, started off on holiday Smile 553.something miles one way

crossing the border
[Image: DSCF5455_zpsf1a50fa5.jpg]

on the ferry
[Image: 2013-09-11124036_zps6818c9a6.jpg]

where we were staying (the house further down) and the 'shed'
[Image: DSCF5354_zpsc2d64d1f.jpg]

imagine how bad the 'road' / track looks - multiply that by 5 or so when it turns the corner past the house, it's only just wider than the car, and basically a series of massive pot-holes connected by sharp rocky bits, with 2 very deep ditches either side... fun

long journey to get back, and most of it was in the pitch black so i didn't get any pics, but i did get a lot of video footage over the 2 weeks, so probably going to get that edited and posted

Back home - slow progress

money is a bit tight at the moment, so havn't done anything major, just more painting (had some left over from the calipers)

[Image: 2013-09-24115502_zpsa73bb5cc.jpg]

[Image: 2013-09-24115512_zps8f4f5720.jpg]

old vs new Smile

[Image: 2013-09-24115548_zpsebb77767.jpg]

so that's it for now, next month is the dreaded MOT so there'll be some exhaust stuff for sure, maybe engine work and welding Undecided

Where did you go on holiday mate? I'm up Inverness, Isle of Skye, Isle of mull, Lewis/Harris a couple of times a year love it up there
||AVO Race GTX Coilovers||Signature Blue Steels||P1 VTS Rack||Hybrid ARB||21mm Torsion Bar||rich_w Flywheel||
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it was to the orkneys - my 'soon to be ex-wife's mother lives up there, although in hindsight it didn't feel like a holiday... the 1000 mile journey was the most enjoyable bit
Project: Formula Peugeot
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well weller got back to me with news, they won't adjust the ET on some of their wheels, even though they're always making them and it'd only take the addition of a spacer onto their rig for 4 wheels...... they'd want orders of 10 sets before theyd commit to making some that direct fit a 306 Sad

on the other hand i just bought a set of challengers for £25.... shit tyres but meh... could probably scrap them for a profit Tongue
Project: Formula Peugeot
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right, they're not challengers... looked at a pic and they're different.... looks like arianes?

Project: Formula Peugeot
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Yup, Ariannes. I've got a set of these to go on the estate once i put some tyres on them. Wink

I must say, this is a very "interesting" project, different for sure! Glad you're having some fun with it. Big Grin
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Yep, Airanes John. They are 16s which means ra*e tyre prices unless you go for 50 profiles which are a tad big (205/45R16 is a subaru size so £££)

Still you would make a profit scrapping them. I had them on my black HDi and really liked them even if they are a tad heavy (compared to clones/steels).
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do these ones require spacers to fit? i guess so being from a 307, but what am i looking at 10/15mm? and tapered or flat seat bolts?
Project: Formula Peugeot
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Yeah they are ET 31 and the 306 takes ET18 so officially you need 13mm to be perfect but I'd use the 15mms
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I'll be using 20's all round when i fit mine, but only because i've already got 20's all round. Wink
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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15mm spacers, stud conversion and tyres all ordered... going for Kenda on all 4 to start with as i've had them before and tbh for £38 a tyre they're pretty good Smile
Project: Formula Peugeot
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